Chapter 2485 newcomer trainers will not miss the bully big needle bee colony

"Let's go, Bingliuwei, let's find an opponent to fight!" Nicole got up and said energetically.

Bing Liuwei blinked his eyes.


Wasn't it just now?

Oh, that's called spike.

Then Nicole hugged Bing Liuwei, the ice-cold feeling on Nicole's body made Bing Liuwei narrow his eyes comfortably, and stopped thinking about other things.

Until Nicole jumped into the grass and found a figure hiding in the grass.

A man squatted in the grass, looking at Nicole who suddenly appeared, he was startled.

As a black market hunter, Hogan was waiting for a trade partner here, so he purposely drove away the bug-catchers wandering nearby. But I didn't expect Nicole to slip through the net.

"Wait, the elf in her arms is... Ice Six Tails? That is a rare elf, and the price of Ice Six Tails in the black market has always been high." Hogan's shocked expression disappeared, but he smiled, "Since So, let this Ice Six-tails compensate me for the fright I received."

What is a surprise? What is a windfall?

Hogan felt his destiny was in his hands.

Nicole looked at Hogan strangely, thought about what her papa would say, and then imitated: "You must be here to shit!"

"Damn shit!" Hogan was not angry because of Nicole's words, but stood up, grinning grinningly: "Just let it be your life is bad."

He wanted Bing Liuwei, but Nicole couldn't keep it.

On the one hand, it is because the child can be equipped with ice six tails, which is definitely not an ordinary family. On the other hand, this transaction cannot be exposed.

Can only kill people.

Fearing that something might happen, Hogan threw the poke ball directly.

A big food flower appeared.

It happens that the big food flower can be used to destroy corpses and traces.

"Is it a battle between elves?" Nicole became interested, and then directly threw out Bing Liuwei, who was still squinting in her arms, "It's you, Bing Liuwei!"

Ice Six Tails: (⊙_⊙)?

At the same time, Nicole took out the illustration book and scanned the introduction of Dashihua.

"Come on, Bing Liuwei, blow the fine snow."

But how could Bing Liuwei, who had just left the juvenile stage, beat Da Shi Hua.

Bing Liuwei had just landed, and before he could attack, he was blown away by a leaf of Dashihua, hit a tree, howled in pain, unable to get up.

"Bing Liuwei!" Nicole exclaimed, hurriedly took out the wound medicine, rushed to Bing Liuwei, and said at the same time: "We admit defeat." According to Papa's manual, if the elf falls, it means losing. The trainer can also choose to admit defeat directly.

"Big Food Flower, swallow her!" Hogan yelled.

Dashihua jumped up and opened his mouth wide, trying to swallow Nicole who was facing away from him.

Seeing this scene, Bing Liuwei called out anxiously, trying harder to get up.

However, Nicole suddenly fought back, and the small fist landed on Da Shihua's body, and said without looking back: "Wait a minute, let me put the wound medicine on Bing Liuwei first."


The big food flower was directly thrown into the air, knocked down a big tree as thick as a person, and fell to the ground without any wailing, and passed out directly, losing the ability to fight.

Seeing that Da Shihua had the same experience as herself, Bing Liuwei suddenly laughed, but this smile caused her muscles to contract, which made her feel even more painful.

Fortunately, Nicole has already run to Bing Liuwei's side and started to give Bing Liuwei medicine.

Hogan was frightened by Nicole's punching of the big food flower, and then hurriedly retreated, keeping a distance from Nicole, with a vigilant face, and asked in a startled voice: "What are you?"

Hearing Hogan's voice, Nicole looked up suspiciously, and said inexplicably, "Nicole is Nicole."

"Zhuo!" Hogan cursed in his heart, knowing that something might happen to him this time.

The child opposite is definitely not an ordinary human being!

Instinctively, Hogan wanted to run away, but he thought of the deal he was still waiting for, so he gritted his teeth and said, "How about we just pretend we haven't met before?"


The child is puzzled.

But Nicole got up anyway, took out the small wallet, and under Hogan's vigilant gaze, took out 1,000 yen from it and handed it to Hogan.

"If you lose, you have to pay. This is for you to win 1,000 yen. But Nicole will not admit defeat, and will challenge you again next time."

Looking at the 1,000 yen handed over, Hogan didn't know whether to accept it, but he suddenly had a premonition—this is money for his life.

However, this also made Hogan understand that Nicole should just regard this as an ordinary battle between trainers, which made Hogan temporarily relieved. In this case, Nicole should not attack him.

Although he still has a stronger elf, he doesn't want to spend any more time. It's better to stay away from Nicole, a weird child, who knows if there will be other dangers.

When a black market hunter, the most important thing is to be cautious.

When you encounter something you don't understand, don't know, or don't understand, never get close to it, and stay as far away as you can. This is experience.

Hogan felt a little irritable in his heart, "I don't want money, so go away quickly."

"No, Papa said that if you lose, you have to pay, you can't go whoring for nothing."

What is prostitution?

