Chapter 2448 title

The updated information about everyone in the Starfire Academy was sent to Pope Bibidong's table in Wuhun City overnight.

"Strength department soul master, dragon transformation soul master, extremely fast speed soul master, plus the mutated blue silver grass martial soul soul master and Dugu Bo's granddaughter, and... the mysterious captain of the auxiliary department, these six are the Starfire Academy The core of the team, among the others, only the agility attack system soul master is the most talented, you can try to win him over."

"Captain Nicole, the martial spirit is inauspicious, the level is unknown, she has not released the spirit ring from the beginning to the end, and the combination of the spirit ring is inauspicious, that is to say, nothing is clear. What she used in the competition was not a spirit ring or a spirit skill, but a spirit ring. Self-created soul skills? No, it should be the ability of the innate domain, the domain should be the domain of light attributes, and the power possessed by the martial soul should have both light and ice."

"You must become a Titled Douluo before the age of twenty-five? Hehe."

Bibi Dong threw Nicole's information on the table.

"I really didn't expect that besides the golden generation of Wuhun Temple, there are such talented soul masters outside. Not surprisingly, this Nicole should not be a simple soul sect. Her identity and background are also not simple, and she has never heard of it." A powerful martial soul with both light and ice attributes."

"Perhaps she is not just an auxiliary system soul master, but after all, she is just a person who can always find a way to deal with it. A genius is just a genius."

In fact, what attracted Bibidong the most was the background of the Spark Academy. Being able to cultivate so many geniuses and make Dugu Bo submit to him proved that the background of the Spark Academy was not simple.

There is another piece of information that Bibi Dong cares about, that is Nicole's titled Douluo maid, Wuhundian doesn't even have such handiwork, after all, which Titled Douluo is not incomparably noble? Even the title Douluo who was born as a slave didn't dare to treat him as a slave.

Is it a bluff? Or is it true?

But at least to be sure, Nicole definitely has an extraordinary background.

But still can't make Bibi Dong afraid.

"Come on."

A light drink.

Two figures appeared in the hall, bowing and saluting.

"See Your Majesty the Pope."

Two voices sounded at the same time, one soft and the other strange.

Wuhundian Title Douluo——

Chrysanthemum Douluo, Moon Pass.

Ghost Douluo, ghost.

The two are Bibi Dong's confidantes.

"Go and investigate the Spark Academy, be careful." Bibi Dong gave the order.


The two had no objection and disappeared.

Sitting on the Pope's chair, Bibi Dong looked at the starry sky outside the main hall.

The disappearance of Qian Daoliu made Bibidong seize the opportunity to win over elders and priests, eliminate dissidents, strengthen her power, promise great profits and control by force.

Now, except for the second priest in the hall of worship who can't stay in retreat, and doesn't accept solicitation.

There are only a few priests who have not been completely won over, but those few priests will no longer oppose her, and the remaining elders and other priests all choose to submit.

The Spirit Hall seemed to be Bibi Dong's Spirit Hall, which made Bibi Dong's power extremely powerful, plus her own strength, she would not even frown when facing several Title Douluo.

This also made Bibi Dong's ambitions extremely inflated, and even a little uncontrollable.

She wants to control the entire Douluo Continent, and then... destroy everything!

No one is spared.

This is Rakshasa!

"However, there is still a variable. You must control that thing in your hands before you can officially start the plan, otherwise there may be changes."

The artifact that fell from the sky back then was not an ordinary artifact, it was something that could change the situation in Douluo Continent, and it was also the only thing that Bibi Dong valued, so it had to be controlled in his hands.

Standing up and leaving the seat, the noble figure disappeared on the seat.


Heaven Dou Imperial City.

The competition continues.

There may be different opinions on which teams can qualify, but if it is said which team can win the championship, only Starfire Academy is recognized.

Not only because of the powerful Quanhunzun team of Starfire Academy, but also because of the powerful abilities mastered by everyone in the team.

They also have their own names.

Shura Wuying, Tang San. Hiding in the poisonous fog, no one can see how he makes a move, but his attacks can always accurately hit the enemy's vital points.

Desperate Snake Girl, Dugu Yan. The poison is deadly, and those who are poisoned by it may be in danger of life.

Dragon Claw, Daming.

Juli, Erming.

