Chapter 2479 Greedy Clone: ​​This map is boring, change the map

It was a battle that mortals could not look directly at.

One sword and one punch seemed to destroy the whole world.

The space shattered and the continent trembled.

Yu Yuanzhen, who was on the way, was too frightened to move forward. Everyone in the reclusive Haotian School flew into the sky one after another, looking into the distance. After some discussion, a Titled Douluo flew in the direction of the Spirit Hall. On Sea God Island, Bo Saixi looked in the direction of the mainland in shock, and stopped other people who wanted to enter the mainland to explore. Countless people of the two empires knelt on the ground, begging the gods for forgiveness. The nobles ran away with their heads in their hands, and the emperor got up from the imperial chair.

In the forest, on the ice field, and in the deep sea, spirit beasts from all over the world began to riot. They fled frantically, trying to stay away from the direction of the battlefield.

The expressions of the ferocious beasts hidden in the Star Dou Great Forest and the Extreme North Land changed.

In the depths of the Star Dou Great Forest, there are existences that hide even deeper.

That's God!

She must hide from God!

If someone looked down at the entire continent from a high altitude, they would see that the parts of the Douluo Continent were collided by this blow and began to shift.

The people under the battlefield felt more intuitively, they saw the sky tilting.

"This is... God!?"

When everyone was shocked by such a shocking scene, they gave up thinking.

Only Bailiyuan lay on the ground with her butt pouted, using the power of space to repair the soon-to-be-broken space of Douluo Continent.

If the space is broken, the impact will be extremely serious, and none of these people present will survive.

They are not Ultraman, and it is difficult to pick up the system in the turbulence of time and space.

Bibi Dong and Greedy Clone are not gods after all.

Bibi Dong could only slash three swords!

One sword uses the body, one sword uses the god, and one sword uses the soul.

Greedy Clone can only punch three punches.

Ten years of life with one punch.

Three punches down, thirty years of life is gone.

And the thirty-year lifespan was used by Bailiyuan.

Bailiyuan: Gan!


After the battle, Bailiyuan hastily repaired the space, and everyone looked at the sky.

Greatswords and giants are gone.

In the sky, the greedy avatar was pinching Bibi Dong's neck!

Although the greedy avatar was embarrassed, it was not seriously injured. After all, the greedy avatar directly used up its lifespan to fight. But Bibi Dong was different, her body, spirit and soul were burned as firewood for using the Three Swords, and now they were completely burned, leaving only ashes.

The soul bone is broken, the body is weak, the spirit is overdrawn, and the soul is empty.

The Vulcan sword and the evil spirit ring disappeared.

She can't live anymore.

Everyone in front of Wuhundian was in despair.



"Impossible, absolutely impossible! Why is he so strong?"

"Ah!!! Hate!!! Why didn't you just run away?"

"I surrender, I surrender, I can work for you!"

The last hope, dashed. Pain and madness spread in the hearts of everyone below, but they were powerless to escape.

Ning Fengzhi looked at Jian Douluo, "Uncle Chen, thank you and Uncle Gu for your contributions to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School for so many years, Fengzhi is incompetent. I'm sorry."

Jian Douluo shook his head, "Feng Zhi, you've done a good job, it's just because the enemy is too strong."

Immediately Jian Douluo smiled wryly, let out a long sigh, closed his eyes, and waited for death. The same is true for Ning Fengzhi.

At least, as the suzerain of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect and Title Douluo, they can only choose to give themselves the last respect.

In the sky, the blood in Bibi Dong's eyes receded, she regained her sobriety, and the previous battle replayed in her mind.

"Is this the power of God?" She felt that with the last three blows, she had touched the legendary realm. If she can resume her practice, it will be easier to enter that realm in the future. However, she had no chance.

She is exhausted.

It's ridiculous that even that kind of power can't defeat the Greedy Clone.

Even, she lost her own strength.

The fist of the Greedy Clone just now not only has the power of two Martial Souls, but also the greedy power of the Greedy Clone! The power of greed is the power of the greed clone to activate the ability.

In this state, the ability of the Greedy Clone goes beyond the limitation that it can only be used on corpses, and becomes able to absorb abilities from the attacked target.

The first punch absorbed Bibi Dong's Death Spider Emperor martial spirit.

The second punch absorbed Bibi Dong's Soul-eating Spider Emperor martial soul.

