I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 2382 the laws of the human race can't control the demon snake clan

In the second vortex in the correct route.

Huo Chaofan and others had already gathered outside the largest cave. They waited for a while, and then they realized one thing at the same time, that is——

The child is lost!


The child was not only lost, but also went further and further away, and then encountered danger.

Fortunately, after the evolution of Amphitrite, the strength has been improved, and the defense ability has naturally become stronger, and they are only on the edge of the attack range, so they have not been hurt.

However, Bailiyuan and Amphitrite, who broke in suddenly, still attracted the attention of both sides in the battle.

In a space full of rubble, countless messy potholes appeared on the sand surface because of the battle just now.

The golden longbow seemed to have a spirit, temporarily stopped fighting, retreated quickly, and opened the distance, allowing the three parties to stand on three legs.

"That longbow is at least an artifact!" Baili Yuan made a judgment in his heart, and he also saw that there was a small figure behind the bowstring of the golden longbow, that should be the artifact spirit.

According to conventional wisdom, a powerful weapon does not necessarily have a weapon spirit, but a weapon with a weapon spirit must be powerful.

Because weapons with spirits are often able to act independently, have their own wisdom, and even have special power inheritance.

But because of this, weapons with tool spirits often have high requirements for users, and they even choose their own masters.

It was also the first time Bailiyuan had seen such a weapon.

At the same time, Baili Yuan couldn't help sighing that there were indeed many treasures hidden in the navel of the seabed, but in the third vortex passing by, he encountered a divine weapon.

Although the previous two semi-sacred artifacts were good, they were incomparable to the artifacts with spirit.

Baili Yuan looked at the side that was fighting the golden longbow.

These are a group of creatures with human upper body and snake lower body, extremely revealing clothes, and enchanting appearance, and they are all female.

"Snake-human race? Naga race?" Two common races with similar characteristics emerged in Baili Yuan's mind.

"No." Caroline denied Baili Yuan's guess, "It should belong to a branch of the reptilian tribe, the demon snake tribe."

The coat of arms makes the world a multi-race world, so it is normal for some races to appear similar in appearance, but if you are familiar with the characteristics of these races, you can still quickly distinguish their races.

Caroline can easily distinguish them by relying on the records of each race in the database.

The snake people belong to the orcs, and the energy fluctuations on their bodies tend to be body-like energy fluctuations, often with a bloody and barbaric aura, and the sex ratio is normal.

The Naga tribe is an aquatic race, and the energy fluctuations on their bodies are biased towards water attributes, and their dresses are often more gorgeous, existing in the form of a matriarchal clan, and there are more females.

The Reptilians are a general term for groups of reptiles, of which the Demon Snakes are one of the branches. They like to live in a low-temperature environment and give people a cold breath. At the same time, they are all creatures with dark attributes.

The remaining power around, as well as all the half-human, half-snake creatures in front of them, have dark attribute energy fluctuations.

Another characteristic of the Demon Snake Clan is that almost all the strong ones are females, the majority are females, and the sex ratio is huge, almost reaching nine to one, and both females and males have a certain ability to charm, like seductive goblins.

Just looking at the upper body of the Demon Snake Clan, Baili Yuan is really a feast for the eyes, and the dangling slender tail of the Demon Snake Clan's lower body also seems to be scratching the heart of a person, making it itchy.

But the monster snake race is not a kind race.


The sound of snakes uttering messages passed through the sea water and reached Baili Yuan's ears, clearly making people understand the meaning.






Bailiyuan noticed a strange voice mixed in, that a female of the monster snake tribe had become sexually interested in him?

No, this is against the law!

Oh, the laws of the human race can't control the monster snake race.

That's fine.

Let me study the reproduction method of the monster snake clan first...

At this moment, the aura of nature vibrated.

Dahai: They are bad people~ Good kids don’t play with them~

Like a big sister in discipline, the sea circled Bailiyuan and began to chatter.

Bailiyuan waved his hand casually in the sea.

"I just don't want to play with them."

Dahai gave up, and seemed to rub Bailiyuan's face casually.

The hostility of the Monster Snake Clan has been undisguised, and Baili Yuan will naturally not go up to solicit relations casually, nor does he plan to make trouble for them.

"I'm just passing by." Baili Yuan used his mental strength to convey his meaning.

After understanding Baili Yuan's meaning, the monster snakes looked at each other, as if they had communicated through the internal channel, and then there was another hissing sound.

It is to let Bailiyuan go around.

Obviously, they didn't want to conflict with Bailiyuan here.

"Middle~" Bailiyuan smiled slightly, and Amphitrite circled around the position of the monster snakes and the golden longbow, and walked to the next node of the vortex.

But the Golden Longbow saw that Baili Yuan didn't fight with the Monster Snake Clan, knowing that they had to entangle with the Monster Snake Clan, the battle soon started again.

Bailiyuan just glanced at the battlefield, and then jumped into the whirlpool with Amphitrite and disappeared.

Seeing the operation of Baili Yuan and Amphitrite, the golden longbow seemed to understand something. It exploded with power and blasted a gap in the blockade of the demon snakes who were besieging it. It rushed directly to the vortex not far away and entered the vortex. , was taken away by the vortex, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The monster snakes were a little dumbfounded, they didn't expect the golden longbow to be so decisive.

Isn't it afraid of getting lost in the navel of the sea and never seeing the light of day?

The artifact already has the spirit of the artifact, and has thoughts and feelings, and naturally there will be situations where loneliness cannot be tolerated.

However, when the demon snakes saw that the baby in their hands was about to run, they hesitated for a moment, and then chased after it.

The temptation of an artifact with a spirit is too great, and it is worth the risk.

Bring back the artifact longbow, and the demon snake clan will become even stronger!

A similar scene took place in some of the vortexes in the Navel of the Sea.

Adventurers who entered the Navel of the Sea fought various beings, explored the vortex, and collected treasures.

Some adventurers hold one or several routes in their hands, while others rely on the enthusiasm for adventure and bet on the illusory luck.

Maybe some adventurers can leave with treasures and create a legend.

Similarly, some adventurers may be buried here forever, and some of the items they carry may also be turned into treasures in the navel of the seabed, waiting to be discovered by latercomers, or buried in the sand of the seabed.

With Amphitrite, Bailiyuan shuttled through the vortexes and saw the scenery in different vortexes.

What is buried in each vortex is different, but all have the same factor, which is death and monsters.

A diamond-level deep-sea beast rushed towards Bailiyuan.

Amphitrite directly used [Sea Monster Change] to transform the deep-sea monster into a sea monster, and then controlled the newly born sea monster to attack other incoming monsters.

Scylla also appeared, running around, biting the attacking monsters.

However, perhaps the legend is true. Scylla's transformation into a sea monster is related to Amphitrite. Now that Scylla has wisdom, he will show hostility and even attack when he sees Amphitrite. And Amphitrite actually showed a mocking expression to Scylla.

Even if they are fighting together now, Bailiyuan will not let them get too close, otherwise they may "unintentionally" affect each other.

Bailiyuan shook his head.

Clear out the monsters that stand in your way, clean up the battlefield, collect the loot, and move on.

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