Chapter 2386 eat a bite of fish

Listen to the sound of ingredients.

Use top-of-the-line kitchen appliances.

Cooked in cutting-edge fashion by the best chefs.

A few hours later, a "Golden Wing Millennium Fish Stewed in the World's Barrier Pot" was ready.

For this dish, Baili Yuan put all his energy into it.

Because with this dish, Bailiyuan finally broke through his cooking skills!

The breakthrough was made during Bailiyuan's cooking, and everything went with the flow, which made Bailiyuan realize that stimulation may not be completely necessary to break through the limit.

Bailiyuan finally has a level 6 skill!

[Cooking lv6: Skills have been engraved into strength and genes! 】

Although there is only a simple explanation, Bailiyuan knows that from now on, he has stepped into the realm of gods in cooking!

Perhaps, in the future, Bailiyuan will be able to gather power through cooking skills.

Bailiyuan patted the pot that Andy had given him, that is, the fragment of the world barrier. This pot is really easy to use, and the help of this pot is indispensable for this breakthrough.

The bright golden color spreads all over the entire home space, and it has not disappeared for a long time. There are more illusory scenes in the golden light. Countless golden flying fish seem to jump out of the sea, turning into golden dragons, soaring nine days, making people feel the vitality in it and vitality.

The rich aroma floated in the home space, not only the elves on the battleship showed their salivating expressions, but even the countless monsters on the vegetable garden island started a riot, wanting to rush out of the vegetable garden to taste delicious food.

Their genes urge them to grab that delicacy.

Pikachu swallowed, and couldn't help sighing: "It's just a dish, it's like a natural treasure, Pikachu~"

Pikachu has only seen records of this kind of riot that can cause creatures in books, all because of the birth of top treasures, because as long as they get the treasures, those creatures can rise to the sky in one step.

But the rioting monsters were suppressed by the elves guarding the vegetable garden.

Xanadu went down with a large-scale hypnosis, brought down all the monsters, and then came to Bailiyuan's side, and said impatiently: "Master, when will we start eating?"

"Of!" Baili Yuan shouted loudly.

The two-meter-long Golden Wing Millennium Fish is actually not that big. Bailiyuan cut the Golden Wing Millennium Fish and distributed it to all the elves and a few monsters in his own transformation device. Each elf only got a small piece. .

Because even the elves who plowed the land in the vegetable garden were allotted an hour.

"Let's start!" Baili Yuan shouted, holding a small piece of fish with the chopsticks in his hand.

Such a small piece is enough for the elves, and the amount of fish will not affect the effect.

The elves and monsters who couldn't wait cheered, and couldn't wait to put the fish into their mouths.

Uchiha Shisui also ate a piece.

Shazi looked at the fish, waves appeared in her calm pupils, and then slowly opened her mouth.

Even Caroline temporarily detached from Baili Yuan's body and shared a piece of fish.

Only the system smells from the sidelines.

Fish entrance.

Every elf who ate the fish turned into light.

The elves radiated light, and every elf and monster showed a satisfied expression on their faces. Even the two sandworms, who could never get enough to eat, felt full of stomach and satisfaction.

To be precise, every cell in their body has been satisfied!

The same was true for Baili Yuan, he savored carefully, feeling the changes in the power in his body.

It's like eating Tang's monk meat, one bite can make people get huge benefits.

Not only because of Bailiyuan's cooking ability, but also because of the specialness of the Golden Wing Millennium Fish itself. Bailiyuan just fully stimulated its special power.

The real effect of this dish is - the transformation of life!

Let life wash away the dust, just like a new life!

Make up for some shortcomings in racial blood, fill in the vacancies in character and soul.

The strength boost is just incidental.

The important thing is to change yourself.

When the light dissipated, Bailiyuan opened his eyes, let out a breath slowly, and felt his body was extraordinarily relaxed.

"Physical fitness and strength have been improved, and at the same time, the god rank has finally reached the second rank!"

Tier 2 God Rank, climb up here!

The second level god level brought a new ability to Baili Yuan——

Calm of the Moon: Use the power of the moon to calm emotions and pain, which can restore the creature's calm, heal the creature's injury, and expel the negative state.

Part of the ability overlaps with the Luna form, but to be precise, the ability of the Luna form is also integrated into this ability, and the effect becomes even better!

In addition, Bailiyuan felt that the fusion speed of his various powers has accelerated, and it is to be fused into a special kind of light. Bailiyuan has some expectations for this. Be the real light!