Finally, seeing Nicole's serious eyes, Hogan had to release another elf bat to be wary of Nicole, and then grabbed the money in Nicole's hand.

"Let's go." Hogan squeezed out an ugly smile on his face.

"Goodbye, uncle." Nicole waved while hugging Bing Liuwei, quite politely.

Seeing that the little plague god was finally about to be sent away, Hogan breathed a sigh of relief.

However, at this moment, the grass rustled, and a man came with a sealed box in his arms, and said carelessly, "I'm here to deliver the goods... huh? Why is there a little girl? And Ice Six Tails? It's worth the money." Goods." Greedy emotions appeared in the other party's eyes.

Hogan thought inwardly, "Why did you come at this time!"

Now that you have seen the transaction site, you must...

buzz buzz --

Strange voices echoed in the forest.

Nicole was puzzled by this voice, Bingliuwei felt the danger, and Hogan and the man who came to deliver the goods all changed their expressions.

This is the sound of the flying wasps, and there are quite a lot of them!

Is there a swarm of squirrel bees passing by?

very close!

"Get down!" Hogan hurriedly put away his elf, shouted at Nicole and another man, and then lay on the ground directly, covering his head with his clothes.

So did another man.

This is the correct way to deal with a large needle bee colony in the wild. Before you encounter a large needle bee colony, it is best to lie on the ground to reduce your sense of existence and reduce the possibility of exposure.

In general, large needle bees will not attack people who have done nothing.

Otherwise, unless one has the strength to wipe out a whole swarm of big needle bees, or has a way to get rid of the swarm of big needle bees quickly, if one is surrounded by a swarm of big needle bees, he is not an elite trainer and will definitely be injured or even lose his life.

Although Nicole didn't know what happened, she followed suit. Sister Angela told her to learn from her predecessors when she was away from home.

It's just that the swarm of large needle bees didn't seem to be passing by. A large group of large needle bees surrounded the three of them. There were more than 60 large needle bees in this group, which was a relatively large group.

Hearing the sounds from all around, Hogan and the man's expressions suddenly changed. They didn't care about hiding, got up directly, released the elves, and went outside together. This number of big needle bees has already exceeded the limit that the two of them can handle, so they can only choose to escape.

The elves couldn't completely protect the two of them, they couldn't bear the sting of any big needle bee.

An injured bee pointing at Nicole in the swarm.

It was she who hurt me!

Holding grudges and looking for helpers are the habits of wild hornets.

At this time, Hogan and another man moved, rushing towards the weak direction of the needle bee swarm.

The leader of the big needle bee ordered directly.

Attack all of them, not letting one go!

The big needle bees attacked, and Nicole also knew that she couldn't lie on her stomach anymore, she got up holding Bing Liuwei, and punched the big needle bee Bangbang twice with her small fist.

The two big needle bees fell to the ground, losing their ability to fight.

The big needle bee swarm besieged the three of them, and Hogan and another man cooperated with each other. Although he suffered some injuries, he still broke out of the encirclement. However, just when they were about to escape, the leader of the big needle bee stared at the two of them, and returned from the two of them in a flash.

The man who came to deliver the goods yelled in pain, the box in his arms fell to the ground, and there was a blood hole on his arm.


"Run if you don't want to die!" Hogan just said, turned around and ran away without hesitation. Just now the leader of the big needle bee attacked very quickly. Hogan guessed that the leader of the big needle bee was at least level 40, and there was a group of big needle bees around level 20 around him. If they stayed, they would die.

The man hesitated for a moment, looked at the big needle bee that surrounded him again, turned around and ran away with the elf.

Life is more important.

As for Nicole, who was besieged by the swarm of needle bees, in the eyes of the two of them, there was no possibility of her surviving.

But the truth is more magical than imagined.

Nicole held Bingliuwei in one hand, and a small fist in the other hand, and knocked down the big needle bee one by one.

In the blink of an eye, Nicole was surrounded by a pile of fainted bees.

There is a big needle bee who wants to sneak attack, but Nicole's reaction ability is much faster than the big needle bee.

Bing Liuwei was greatly shocked, but was a little dizzy after being thrown by Nicole, and his tongue stuck out.

Seeing that Nicole was so brave, the leader of the Big Needle Bee let his subordinates consume Nicole, and finally took action himself.

Admiral Big Needle Bee can kill Nicole!

gather gas!

Poison attack!

And then... emptied.

Nicole tilted her head and avoided the attack of the leader of the big needle bee. She jumped up and punched the leader of the big needle bee in the stomach.

The leader of the big needle bee was repelled, but he did not directly lose his fighting ability.

Failed to kill Nicole directly, the leader of the big needle bee directly used the ultimate move.

Reverse Scale!

Seeing the leader of the big needle bee attacking aggressively, Nicole also became serious, and the power of ice was condensed on her fist.

"Ice Fist!"

Two figures crossed past.

Nicole stood on the body of a group of fainted snails, the leader of the snails fell to the ground and was frozen into ice lumps.


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