I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 2464 Against Xingluo Royal Academy, Zhu Zhuqing's corner overtaking

As soon as the Starfire Academy arrived at the rest area, before they settled down, Dugu Bo was called to draw lots.

Standing among a group of college deans and teachers, Dugu Bo, who was at the Douluo level, stood out from the crowd and stood out, because no one dared to get close to Dugu Bo.

No other meaning, just afraid of poisoning.

Dugu Bo snorted coldly, then proudly raised his chin, and stretched his hand into the lottery box.

When Dugu Bo returned, he also informed everyone about the upcoming game.

"We played against a principality team in the first round, but the opponent had seen our battle in the promotion match and was frightened, so they abstained. And according to the ranking, we had a bye in the second round, so we You can rest for now."

Everyone was speechless.

It was a bit too leisurely to rest for two consecutive rounds at the beginning.

"We can just go and see the teams of other colleges and collect their information." The soul master of the vigorous ant said with an idea.


No one answered, and then everyone dispersed, each doing his own thing, leaving the soul master Dali Ant confused.

In the end, Zhu Zhu counted the Dali Ant soul master.

"We're not the main force, we just need to hug our thighs honestly, what are we thinking so much about?"


Are you so willing to be a salted fish?

Hey, don't say it, it's so comfortable to be a salted fish.

The finals looked great, but they were not as grand as the qualifiers. There wasn't even an opening ceremony, and the number of spectators was pitifully small, at most around ten thousand, but these people were all soul masters, and among them were quite a few nobles.

"What are you expecting?" Junko Bai Chuan asked the disappointed Baili Yuan with his eyes wide open.

"I'm thinking, the opening ceremony of the finals should have something like a hot dance opening..."


Fortunately, although there is no hot dance, but because of the warmth of the soul power, as long as the martial soul is not too strange, the appearance of the soul masters is generally online, and there are not many beauties around.

The top nine vacant seats at the entrance of the Pope's Palace were gradually filled with people as the competition started.

Qian Renxue took two Contra guards and sat on the position representing the Heaven Dou Empire.

Star Dou Empire also has a representative to sit on the seat, but not the prince.

The seven sects are divided into three upper sects and four lower sects.

The last three cases.

The position of Haotianzong is empty.

Ning Fengzhi took Bone Douluo and Sword Douluo to sit on the seats representing the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

The Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family is led by Yu Luomian, the second master. By the way, he is also Liu Erlong's father and Grandmaster's uncle, so seeing Yu Luomian, both Grandmaster and Liu Erlong felt guilty, but Yu Luomian didn't seem to notice them at all, or I don't want to worry about it anymore.

The next four cases.

The White Tiger Sect, the Wind Sword Sect, the Elephant Armor Sect, and the Fire Leopard Sect, due to various reasons, all four sects came here in person. (This is set according to manga and anime)

In fact, the lower four sects are not as high as imagined, because there is no Title Douluo in their sects, and there are many strong men in many sects who are not weaker or less than the strong men in the lower four sects, such as those who support the five elements The sect of the academy.

Behind the Elephant Armor Academy is the Elephant Armor Sect. The forces behind Blazing Fire Academy, Tianshui Academy, and Shenfeng Academy are not much worse than the Elephant Armor Sect, but their reputation is not obvious, and they are not as public as the Elephant Armor Sect.

Among the Five Elements Academy, the one with the deepest background is actually the Thunder Academy, because behind the Thunder Academy is the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family.

The Blue Tyrannosaurus Academy, the predecessor of Shrek Academy, also has a certain background of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family, but it is mainly a nominal relationship, and it is Yu Luomian's preferential treatment for his illegitimate daughter. of the title.

Dugu Bo was introducing the sects that appeared to Tang San and Dugu Yan. He knew all about some sects. After all, he was a Titled Douluo, so he still had knowledge and vision.

"There are four single-attribute sects over there. They used to be regarded as affiliated sects of the Clear Sky School. Later, they left the Clear Sky School. I heard that things are not going well now. It's a pity that they were not weaker than the next four sects at the time. How much, I didn't expect them to come. I just don't know if I want to join the Wuhun Palace or have other plans. Speaking of which, I heard that the four major single-attribute sects seem to have something to do with your father..."

Tang San nodded slightly, remembering it in his heart.

Are the four single-attribute sects poor? Very poor, maybe I will be a proletarian companion in the future.

The game continued, one game at a time.

The third round started, and there were still twelve teams left.

The team matched by Starfire Academy is Xingluo Royal Academy.

"Finally I can move around well." Xiao Wu said bouncingly.

Then Tang San and Zhu Zhuqing looked at each other, Tang San knew that some people in the Star Luo Royal Academy would be Zhu Zhuqing's future enemies, this battle was the second step of Zhu Zhuqing's rebellion against fate.

Well, the first step is to beat Dai Mubai.

Dai Mubai looked at the bustling Starfire Academy with complicated emotions, then he looked in another direction, the Xingluo Royal Academy team over there.

His elder brother and sister-in-law, who are also his future competitors, are in the Star Luo Royal Academy.

"I don't know if she can really break free from her fate. The royal family and the Zhu family are not as simple as it seems. Even if the Starfire Academy has the title Douluo, other forces will not watch the Star Luo Empire be overthrown." Dai Mubai thought in his heart. Bitterness, mostly unwillingness in my heart.

He was thinking, if he hadn't abandoned Zhu Zhuqing back then, hadn't been cowardly and withdrawn, hadn't been extravagant, and hadn't given up on himself, would he be able to stand with Zhu Zhuqing now, join the Starfire Academy, and seize the opportunity to resist fate together. But it's too late to say anything now.

Shrek Academy does not have the ability to help him resist fate, unless he joins the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School, but the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School would not take him in casually as the Star Luo Prince. No matter how talented he is, many forces will reject his joining because of his status.

Both sides come to power.

On the Spark Academy side, Tang San, Dugu Yan, Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhuqing, Nicole, as well as an auxiliary soul master and a healing soul master were on stage.

Da Ming and Er Ming waved their flags and shouted below.

Bailiyuan had also summoned the goddess Nikki long ago.

Among the many academy teams from the Heaven Dou Empire, some saw through Zhu Zhuqing's identity, and after seeing Zhu Zhuqing face off against the Xingluo Royal Academy team, they cheered up. Some people also speculated whether the Starfire Academy would concentrate its power on Zhu Zhuqing again this time, and let Zhu Zhuqing list against Xingluo Royal Academy.

On the Xingluo Royal Academy side, the leaders are a man and a woman, the blond man is 70% similar to Dai Mubai, and the woman is also very similar to Zhu Zhuqing. Both of them are several years older than Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing.

They are Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing's brother and sister - Davis and Zhu Zhuyun.

The reason why Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing felt hopeless was because Davis and Zhu Zhuyun were born a few years earlier than the two, and also cultivated for a few years longer than the two, and they had won over many forces and mastered a lot of resources before them, allowing them to have What confidence dare to compare with such an opponent?

Not fair at all.

Unless Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing have great talents and can come from behind, otherwise they can't beat Davis and Zhu Zhuyun at all. And the fact is that in the history of the Star Luo Empire, according to the internal rules of the two families, the eldest son and eldest daughter usually win. The losers are all abolished, and then either killed or exiled.

But now, Zhu Zhuqing has found an opportunity to overtake in a curve at the Spark Academy, and she even has nitrogen to accelerate.

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