Chapter 2415 The night of breaking the village!

Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't waste any time, and directly activated the technique he had prepared long ago.

The ghouls are sealed!

The sealing technique originated from the Uzumaki clan is also the last resort Sarutobi Hiruzen can think of to deal with the Uchiha waterstop.

This technique can summon the god of death, and then the god of death will cut off the soul of the target with a sword and swallow it in the belly, thereby sealing the soul of the target. The target cannot use any spells.

However, while completing the seal, the caster also made a contract with the god of death - selling his soul to the god of death.

That is to say, after the god of death swallows the soul of the target, the soul of the caster will also be swallowed by the god of death. After that, the souls of the caster and the enemy will hate and fight each other forever in the belly of the god of death, and they will never be reborn .

This is the ultimate one-for-one technique!

Back then, the Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato used this technique to seal Kyuubi.

Death appeared.

Although the others couldn't see the god of death, they all realized that the situation changed suddenly, and Sarutobi Hiruzen actually pushed Uchiha Shisui into a desperate situation!

"Shisui-sama!" Uchiha Yatsushiro exclaimed, and was about to bring people up to support Uchiha Shisui, but was blocked by Anbu desperately.

The ninjas of various ninja clans were also watching this scene. I don't know if it was an illusion. After Hiru Sarutobi's slash, the ninjas of the ninja clan seemed to attack harder.

Nara Shikahisa still restrained Uchiha Shisui, and Uchiha Shisui just stood there obediently.

"Uchiha Shisui, pay the price! Those who are dead will return to death!" Hiruzaru Sarutobi said loudly.

Death's claws have grabbed Uchiha Shisui's...body! ?


Why grab the body directly?

What about grabbing the soul?

Hiruzaru Sarutobi looked at the scene that was obviously different from the record at this time, and he was startled, worried that Uchiha Shisui's Takamahara would play a role again, making him fail in the spell.

At this time, Uchiha Shisui's body also changed.

Uchiha Shisui's body kept changing, turning into a blue phantom, entwined with golden energy.

Although Uchiha Shisui has a seemingly human body and appearance because of Baili Yuan's sacred power, his essence is still a soul body, a guardian spirit.

Now caught by the god of death, Uchiha Shisui has returned to his true appearance.

"Actually, I have not been resurrected, I am still a soul." Uchiha Shisui explained lightly.

Many people were surprised when they heard the explanation.

But it also made Hiruzaru Sarutobi feel relieved.

It’s good if it’s the soul, anyway, Uchiha Shisui will be sealed soon, this is the last thing he can do for Konoha, I just hope that after his death, Jiraiya and Tsunade can return to Konoha, Maintain the stability of the leaves.

Compared to Tsunade, I still hope that Jiraiya will also become Hokage.

At this moment, Hiruzaru Sarutobi seemed to have regained the boldness of his youth.

Sacrifice yourself for the sake of the village.

How many years has he not been so passionate?

Only Konoha will inevitably fall into turmoil and be coveted by other ninja villages. This is all Uchiha Shisui's fault!

However, Uchiha Shisui's next sentence extinguished all the blood of Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"How do you think I didn't notice your transformation?"

"What do you mean?" Hiruzen Sarutobi's eyes widened, and he was no longer afraid to stare at Uchiha Shisui.

Because the sword of the god of death has already slashed towards Uchiha Shisui, Uchiha Shisui didn't seem to care at all, but said to himself: "In front of my eyes, your exquisite disguise is meaningless."

"And if I don't want to, Anbu can't get close to me at all, let alone discover the flaws in my technique."

The uneasiness in Sarutobi Hiruzen's heart became more and more intense, but he still forced himself to be calm and said loudly: "What on earth are you going to say, do you want to say that you let me come on purpose? But in front of the ghoul seal, you There is no chance!"

At this moment, the sound of blades clinking suddenly reached Hiruzaru Sarutobi's ears, and when he looked up, his pupils shrank sharply.

Because the death knife was held by a blade extended by Susano.

How! what! Can! able?

How could Shinigami's invisible knife be blocked by Susanoo's tangible power?

"I have already said that I am also a soul. Is it wrong that my Susanoo can almost touch the god of death?" Uchiha Shisui said, and then his voice lowered, and a few words drifted into Sarutobi Hiruzen's voice in the ear.

"Actually, if you don't do anything, I don't want to do anything to you. Konoha still needs you, but since you have made such a choice, I can only choose to accept it. When you die, the Fuyue family and choose to stay The clansmen should be able to live a lot better in Konoha, but I helped them in disguise."

It is Sarutobi Hiruzen and several Hokage advisors who are most likely to attack Fuyue and the Uchiha clan who chose to stay.

