Chapter 2394 Lord of Wrath


What kind of existence is that?

It was an existence that Bailiyuan wanted to run away after seeing it.

Although he knew that there were some terrifying existences hidden in this world, when he saw such existences, Bailiyuan just wanted to run away.

But before running, Bailiyuan asked the system to scan the opponent.

It would be a lie to say that I am not curious.

It took some time for the system to scan the other party this time, but fortunately, there was a result in the end.

"The Lord of Wrath: The Ancient One, a terrifying existence born of chaos, symbolizes the birth of anger. Note: Yuan, you are dying."

Lord of Wrath?

the ancients?


Soon Bailiyuan understood what the system marked to death meant.

The Lord of Wrath was only aware of Bailiyuan before, but now he seems to be enraged.

"Host, he discovered the system's scan!" The system shouted in an urgent tone.

The Lord of Wrath who just noticed Baili Yuan is now walking in the direction of Baili Yuan.

"Damn it! The system misunderstood me!"

Bailiyuan turned and ran.

The system hastily explained: "The Lord of Wrath is not simple. His existence has broken the boundary between illusion and reality. It is normal to realize my existence. Scanning the Lord of Wrath with the system is like licking him with his tongue. It is obviously angry. The Lord doesn't like it."

"Isn't it because you have a bad oral life?"

"It's just an analogy, it's an analogy! Even you, Xiaoyuan, can't flatter someone innocent."

"Are you still innocent? Shut up!"


Covering the system's mouth with light, Baili Yuan turned and ran away.

Now that the system has become larger, the light that Bailiyuan uses to block its mouth has to become thicker.

However, Bailiyuan then noticed that not only the Lord of Wrath was catching up, but other monsters with angry blood seemed to be affected by the Lord of Wrath, and they also changed their targets and surrounded and killed Bailiyuan.

Still bring this?

Without any hesitation, Bailiyuan directly cut off the rope on his body, and pushed Bulling and others who hadn't reacted yet to the direction of the thorn shell.

"I'm being targeted, act separately!"

"Spina shellfish, protect them and evacuate!"

Two sentences were conveyed to everyone and the thorn shellfish.

Before Bulling and the others could reply, two monsters rushed towards Bailiyuan and blocked Bailiyuan.

"Xiao Yuan!"


Others immediately wanted to come up to help.

But the thorn shell carried out Baili Yuan's order, and its body grew bigger, protecting everyone into the shell, and then rushed in another direction, away from Baili Yuan and the Lord of Wrath, and fled to the exit.

Compared with other people, Spike Shell believed in Baili Yuan more.

Because of her strength, there are a group of Bailiyuan around, and there are even stronger ones!

The chaotic giant who was still chasing the thorn shell before ignored the thorn shell and chased after Bailiyuan.

Bulling and the others were defeated by the thorn shell, unable to leave, they could only worry about Bailiyuan, silently praying for Bailiyuan to escape safely, and at the same time wondering why only Bailiyuan was being targeted.

The two monsters rushing towards Bailiyuan only have diamond-level strength.

Cancer and Scylla appeared, directly dismembering the two monsters.

And Bailiyuan had risked using teleportation, shifted his position, and then remotely recalled Cancer and Scylla to take them back.

"Using teleportation in this vortex is very stressful." Baili Yuan felt the power he had just consumed.

The teleportation cannot be used frequently, the pulling force between the vortexes can affect the space, if one is not careful, the teleportation will not only fail to escape, but will also hurt Bailiyuan.

Moreover, the consumption of using teleportation is also huge. It is better to run away directly, which consumes less and can last longer.

The speed of the Lord of Wrath was very fast, and he had already approached Bailiyuan, and other monsters with angry blood rushed towards Bailiyuan from all directions.

At this time, the sea gave another hint.

Dahai: Go outside, get out of here.

The light bloomed on Baili Yuan's body, and Baili Yuan turned into a humanoid creature shrouded in light.

Spirit form!

mega halo!

Mega evolution!

Bailiyuan completed the mega evolution in an instant, and then transformed into a form.

Mega form · blue agility form.

Immediately afterwards, Bailiyuan used various acceleration skills, and also used elf skills to move at high speed.

Bailiyuan did not choose to summon the elves, because the elves could not keep up with Bailiyuan's speed.

The light pierced through the darkness of the navel of the seabed, and rushed out of the navel of the seabed.

Many powerful people have seen this scene.

Honglongdi, Wushengmaru, and Wolf Queen protected the submersible and fled to the outside of the Navel of the Seabed. They also noticed that the monsters who had just besieged them turned around, and rushed in the same direction as if under command.

Just when they were wondering and rejoicing, they saw the light piercing the darkness.

"What is that?!" The Red Dragon Emperor was shocked.

Wushengwan and the wolf queen were equally shocked, they all felt the special power in that ray of light.

This ray of light piercing the bottom of the sea was deeply imprinted in the minds of countless strong men.

A seven-color monster intercepted Bailiyuan from the front, and Bailiyuan didn't stop.

The core emerges.

A pure white orb merged into Baili Yuan's body.

Pure White Orb Core: If it is carried by the Spirit of Light, the power of the moves of fairies and evil attributes will increase.

Arms crossed, use skills.

Branch skills—exclusive skills—fairy moves: Light of Hope!

The huge light entangled with pink power, blasted towards the monster in front, and killed the monster directly. Baili Yuan quickly passed through the monster's corpse and continued to flee to the distance.

At this time, the Lord of Wrath had already appeared behind Baili Yuan.

The Red Dragon Emperor and others who hadn't fled far away noticed the figure of the Lord of Wrath, and their hearts almost burst in shock. Without saying a word, they carried the submersible and ran to the distance, regardless of what this escape would do to the submersible. s damage.

Because if you don't run, you have no chance to run.

In the darkness, a huge hand stretched out and grabbed Baili Yuan.


Never get caught!

Bailiyuan finally summoned the spirit.

However, Bailiyuan summoned the projections of the elves by means of a contract, and several elves who could only move in the water met the giant hand, risking their lives to buy time for Bailiyuan.

However, before the big hand, the bodies of several elves were shattered, but they only fought for Baili Yuan for a short moment.

But a split second of effort also bought Baili Yuan a chance to escape. The transformation device was caught by Bai Liyuan, and a monster appeared.

Hypageton Death Scythe!

The Hypajeton Death Scythe, which has acquired the ability to fight in water, can move on the bottom of the sea. After it appeared, it took Bailiyuan to jump directly into space. The jump distance was very far, and it directly distanced itself from the Lord of Wrath.

The big hand of the Lord of Wrath caught nothing.

Just performing a long-distance space jump in this dangerous environment still injured Hypagedun Death Scythe, which was enough to seriously injure it if it wasn't a monster.

Relying on his huge body and strong physical fitness, Hypajeton's Death Scythe suffered moderate injuries.

But even though he temporarily escaped from the palm of the Lord of Wrath, many monsters around him chased him up.

The transforming device was lifted up by Baili Yuan.


Luna form!

"Is it anger? Feel my new skills!"

Quiet Moon!

Calm down all!

The power of the pacification of the moon enveloped the surroundings, and those monsters who were dazzled by anger and rushed towards Bailiyuan frantically stopped in place. At this moment, they seemed to have entered the state of "sage", and their mood was calm .

Bailiyuan quietly wiped his cold sweat.

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