Chapter 2487 The world where ingredients will drop from the sky

The food world is a world full of delicious food.

This is the world of culinary skills, there is no fancy magic, but only culinary skills that have been multiplied to the peak!

In other words, cooking and cooking are the means of improvement for humans in the food world.

Chefs also have a clear level division, not only the difference in skills and experience, but also the real difference in strength. The ranks of chefs are relatively simple, from low to high, one to five.

According to Zhao Xing, a level 5 chef is enough to make mountains into cooking. He also showed Bailiyuan the video.

In the video, a strong man in a chef's uniform breaks rocks while raising his hand, and uses the energy of the earth veins in the rocks to make special earthy dishes. It is said that cooking can give people the power of the earth attribute and strengthen the physique of native humans in the food world. For practitioners of the earth attribute in other worlds, it is a great nourishing food.

Bailiyuan understood that a fifth-level chef is probably a diamond-level chef.

The lowest first-level chef is a bronze-level strength, which is equivalent to a low-level heraldic envoy.

As for the people who train for the strength of the coat of arms, they are just ordinary people in the food world. After all, the dishes we eat every day are not simple, and ordinary people in the food world are not ordinary in the conventional sense.

Attribute cuisine is only one of the complex types of cuisine in the food world.

Bailiyuan became more interested in the food world.

In fact, Bailiyuan can also easily make cooking have attributes or special effects. It seems that Bailiyuan can only increase his knowledge about cooking in the food world.

But the food exchange meeting is not as simple as it seems.

The food exchange meeting in the food industry is not just about exchanging cooking skills between chefs or making food. The deeper truth is that the chefs in the food world discuss the path of practice together and explore the way to the sixth level!

"I don't know, my culinary skills have reached level six in the food industry." Baili Yuan was very interested.


food world.

Food exchange.

A grand exchange meeting once every fifty years.

On this day, in countless cities, the streets that should have been bustling were empty. Everyone is at home, or where there is a big screen, staring at the big screen without blinking, watching the live broadcast of the exchange meeting, envious of those who can come to the scene in person.

Because ordinary people in the food world have been eating special dishes, their life expectancy can reach about 200 years. Therefore, an ordinary person can only meet at most five food exchange meetings in a lifetime.

Therefore, tens of billions of people watch every food exchange meeting.

The food exchange meeting is not only a carnival for chefs, but also has a huge impact on the economy, culture, politics, entertainment, etc. of the entire food industry.

Those who can become sponsors of the food exchange are all international giants.

The chefs who can participate in the food exchange meeting all have great reputation or great strength.

Anything that goes hand-in-hand with food exchanges will become "world-class" in the food industry.

There was a chef reading a book at a food exchange meeting, which was recorded by the camera. The book in his hand received billions of orders that day, even if it was a children's book.

There was once a chef who hummed a song casually during the cooking process. The album of the song he hummed sold tens of millions of copies on the same day, and the singer of the original song became an international singer.

Even the car that every chef drives to the scene can become the hottest luxury car of the year, attracting countless people to rush to buy it.

It can be said that the chef is the core that drives everything in the food world.

And the chef who can become famous at the food exchange meeting will also get everything. Although these are just things that most chefs already have.

The threshold for participating in food exchanges is also rising year by year.

Zhao Xing has been struggling in the food industry for a while, gained a reputation, and easily obtained the admission qualification for the food exchange meeting. There is even a recommendation qualification, which can recommend one person to join in the food exchange meeting.

Recommended spots are reserved for powerful chefs who are not born.

Zhao Xing's recommendation was naturally given to Bailiyuan.

In fact, quite a few people had approached Zhao Xing and wanted to exchange the recommendation places in Zhao Xing's hands. Money, power, beauties... As long as there is anything in the food world, someone has promised Zhao Xing.

But those things didn't rub off on Baili Yuanxiang.

From Bailiyuan, Zhao Xing learned a lot of cooking skills, which no one else could give.

A group of more than 20 people formally went to the food exchange meeting.

Zhao Xing made a phone call, and a row of luxury cars arrived, sending Zhao Xing and others to the venue of the exchange meeting. The interior of the vehicle is quite luxurious, with sofas, refrigerators, TVs, chess and card tables, and kitchens, just like a small mobile villa.

And there is more than one such car.

In the end, Bailiyuan and Zhao Xing, together with their cooking assistant, sat in one car, and the others were scattered in other cars.

"These cars are the buses of the World Chefs Association and do not belong to any group or country." Zhao Xing explained.

Chefs Guild is an organization established by powerful chefs to help chefs solve various needs. After all, many chefs don't want to have a relationship with a group or country. If they have to rely on each other, they may be manipulated.

In that case the cook would not have a detached position either.

And Zhao Xing joined the Chef's Guild in the food world.

Because of the chef's support, the Chef's Guild has a high status and is quite rich. Of course, it is also a neutral organization.

The food exchange meeting is held in a country with a beautiful environment and abundant resources. This country directly vacated a first-tier city to provide a venue for the food exchange meeting. The huge food exchange site building can be seen clearly even outside the city.

The name of the city is "Silver Black Food City".

Others are looking out at the view, approaching the city.

In the distance of the convoy, there are many similar convoys driving on the road, with the same destination as Bailiyuan's.

During the journey, Bailiyuan and the others had learned more about the food world.

A few people from the food world, the spirit of eating halberds, couldn't help but marvel at the various miracles of the food world. Fortunately, Nakiri Erina and Tiansuo Hui said that they have seen many magical things. Nakiri Senzaemon and Nakiri Mannagi were actually their first contact with the extraordinary world.

"Not all the ingredients in the food world are born and raised in the food world. There are also many ingredients that come from the universe or other worlds, and they will randomly appear in different parts of the world. It's very interesting." Baili Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly.

Either the food world is connected to a larger world, or the food world is not a completely closed world, and things from other worlds can sneak into the food world.

Zhao Xing smiled slightly: "And there is a saying in the food industry that as long as it can be cooked and cooked, it can be made into food."

"It's not an exaggeration to say that soil, mountains and rocks can be added to cooking." Nakiri Senzaemon nodded and said.

Nagiri Nakiri swallowed her saliva, her tongue of God had already started to move.

Seeing that other people were interested, Zhao Xing talked about his experience in the food world, "I have also been lucky enough to see ingredients coming. Generally speaking, the sky will split open, and then creatures or plants will come out of it." .”

"If you want to get these coming ingredients, you need to hunt them down. However, ordinary guns can't cause damage to this kind of coming ingredients. Only the chef can shoot, and use the strength of the chef to kill the ingredients and get the ingredients. Similarly, if you can't deal with If the ingredients cause damage, you will not be able to continue to be a strong chef. If you do more, you can only be an ordinary cook, which is a huge blow to the chef."

"It's so interesting, I really want to take a look." Tian Suohui said curiously with his big watery eyes.

Others were equally curious.

Baili Yuan blinked, then pointed out the window: "Is that what you said about the arrival of ingredients?"

Everyone turned their heads to look, and saw a black hole in the sky suddenly split between Yinhei Food City and the convoy in front of them.


A roar.

A huge black dragon fell from the black hole, and the dragon's power pressed all around, blasting the ground into a deep pit with a mouthful of flames.

Then the black hole slowly disappeared.

An alarm sounded in the car instantly, and the driver driving ahead picked up the communicator and shouted to the back.

"There is a situation where the ingredients are coming! The ingredients that are coming are four-level seven-star ingredients, black flames and endless breath dragons."

"Convoy alert!"

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