The third punch absorbed the remaining Raksha power in Bibi Dong's body.

Now, the greedy clone has achieved its purpose.

Dark Devilgod Tiger, Seraphim, Holy Dragon, Death Spider Emperor, Soul Eater Spider Emperor. Five top martial spirits gathered together.

Angel power and Rakshasa power. The two divine powers are mastered by the greedy avatar.

At this moment, the greedy avatar is already qualified to achieve the god position on its own and step into the god realm!

The sky was gloomy, as if some terrifying existence descended, bringing a huge sense of depression. In the gloom, a dark passage is taking shape.

That is the way to the God Realm.

It's just that the people on the Douluo Continent don't know the truth, they only think that the greedy avatar is so powerful that it wants to destroy the mainland.

Bibi Dong sensed the appearance of the tunnel, but she couldn't think of anything else, her consciousness was fading rapidly, and the scenes of her life played back like a marquee.

The innocence of youth, the longing for love, the humiliation of being defiled...

Chihiro disease, master...

One by one, people who changed her life emerged in her mind.

It's just that these people just made Bibi Dong feel that her life was more painful, and finally, a gleam of light appeared in her memory.

Qian Renxue, her daughter.

She wanted to touch it, but she hated it very much.

At the last moment of her life, she suddenly wanted to hug Qian Renxue and hear her call herself "Mom".


No chance.

The greedy clone just let go.

Bibi Dong's weak body gradually fell, and her consciousness gradually dissipated. The beautiful face has a bit of misery, which looks very pitiful.

Suddenly a figure appeared beside Bibi Dong, and kicked Bibi Dong's body, completely ending Bibi Dong's vitality.

It was Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu looked at Bibi Dong's body, her eyes were red with tears at the corners of her eyes.

"Hmph, the revenge of killing my mother is over today!"

Originally, Xiao Wu planned to take revenge herself, but now that Bibi Dong was on the verge of death, she could only make up for the last blow. Then Xiao Wu came to Bibi Dong's body, and took away the broken 100,000-year soft bone rabbit soul bone from Bibi Dong's body.

"Sister Xiao Wu." Da Ming and Er Ming followed, looking at Xiao Wu with some concern.

"I'm fine." Xiao Wu wiped away her tears, then carefully put away the spirit bone, turned around and said, "Let's go, I don't want to go back to Douluo Dalu in the future."

Da Ming and Er Ming looked at each other and nodded.

Daming said: "Where Miss Xiao Wu is, I will be there."

Er Ming: "Me too."

Xiao Wu smiled through her tears, dragged Da Ming and Er Ming to bounce away.

In the sky, the greedy avatar stopped howling from below, looked at the passage from above to receive him, smiled evilly, and shouted to the below: "It's boring and boring, this Douluo Continent is too boring. You so-called A strong man doesn't even have any value for me to look at."

Some people below were angry, some were calm, and some begged for mercy.

Greedy avatar waved, and the evil power he released was taken back by him, and the affected people gradually recovered.

This scene is incomprehensible.

"Hehe, you don't even have the qualifications for me to kill you." The greedy avatar suddenly sneered: "Except for those who offend me, I am greedy and don't kill the weak, so you took a life."

Only at this time did someone realize that besides Bibi Dong, the second person who seemed to be alive in this battle, even Grandmaster could still breathe.

Greedy clone's words are too humiliating, but no one can refute it, because he is strong enough, and some people even thank greedy clone for not killing. The only one who can call a group of Titled Douluo weak is Greedy Clone.

"Strength allows me to knock down you idiots, and then reason. Originally, it was only the people of the Star Luo Empire and the White Tiger Sect who wanted to attack my daughter, so I killed them, but you are only because of my martial spirit and strength. Hit me, hehe."

A mocking smile made the people below not know what to say. Because it was their consensus to eliminate the evil soul masters, there seemed to be nothing wrong, but no one dared to reason with the greedy avatar. That is, everyone made a note of the Star Luo Empire and the White Tiger Sect.

"Since the Douluo Continent is so boring, then I will leave the Douluo Continent, trash, watch, this is the scene where I am greedy to enter the hundredth level and ascend to the God Realm!"

Greedy avatars of the Dark Devilgod Tiger and the Seraph Wuhun appeared at the same time.

In the eyes of everyone, the two spirits began to condense the tenth spirit ring out of the nine spirit rings!

No, it's the divine ring!

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