I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 2473 Bibi Dong makes a move, goodbye soul bone suit

"Their plan has changed." Junko Shirakawa was keenly aware of the change.

Shirley looked at it for a while, and said with some surprise: "The others all retreated, and the pope is fighting the greedy clone alone, what are they going to do?"

"Maybe it's some kind of fusion technique." Bailiyuan was also a little surprised, such a large-scale multi-person fusion technique is really rare.

Those who retreated sat cross-legged separately, with the Title Douluo in front, and the Contra and Soul Saints in the rear. Then, under the command of the master, he continued to test and connect everyone's soul power little by little.

While Bailiyuan was watching the actions of Title Douluo and Contras, Junko Bai Chuan suddenly said, "Bibi Dong is really beautiful."

What? pretty?

Baili Yuan hurriedly raised his head to look in Bibi Dong's direction.

However, at this time Bibi Dong was already possessed by a martial soul. Bibi Dong's upper body was covered with a layer of purple-black armor, and even her face was covered by a carapace. under the eyes. There are also four small eyes that grow out.

The legs disappeared, and the abdomen turned into a huge round ball. Eight thick long legs grew from this sphere, driving her body to walk like flying, with large green hair growing on them, and disgusting mucus. When it dripped on the ground, it made a constant popping sound, strongly corroding.

Make Bibi Dong look like a giant poisonous spider.

Bibi Dong gave people a very hideous and terrifying feeling, because Bibi Dong couldn't control the Rakshasa divine power and the evil divine power, and the two divine powers affected her in turn.

It's not a question of whether she's beautiful or not, it's already out of the ordinary, it seems like she's suddenly more... Bah!

I'm not, I'm not!

"Look!" Bai Chuan Junzi's voice came from above Baili Yuan's head.

When Bailiyuan looked up, he found that Junko Bai Chuan, Shirley and Shazi were all looking at him.

"You are fishing law enforcement."

"That's law enforcement, so you can't be more serious? Andy has told me many times, let me watch you."

"Is it wrong for boys to like to see beautiful women?"

"Aren't we pretty?"


This is a sending proposition.


in the sky.

Title Douluo and Contra retreated, Bibi Dong personally made a move, possessed by Wuhun, and fought with the Greedy clone.

Although Bibi Dong's appearance became ferocious at this time, no one dared to look at Bibi Dong with strange eyes, they all lamented how powerful Bibi Dong was.

Unlike other Title Douluo, Bibi Dong can surprisingly confront the Greedy clone head-on.

Killing God Domain!

Death field!

The domain of death is the innate domain of Bibidong's number one martial spirit, the Death Spider Emperor, but it is not a natural domain, but Bibidong awakened this innate domain after absorbing the soul ring of a hundred thousand year-old Death Spider Emperor.

Absorbing the soul rings of the same kind of martial soul will improve the quality of the martial soul and develop the potential of the martial soul.

Bibi Dong has twin martial souls, both of which are spider-like martial souls, the spider emperor among the spiders, and the king of insect-like soul beasts. (Spiders are not insects, but the original text is about insects, and the classification of animals in the original text shall prevail)

If the Death Spider Emperor had awakened the talent field from the beginning, which proved that the Death Spider Emperor had greater potential, she would not regard the Death Spider Emperor as the first martial spirit. The reason why he made such a choice at the beginning was because Bibi Dong's other martial soul, the Soul-eating Spider Emperor, had a more bizarre ability, and it would be even more terrifying to cultivate.

As Bibi Dong continued to become stronger, the domain of death also became stronger.