Instant body, Xiao Wu.

The titles of the three of them are relatively concise, and they all line up with Xiao Wu's two characters.

Finally, there is the goddess Nicole.

Of course, the other members who make up the number also have their own titles, but they are not as loud as their titles.

Except for Nicole's title, other people's titles are more or less controlled by people.

Because Tang San's title almost became "LYB" and "Ruanfannan" at the beginning.

Who made Tang San always act only after Dugu Yan opened the poisonous mist, at first glance he didn't look like a serious person. And the majority of men are very jealous of Tang San's handsome face and having such a beautiful girlfriend as Dugu Yan, so naturally they won't say anything nice in private.

The six core members of the Xinghuo Academy team are difficult for outsiders to contact and win over. Only Ning Fengzhi met Tang San as the "Teacher Prince", and Tang San sold a lot of hidden weapons and obtained a large sum of money.

These are all funds for the future revolution.

Unfortunately, the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect was also targeted by the revolution.

This is called "use your money to buy guns and beat you".

As for the rest of the Starfire Academy team, they are not so idle, and they don't all live in seclusion, so they are often wooed by other forces.

Naturally, Qian Renxue would not allow the people she cultivated to be poached. Of course, the team members are not fools. No matter how many other forces give them benefits, is there a Titled Douluo to accompany them? Do you have thighs to hug?

Qian Renxue didn't need to do anything, a sensible person would resolutely reject all solicitations, at least for the time being.

There is no betrayal, just because the interests are not big enough.

Salas couldn't get in touch with the core six, but set his sights on the rest. Wuhundian will not let go of an opportunity to attract talents, even if Wuhundian already has enough talents, after all, this can weaken the opponent.

Naturally, Dai Mubai did not give up meeting Zhu Zhuqing privately, and as a result, various accidents would block his plan every time. Even if Dai Mubai came to visit, he was responded with the reason of "absence". Dai Mubai seemed to understand what was behind him, and then He never tried to contact Zhu Zhuqing proactively.

There are also many nobles who come to inquire about the Spark Academy, wanting to transfer their descendants to the Spark Academy.

Who made the performance of the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy really stretch their hips.

There's no way, because in this competition, the teams from each academy are really good, and the second Tiandou team as a backdrop is rubbish.

According to Qian Renxue, Emperor Xue Ye has not been able to eat well for several days.

It's just that if you follow the way of the nobles, it is extremely difficult to reform.

In the next few rounds of matches at Starfire Academy, most opponents chose to forfeit the match, because the members of Elephant Armor Academy were in extremely bad condition. Except for Hu Yanli, the other players were not injured, but it was difficult to regain the fighting spirit , which directly affected the next few games, and this state has been maintained for half a month.

Let alone the top three, they are not even sure whether they can qualify.

In this way, Mammoth was banned.

Hu Yanzhen never appeared at the VIP table again. He intended to trouble the Spark Academy, but he still endured it, because the Spark Academy not only has Dugu Bo as a Titled Douluo, but also a Shaliste.

During the investigation and information disclosure by interested people, many forces also got to know Shaliste, an unfamiliar Titled Douluo.

According to the records, she made a public attack only once, and it was against Dugu Bo in the big auction. She almost killed Dugu Bo instantly with one blow, and she also mastered domain abilities that Title Douluo seldom mastered.

Combat strength is comparable to that of a peak Douluo.

Other academies don't want to follow in the footsteps of the Weevil Academy.

Even if they want to fight with the Spark Academy, they usually focus on learning from each other. It is impossible to fight for real. They don't want to be dragged by Nicole.

For various reasons, the Xinghuo Academy team sat on the bench for several rounds, and only got off the court after warming up.

After the ninth round of the competition, the distance between the various colleges has been widened, and the seeded teams have long been determined to get the promotion places. Even if they lose all the subsequent competitions, they can still advance.

Only some academy teams are more dangerous, in an embarrassing situation where they may advance at any time and may exit at any time, so for these teams, every next game is extremely important.

Finally, the tenth round began.

"The result of the lottery, Starfire Academy vs. Shrek Academy!"


Hearing Salas' voice, in Shrek Academy, Dai Mubai immediately stood up, looking in the direction of Starfire Academy, looking for Zhu Zhuqing's figure.

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