Chapter 2443 Goddess

Academy of Mars, battle, Academy of Sparks.

Mars Academy is also a veteran academy in the Heaven Dou Empire. Although it is not as good as the Five Elements Academy, the strength of the team is not weak, and it has entered the promotion competition many times.

The Mars Academy team is also very strong this time.

And because it is clear that Spark Academy is not easy, so this time, Mars Academy directly became the main force, trying not to overturn.

Two academy teams played.

When Xinghuo Academy played, even Emperor Xue Ye couldn't help paying attention to Xinghuo Academy.

Not only because of Dugu Bo, but also because of the little girl named Nicole in the team.

Yesterday's appearance, Nicole's special appearance also attracted the attention of many people, and what they paid most attention to was Nicole's age.

It's impossible to really let a child participate in the advanced soul master competition.

Some people speculated that Nicole didn't grow up because of her martial soul.

However, Emperor Xue Ye learned from Prince Xue Beng that the child named Nicole is not simple, and there may be a powerful Titled Douluo behind him, even stronger than Dugu Bo.

Xue Beng was also a witness of the auction at the time. Like Dugu Bo, he was the one who was beaten. Unfortunately, later Xue Beng wanted to know from Dugu Bo what happened after Dugu Bo was taken away, but Dugu Bo kept his mouth shut. , and warned him not to ask questions if he didn't want to die.

To make Dugu Bo so fearful, at least he is a Title Douluo above level 95.

Then Emperor Xue Ye glanced at the back of "Xue Qinghe" without leaving any trace.

Emperor Xue Ye naturally knew that "Xue Qinghe" had a special connection with those people, which was also the reason why Emperor Xue Ye secretly supported "Xue Qinghe" to become the crown prince.

Regardless of the cooperation between the Heaven Dou Empire and the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, Prince Xue Beng also made friends with Dugu Bo.

But the Heaven Dou Empire does not have its own titled Douluo.

If "Xue Qinghe" can really win over a strong enough Title Douluo, the status of the Heaven Dou Empire royal family will be more stable in the future, and the Heaven Dou Empire will be more secure.

Wuhundian has become increasingly unstable recently.

In fact, the ones that Emperor Xue Ye most wanted to win over were the players from Spark Academy, especially Nicole.

The Starfire Academy played, but what was surprising was that in the first game, Nicole was on the field, but she was at the end.

It was Tang San who led the team, Dugu Yan followed him, and behind him were four make-up players, including the agility attack girl.

In fact, normally speaking, Nicole can't play, who makes the child want to participate in the first game.

So Nicole replaced an auxiliary soul master in the team.

Seeing Dugu Yan enter the stage, Dugu Bo immediately became excited and cheered at the VIP seats.

"Come on Yanyan."

Just waving the flag.

Dugu Yan in the field heard the movement, and saw Dugu Bo, hurriedly covered his face, as if he wanted to carry Tang San and escape.

How embarrassing!

Others were a little puzzled when they saw the position of the Starfire Academy.

"Senior Poison Douluo, may I ask why the captain of the Starfire Academy, Nicole, didn't walk in the front, and most of the players on the field were the players who walked in the last row yesterday?" Ning Fengzhi asked Dugu Bo with a smile.

Hearing other people's inquiries, Dugu Bo didn't hide it either.

"What are you talking about, Nicole is the auxiliary soul master in the team. It is more suitable for commanding at the end of the team. Everyone else is just making up the numbers. My Yanyan and the third son are enough."


The captain of the team turned out to be an auxiliary soul master?

Everyone who heard Dugu Bo's words showed strange expressions.

Why does an auxiliary system soul master become the captain? What is it that convinces the other team members? And shouldn't the one in charge be a control system soul master?

Ning Fengzhi was the one who didn't understand the most, because he dared to say that in this continent, no one knew more about auxiliary system soul masters than him.

But the information revealed in Dugu Bo's words is not only these.

"Hehe, Poison Douluo is really confident, and the other team members are all making up the numbers? It really makes people look forward to the performance of Poison Douluo's granddaughter and that boy." Salas said eccentrically.


Dugu Bo didn't reply, but just sneered, showing disdain to talk to him, which made Salas's face turn red.

I'm so mad!

Emperor Xue Ye changed the topic: "Poison Douluo, then the male player leading the team at this time is the vice-captain?"

"No, he doesn't deserve it." Dugu Bo would always scold Tang San in a few words, even though he didn't object to Tang San being with Dugu Yan.


Everyone found that they couldn't understand Spark Academy.

At this time, the two teams in the field have already started to release their martial souls.

The captain of the Mars Academy is a forty-fourth-level attack-type soul sect. The martial soul is of the fire attribute, with the best soul ring ratio.

The players behind him are not weak either.

The Xinghuo Academy side released the martial soul at the same time.

Tang San and Dugu Yan looked at each other, then smiled.

The Blue Silver Emperor appeared in Tang San's hands, "Martial spirit, Mutated Blue Silver Grass, level forty-five, control-type battle soul master."

That's what Tang San said to the outside world. With the help of Wuhun, handsome people become even more handsome.

"Martial Soul Possession." Dugu Yan said softly, "Martial Soul, Jade Phosphorus Snake Emperor, forty-fifth level control system battle soul master."