Caroline did not know when she returned to Bailiyuan's body again.

Uchiha Shisui's hands have also recovered a lot, and the biggest change is his eyes, which have opened up a new evolution.

Then Bailiyuan looked up at the elves.

Only a few powerful elves are still awake, most of the elves have fallen into a deep sleep because of the refreshment of their souls, and their strength is slowly improving.

Blushes appeared on the faces of the elves.

Bailiyuan raised his finger at the still awake elves, and made a mute gesture, signaling not to disturb other elves.

This bite of fish meat is more effective for those who are weaker and weaker, and the accumulation of elves has also been released because of this transformation.

The light of evolution lights up.

Bailiyuan looked at it and found that the one that had evolved was the smelly flower.

The huge stinky flower evolved, and when the light faded, it actually evolved into a rafflesia, but it was a golden rafflesia!

"Stinky Flower has finally evolved."

Smelly Flower is not the only elf that has evolved.

The sleeping hot cat unconsciously spit out the constant stone, and directly evolved into a blazing roaring tiger.

Baili Yuan's expression froze.

"She won't scratch me after she wakes up." Bailiyuan knew that Yan Ranmiao didn't like the appearance of muscles all over her body.

The auras of the two elves, Double Axe and Fighting Dragon, Bucket Point Shuttle, Frome Mantis, and Explosive Muscle Mosquito, are also gradually approaching the ninetyth level, and they are about to break through.

The strength of the remaining elves below level 80 has been significantly improved. With a bite of fish, they have all increased their strength by about ten levels.

In addition to elves, there are also monsters.

The three big monsters of Bailiyuan, Hypajeton Death Scythe, Goldras and Saigang, after eating fish, their wisdom has been improved and they have become much more agile.

Even Sai Gang, who has been transformed into a biological weapon, has the wisdom of about ten years old.

The energy left by Bailiyuan when he was nurturing Goldlas and Saigang was also stimulated, making their bodies more intense.

The dark Leonix has bred a monster of light, which is the first time in the entire universe.

The Hypageton Death Scythe has fused arrows and obtained the special ability of [Growth], which can continuously grow itself, which also makes it gain more benefits. It has gained the ability to fight in water, Although this is not a particularly high-end ability, it greatly enhances the battlefield adaptability of Hypagedun Death Scythe and makes up for its weakness.

Finally, Bailiyuan came to Caiyuan Island and set his sights on a special tree.

This tree was specially selected by Bailiyuan. There are two nests on the tree, which Bailiyuan built for the one-horned fairy Xiaohong and Bright Silkworm.

When Bailiyuan and the elves were eating meat, Bailiyuan also fed them some soup.

At this time, the two elves also digested the power in the soup.

Originally, only the one horn of Xiaohong was dyed golden, but now Xiaohong's whole body has turned into a golden color, and her body size has grown by more than a circle. She is flying around the tree, adapting to her own strength.

"Can I still be called Xiaohong now?" Bailiyuan scratched his head.

Now there is no red on the unicorn fairy.

Seeing Baili Yuan coming, Xiao Hong hurriedly flew to Baili Yuan's side, and kissed Baili Yuan's cheek affectionately.

"Well, forget it, the name is not important." Baili Yuan teased Xiao Hong with a smile.

Then Bailiyuan looked up at the tree trunk, and there was only an empty shell of a fat silkworm in the bright silkworm's nest.

Eyes move.

A small figure, hiding behind the leaves, quietly looked at Bailiyuan.

Bailiyuan smiled and stretched out his hand, making an invitation.

"Come on~"

Sensing Baili Yuan's intentions, the other party flew out from behind the leaves, and happily came to Baili Yuan's side.

This is a figure the size of an adult's palm. It looks like a girl. The key parts are covered by white silk. There are a pair of transparent wings like butterflies on the back. When it flies, countless white light spots will float behind it, which is extremely beautiful and dazzling.

If you water it with your heart, it will transform into the most beautiful appearance.

She is the evolution of the bright silkworm bred by Bailiyuan - the bright elf!

It is the darling of nature and light.

The little light elf was held in Bailiyuan's hand, and then he held it up to his eyes for a look.

The bright elf giggled, then shyly jumped to Baili Yuan's face, and kissed Baili Yuan's cheek.

Before Baili Yuan could react, the light elf, like a shy little girl, hugged her face, flapped her wings, hid in the leaves, and observed Baili Yuan's attitude half-hidden.

As for Baili Yuan's attitude, of course...

o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o

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