Now Bibi Dong is level ninety-nine, and the domain has a total of three effects——

1: Increase the overall attributes of the self by 10%, and reduce the enemy's overall attributes by 20%;

Two: Enemies within the domain cannot use any hidden skills or teleportation skills, and at the same time produce mental deterrence, increasing their own mental strength by 20%, and weakening the opponent's mental strength by 20%;

Three: The area within the domain is filled with the poison of the Death Spider Emperor, which is highly corrosive and diffuse, and can also reduce the opponent's speed by ten percent. Once poisoned, the body will continue to weaken until death. If it is used in war, it will be a disastrous existence for ordinary soldiers or low-level soul masters

The two layers of domains are superimposed, suppressing the greedy clone. And the greedy avatar also got a little more serious, releasing the talent domain of the Dark Devilgod Tiger that he had developed.

Killing God Domain, superimposed——Cthulhu Domain!

Ninety-nine-level ultimate strength also allows the domain of evil gods to have three major effects——

The first effect increases the overall attributes of the self by 20%, and reduces the enemy's overall attributes by 30%;

The second effect makes it impossible for opponents to escape from the scope of the domain, and the extreme evil power that fills the domain will continuously erode the body, spirit, strength and soul of all life in the domain until it is transformed into evil puppets;

The third effect is to carry a field skill - life and death duel field. It evolved from the Dark Devilgod Tiger's strange ability, the Life and Death Arena skill. It can open the duel field, suck an opponent in the field into the field of the life and death duel field, return yourself and the opponent to the state of childhood at the same time, and then perform life and death battles. duel!

The skill of life and death duel field is definitely a supernatural skill for leapfrogging challenges, even surpassing the original effect of life and death arena. It can be said that with this magical skill, no one on the Douluo Continent can deal with the Greedy Clone.

On the Douluo Continent, the infancy of human beings is generally before the age of six, and the infancy of spirit beasts is generally in the juvenile period. However, for Ultraman, Bailiyuan is still a child now, and the Greedy clone is also a child. In other words, it will not have any effect on the Greedy clone.

The place where the duel field of life and death surpasses the arena of life and death is that this skill is beneficial to the greedy clone and will not affect his state. The only limitation is that it can only pull one person at a time.

Greedy avatar did not directly open the duel field of life and death, what he wanted was a battle to make the opponent feel hopeless, not to solve the opponent casually.

The four realms collided, and Bibi Dong also used all her strength except the divine weapon.

Soul bone, now!

Attached with soul bones, six-winged purple wings!

The six purple wings, which are as thin as a cicada's wings, are obtained from the external soul bone of the soul beast Purple Wing Spider Emperor. With flying skills, it can evolve.

The spirit of the head is immune to the soul bone!

The left arm bone of the spider emperor who died for 100,000 years!

The right arm bone of the spider emperor who died for 100,000 years!

A hundred thousand year torso spirit bone!

100,000-year-old right leg soft bone rabbit soul bone!

The mirror image soul bone of the left leg!

Impressively, it is another set of soul bone set, and it has an external soul bone, and four hundred thousand year soul bones. The soul bones on the left and right arms come from the same hundred thousand year soul beast. It can be said that there is no precedent for a hundred thousand year soul beast to produce two soul bones in a row.

If there is no Greedy Clone, it is not an exaggeration to say that Bibi Dong is the chosen person of Douluo Continent.

In fact, Bibi Dong is also the genius who has the most hope of becoming a god in the Douluo Continent for thousands of years!

Bibi Dong's full set of soul bone set was shocking again, the greedy avatar even turned red-eyed.

Because the greedy avatar's full set of evil spirit bone set does not have a soul bone of 100,000 years.

Compared with Bibidong's spirit bone, the full set of evil spirit bone set is more comprehensive, and its attributes are more unified. Under the strengthening of the ultimate evil power, it is not weaker than a hundred thousand year spirit bone. The evil spirit bone suit can be continued in the future. I grew up a little... suddenly I got a lot of psychological balance.

But no, he is a greedy avatar, how could he not be jealous when he saw a hundred thousand year soul bone? !

Xiao Wu was also red-eyed.

That 100,000-year-old right leg soft bone rabbit soul bone belonged to her mother!

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