If they are gone, the empty Konoha will not easily give up the powerful blood inheritance of Sharingan.

The remaining clansmen are the seeds of Konoha Shulunyan Blood Successor, so let them leave the clan land and everything in the clan land to them.

This is Uchiha Shisui's last benevolence to them.

"Three generations, sleep forever, don't worry, I won't let another big war happen in the ninja world."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi's eyes widened, but suddenly he found himself unable to speak. It was Shisui Uchiha who restricted Hiruzaru Sarutobi's ability to speak.

Loser please shut up.

The Grim Reaper's Knife was blocked, but it didn't give up. It wanted to go around an angle and give Uchiha Shisui a slash, but Susanoo's speed was even faster, and the Death Blade turned, which in turn gave the Grim Reaper a slash in the stomach.

Unfortunately, there is no instant death effect triggered.

Amidst the chaos, a soul fell out of Death's belly.

Grim Reaper: (⊙_⊙) Huh?

I'm injured?

No nonsense, the god of death retreated directly, and before disappearing, he took away the soul of Sarutobi Hiruzen to make up for the loss.

The corpse of Sarutobi Hiruzen knelt in front of Uchiha Shisui.

Countless ninjas stared blankly at this scene, and this scene was deeply imprinted in their minds.

Even Shikahisa Nara was extremely surprised.

They couldn't see Death, they didn't understand what happened, but they were still shocked.

The third generation used the forbidden technique!

The third generation is dead?

Uchiha Shisui just changed his form.

What did you output in the third generation?

"Old man!" With a wail, a figure was enveloped in killing intent, and killed Uchiha Shisui recklessly.

It is Asma Sarutobi, the second son of Hiruzaru Sarutobi.

The revenge of killing his father caused Asuma Sarutobi to run away.

"Stop him!"

Someone shouted, worried that Sarutobi Asma would be angered by Uchiha Shisui and kill him directly.

Unfortunately, Sarutobi Asma's attacks all failed.

Suddenly Nara Shikahisa realized that he had actually taken a step forward, no, it wasn't that he wanted to act on his own initiative, it was...

It's Uchiha Shisui who is walking, take him with you!

How can it be?

Is the primary and secondary relationship of shadow imitation reversed?

Nara Shikahisa hurriedly disconnected the shadow imitation technique, and Uchiha Shisui didn't pursue his behavior, which made him terrified.

"Uchiha Shisui, it's terrible!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen died, and the two Naruto advisors had the highest positions. They had the power to command all the ninjas. However, when everyone looked at the two of them, they found that Mitomon Yan and Mizuno Koharu were standing there without any action. .

"Master Advisor, what should we do next?" A ninja asked.

The two still didn't respond.

Nara Shikahisa realized that something was wrong, hurriedly approached the two of them, and reached out to touch them: "Consultant..."

When Nara Shikahisa touched the two of them, their bodies fell over directly, no, it was the bodies that fell over!

After catching the bodies of the two, Shikahisa Nara hurriedly checked the two, and found that the two died without knowing when.

The corpses were still warm, without any external injuries, and their expressions were still directing the battle. They didn't even seem to realize that they were dead.

When exactly?

Nara Shikuhisa, who was holding the two corpses, suddenly raised his head, looked through the crowd, and looked at the figure leading the Uchiha clan out of Konoha's main gate.

Now that Konoha's top management is all dead, he, the Hokage staff officer, suddenly became the supreme leader.

Is it possible for Konoha to come back?

There is also the last hole card, that is Nine Tails!

But, can Kyuubi really fight against Uchiha Shisui who breaks common sense?

In the end, Nara Shikahisa gave an order in a hoarse voice: "Let them go!"

When the order to give up fighting was conveyed, most of Konoha's ninjas secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Sarutobi Asma washed his face with tears, kneeling decadently in front of Sarutobi Hiruzen's corpse.

As Uchiha Shisui said, he took the Uchiha clan and left Konoha through the main gate openly.

I don't know where to go.

But everyone knows that this day is a disaster day for Konoha.

It's the night of the broken village!

Handa hid in the shelter with calamus.

Occasionally, I met Unano Iruka who took the students to hide in the shelter.

Uzumaki Naruto stood up and said that he would protect everyone, and he looked handsomely in the direction of Haruno Sakura from time to time.

However, Haruno Sakura and other girls are paying attention to the cool Uchiha Sasuke.

Uchiha Sasuke is missing Uchiha Itachi.

Two Anbu who secretly protect Uzumaki Naruto hide in the crowd.

The people in the refuge haven't understood everything outside yet.

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