I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 2399 I am Xiaoyuan in the food world, and thousands of people call me a foodie

I have seen many tall buildings and spaceships in other worlds.

Returning to Konoha again, Uchiha Shisui only felt Konoha's backwardness, or can it be said to be simple?

But the filthiness of Ninja Village under the light cannot be called simplicity.

It's just that these buildings and folk customs with the style of the Fire Country still make Uchiha Shisui feel close.

This is the reason for returning home.

Uchiha Shisui glanced around, as if recalling the bits and pieces he had been here.

At this time, Uchiha Shisui is naturally disguised. Although he has been dead for two years, don't underestimate the ninja. If you see Uchiha Shisui's face, most ninjas who have seen him can still recognize him. of.

At that time, Anbu and Genbu may come to the door together.

The two didn't rush to do anything, but found a ramen shop and ate ramen.

That's right, it's Ichiraku Ramen.

The familiar taste in his mouth made Uchiha Shisui sigh with emotion.

"In the gourmet world, I am Xiaoyuan. Thousands of people call me a foodie. I have a big bowl of ramen today. It's delicious and not expensive." Bailiyuan said while holding the ramen. His words also attracted the attention of the owner of Yile Ramen. force.



Entrance of noodles.

( ̄~ ̄) Chew!

Bailiyuan showed a surprised expression, "Oh, these noodles are great, this is at least 30 years of craftsmanship!"

"Brother understands it very well." Shuda couldn't help laughing, squinting his eyes, showing a helpful expression.

Although he didn't quite understand what Bailiyuan was talking about, he was still very happy when Bailiyuan praised his ramen.

"I'm a professional gourmet taster who has tasted many kinds of delicacies." Baili Yuan raised his head slightly.

"Brother is a guest from outside the village?" Hand Da asked while chatting.

"That's right." Baili Yuan nodded, "Big cousin and I are traveling around the world, meet the world and enjoy delicious food!"


"Hahaha, so-so, but, boss, your ramen still has a lot of room for improvement~"


The slapped eyes became serious, although he squinted his eyes so that people could not see his eyes clearly.

For my ramen, I am very confident in hand-made ramen. Now a child says that his ramen has improvements. Is it brazen or is it true?

"Hmph." Baili Yuan hugged his shoulders, "I understand, but what I say is useless. The boss can let me make a bowl of ramen for you, and you will know whether what I said is true."

Handa put down the rolling pin, patted the flour on his hands, and said, "Then I will look forward to it."

Bailiyuan got up, walked to Teda, and started cooking ramen.

Experts will know if there is one as soon as they make a move.

Seeing Baili Yuan's skillful handcraft, he couldn't help but become more serious.

This is a ramen powerhouse!

Heaven does not give birth to my Bailiyuan, ramen is like a long night forever!

Xiaoyuan's secret small ramen is affordable and filling.

Ramen, delicious and healthy.

A bowl of ramen with a faint golden glow was placed in front of him. Bailiyuan only used 30% of his handcraft for this ramen.

But this kind of ramen still convinced Handa, and made Handa realize that ramen can still be made like this.

If it wasn't for the fact that Bailiyuan was just a child, he would have knelt in front of Bailiyuan to apprentice him.

"Want to learn? I'll teach you." Baili Yuan asked with a smile.

"Please teach me!!!" He slapped Bailiyuan with his hand and bowed deeply.

"But we haven't found a place to live yet..."

"Please be sure to stay at my house!!!"

Uchiha Shisui held the chopsticks and watched the whole process from the side.

It was just a face-to-face effort, what happened?

Bailiyuan showed a smile to Uchiha Shisui.

The residence is done.

There are also hand beatings to help conceal their identities.

Absolutely not because Handa has a beautiful daughter.

This is called perfect latency.


In the next few days, Bailiyuan was indeed teaching hand-made ramen seriously.

Handa opened a shop during the day, and went back to learn ramen from Bailiyuan at night. In just a few days, Handa obviously felt that his ramen skills had improved.

Among them is the effect of one of Bailiyuan's abilities—[Various Martial Arts]: The learning ability has been greatly improved, and the proficiency of the abilities that have been mastered has been greatly improved. When you use a certain skill or ability, you will be blessed. When you give to others, you will also get corresponding blessings.

Because of this, it is not easy to call out Bailiyuan, and even treat Bailiyuan as a patriarch.

Bailiyuan naturally didn't mind, and now that his cooking skills were out of the scope of ordinary skills, if he was recognized as a patriarch by hand cooking, hand cooking would be able to get special blessings in cooking, so that his cooking skills would continue to improve.

And the hand-made descendants and disciples can also inherit this kind of blessing.

For example, the hand-beaten daughter, Calamus.

Iris is indeed a beauty. According to Ninja World, it can be called "Ramen Kaguya Hime". Her smile will also become the seasoning of ramen, making guests feel happy physically and mentally.

Of course, Calamus is so good-looking, not only because he was more handsome when he was young, but also because he married a very beautiful wife with good genes.

Do you really think that opening a ramen shop by hand will not make money?

Handa's family lives in a big house with a yard, and such a yard is usually only affordable for ninjas from big families.

So Shou Da not only respected Baili Yuan as a "master", but also gave Baili Yuan a lot of good things, and even said that he paid for all Baili Yuan's expenses in Konoha.

Baili Yuan also enjoyed it thoroughly, her pockets were always bulging when she went out.

Teda and Iris have gained better ramen skills, Baili Yuan and Uchiha Shisui have gained the disguise of identity, and everyone has a bright future.

But Uchiha Shisui did not play with Baili Yuan, but always lurked out quietly, or disguised as a vendor, or lurked secretly, looking for information about the village and the Uchiha clan, like a spy.

With Uchiha Shisui's current strength and his familiarity with Konoha, Anbe in the village could not detect his actions at all, allowing him to inquire about a lot of valuable information.

However, as more and more information was obtained, the smile on his face became less and less.

Everything seems to develop as in the comics.

The friction between the Uchiha clan and the village is becoming more and more intense. The Uchiha clan secretly intends to rebel, but the village seems to have been prepared for a long time...

Is all this the calculation of the high-level Konoha?


A few days later.

Bailiyuan was lying on the tatami of the Handa house, flipping through a picture album.

This booklet is copied from the Naruto manga.

The above are all illustrations of big sisters who conform to Bailiyuan's aesthetics.

Tsunade, adult Hinata, Kaguya Hime, Terumi Mei...

The beauties in the ninja world may lack some of the temperament of beauties in other worlds, but without exception, they all have vitality on their bodies, and most of them are in good shape, which is more suitable for exploring the origin of life.

Of course, Bailiyuan just looked at the picture book, and if there was a chance, he would compare it with a real person.

Is it a crime to see beautiful women?

Looking at beautiful women can make people happy physically and mentally and prolong life.

This is health!

At this time, a sweet voice sounded from outside the door, "Master Yuan, can I come in?"

It is calamus.

"Calamus, come in." Baili Yuan said without looking back, but quickly put away the album with both hands and replaced it with a cooking book.

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