The body is soft, beautiful and poisonous, just like Dugu Yan after being possessed by the martial soul.

As long as Dugu Yan didn't show her other heads, she could pretend to be the Jade Phosphorus Snake Emperor.

After going out for so many years of experience, under the influence of Tang San, they all learned to "keep one hundred million hands".

For example, the levels and soul rings of the two of them changed at this time.

The soul rings of the two are just the best soul ring ratio, two yellow and two purple.

This is the ability Tang Hao obtained for Tang San. Tang Hao knew that Tang San's first soul ring was a natal soul ring that could evolve, so he didn't know from which world he bought a special technique to hide his strength. Give it to Tang San, so that Tang San can hide himself.

As a father, Tang Hao still did some practical things.

Later Tang San shared this set of exercises with Dugu Yan and others.

Nicole released her martial soul and also learned to shout.

"Martial Soul Possession!"

In the light, Nicole's figure was tall, and she turned into a girl in the blink of an eye. She was covered with ice armor, covering her body, and her hair turned into long white hair like radiance. The same was true for her eyebrows and eyelashes. An aura of coldness shrouded it.

Like a goddess descending from the sky.

Immediately there was a roar of ghosts and wolves in the auditorium.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!"

"I just said she can't be a child!"

"This, this, is so beautiful, it is a goddess, it must be a goddess!"

"I want her contact information, find it for me!!!"

"Mom, I will die with no regrets."

When the charm breaks through the threshold, it will indeed cause a series of special reactions. Even the well-informed big shots have to admit that the only person who can rely on Nicole's appearance at this time is the word "goddess".

They also knew that after today, the number of people in the imperial capital who wanted to pursue Nicole was absolutely inestimable.

It's just that they didn't see what Nicole's Wuhun was.

In fact, even Nicole's teammates saw Nicole like this for the first time, because in the past when Nicole fought against them, she would just clench her fist and beat them, and she had never been possessed by a martial spirit.

But fortunately, they quickly came back to their senses, possessing spirits one after another.

"Strong Ant, Possession!"

"Ghost civet, possessed!"

"Summon, Healing Staff!"

"Summon, Qingming Mirror!"

All soul masters with four rings, the best soul ring ratio.

At the same time, the men among them are all fighting spirits, wanting to perform well in front of Nicole.

Nicole's support ability seems to have started to work.

Off the field, in the Shrek Academy team, Dai Mubai, who was originally paying attention to Nicole, instantly widened his eyes when he saw the appearance of a girl from the Sensitivity Department with a martial spirit, and his body trembled uncontrollably.

Ma Hongjun hastily held down Dai Mubai.

"Boss Dai, calm down. Although he is good-looking, don't do such obscene actions in public."

"Get lost!" Dai Mubai lost control of his emotions.

Because that is the Nether Civet Martial Soul!

Flender, the principal of Shrek Academy, noticed Dai Mubai's strangeness, and couldn't help but said: "It's weird, he's never been so excited before, didn't he just see the captain's spirit possessed?"

"He's not looking at that captain." A blunt voice came.

Then a middle-aged man with a stiff face came, his eyes fell on the girl of the agility department, and explained: "He is looking at the Nether Civet Martial Soul."

"What? The ghost civet spirit? Doesn't that mean..." Flender couldn't help but change his face, and at the same time he sighed secretly. If the ghost civet spirit was in their team, they might have the possibility of winning the championship.

The man with a stiff face actually came to the imperial city to watch the competition, and at the same time to study the martial arts of the players.

However, he was accidentally discovered by his old friend, and was forcibly pulled over. He never thought that his old friend would actually move the academy to the Heaven Dou Imperial City.

What the man is thinking now is that there will be so many special spirits in this competition.

At this time, his eyes were more on Tang San.

"Mutated blue silver grass martial soul? What kind of power will the weakest blue silver grass martial soul have after it mutates? There is also the soul master of the jade phosphorous snake emperor martial soul. Her martial soul does not seem to be an ordinary green jade The Phosphorus Snake Emperor is as simple as that."

At the highest VIP seat, everyone else looked at Dugu Bo.

Emperor Xue Ye had a strange smile on his face, "Poison Douluo, is this what you said, a make-up player?"

Sihuan Hunzun, in other teams, can be the main force!

Especially Tang San, the leader, and the girl from the Sensitive Attack Department. Although they are not short in height, their faces are very immature, at most sixteen or seventeen years old. Genius.

"Anyway, let them play the main force. You don't need to watch them, just watch my Yanyan operate." Dugu Bo laughed.

Ning Fengzhi was concerned about the composition of the team.

Two control systems.

One strong attack, one sensitive attack.

The rest turned out to be two support and one treatment.

What kind of fairy team composition is this, and this game can still be played?

His eyes finally fell on Nicole.

Because Nicole didn't show the soul ring.

"Why didn't she release the soul ring? Is it something hidden, or is it because her strength is not just the soul ring?" (Because she didn't!)

Ning Fengzhi became more and more curious about Nicole's strength, he couldn't help thinking about it, and then looked at the two Title Douluo beside him.

At this time, Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo were also watching the situation in the arena, obviously, they were also very interested in this match.

However, after Ning Fengzhi inquired secretly, he learned that the two Title Douluo did not notice anything special.

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