Chapter 2379 Because you are young

A Quiet Place will only get more dangerous.

If you want to explore in the navel of the seabed, you don't need to shuttle between the vortexes, but to enter the vortex, because all the secret treasures are hidden in the vortex.

And every huge vortex center has a huge space, although there is no terrifying pulling force in it, it still needs to be vigilant.

Because there may be unknown dangers hidden in it.

A ten-meter-tall bull-shaped creature made of water ran in the sea, charging towards the people in front of it.

"The cow of the deep sea: an ancient water element life, living in the depths of the sea, with powerful power. Note: very fierce!"

There are many differences between ancient water element life and modern water element life, similar to the difference between apes and humans in the theory of evolution, the only thing in common is that they can all have powerful strength.

This cow of the deep sea, who has lived in the navel of the sea for many years, has the strength of the peak diamond level, and can even compete with the seven-color level in terms of strength!

Bulling projected a spear and directly pierced the Bull of the Deep to death.

Qiu Keli recovered the core of the Deep Sea Cow, "I'll give you half of the good stuff when I go back."

"Okay." Bulling was not polite.

After passing through the fierce bone entrance, everyone entered a vortex.

The inside of this vortex is full of bones, and the scope is huge.

Then everyone started to move forward according to the route marked on the map. They didn't encounter any unknown dangers along the way. At most, there were only various creatures that jumped out to block the way. Fortunately, there were not many of them, but they were quite strong.

The creatures that jump out to block the way are all diamond-level advanced or peak strength. Some powerful individuals, such as the deep sea cow, can be comparable to the colorful level in a certain aspect.

Huo Chaofan and Zhao Ziya realized that if they were the only ones who wanted to explore this place, they would have to hide and be careful, let alone traveling at this speed.

But it's not a big problem.

Because they just follow along to learn.

Learning experience, increasing knowledge.

The two also took a lot of photos and took notes along the way. Taking these materials back can be exchanged for a large amount of contribution points, making them rich.

Of course, the two also knew that the premise of all this was that they could go back alive, so they had to be careful enough not to be buried here carelessly.

"It's really strange. There are so many skeletons here, but there is no strong breath of undead, and there are no soul fragments." Baili Yuan's words came into everyone's mind from behind.

Twelve feet stepped on the piled bones, and the heads of the six monsters bit the bones on the ground from time to time, as if they were tasting the bones, and their cat-like tails swayed behind them.

A huge figure with a female bust on top and a monster on the bottom came from behind.

Baili Yuan sat on the monster.

And this monster is the dimensional pet—Scylla the sea monster.

After entering here, Manafei's ability seemed to be invalid. The monsters here didn't mean to give Manafei face, but would actively attack Manafei, so Bailiyuan put Manafei away.

This made Manafei a little bit wronged, but fortunately, Shui Jun offered to ride a big horse for Manafei, and Manafei became happy again, and even attracted her little friend Victini.

Now Suicune is taking the two little ancestors for a ride on Vegetable Garden Island.

Then Bailiyuan summoned Scylla as a means of transportation.

Regardless of Scylla's many feet, it seems that it is not convenient to walk, but in fact Scylla's ability to move in the sea is extremely fast, and it is easy to adapt to the environment here. At the same time, Scylla still has a certain perception dangerous ability.

It's just that Scylla's strength is a bit weak, the upper limit is only diamond level, and Bailiyuan has never improved Scylla, because as a means of transportation, such strength is enough.

The others were surprised by the dimensional pet summoned by Baili Yuan, because the world of heraldry has never seen such a special creature as a dimensional pet.

Qiu Keli immediately became interested in research and expressed that she wanted to buy it.

Bailiyuan took the order and would deliver it to Qiu Keli after she went out.

After that, you can go to Jiang Chen to place an order. With Jiang Chen's current status, it is very easy for him to get a few dimensional pets.

At this time, other people also noticed what Baili Yuan said.

"Although there is no relevant record in the database, let's pay attention and don't make too much noise during the battle." Bailiyuan continued.

These roads explored by predecessors are not guaranteed to be absolutely safe.

The others nodded.

Bailiyuan scanned in one direction without leaving a trace, because in that direction, there were two colorful eggs hidden in the ground.

If the other party didn't come to harass them, Baili Yuan didn't plan to pay attention to them.

Everyone continued to move forward carefully, but the speed was not slow. If possible, they didn't want to stay anywhere for a long time, and they didn't even want to dig treasure here.

This vortex is not connected to any undercurrent, and treasures rarely fall into it, and those treasures that are easy to dig have been dug away long ago.

Soon, everyone came to the edge of the vortex.

As it got closer to the edge of the vortex, resistance appeared again, and the water flow began to become restless.

"It's very difficult to go from one vortex to another relying solely on brute force, so we need to find the right position, then swim in the direction of the vortex, use the centrifugal force of the vortex to fly to another vortex, and move forward in this way... ..." Meiya explained.

This is... science?

Does science explain it that way?

Huo Chaofan and Zhao Ziya looked at each other.

Magic, no?

Science, OK!

In fact, this is not a simple matter. The exact place to enter the vortex to enter the next vortex is also constantly experimented by some people, and even if the specific location is known, if the operation is not good, there is a possibility of deviation.

Meiya quickly confirmed the location, "This is it, we jump into the vortex from here, and we can enter another vortex we are going to, but we have to jump separately, and if many people hug together, they will deviate from the direction, so we will There is a possibility of separation, if unfortunately separated, go to the largest cave on the edge of the next vortex to gather, that cave is easy to find."

"There are also Chaofan and Ziya, you must protect yourselves."

"Next, I'll dance first to show you guys." Bulling said, "You just need to learn from me."

Huo Chaofan and Zhao Ziya nodded seriously.

Then Bulling stood in his position, getting ready, and jumped directly into the vortex. The speed of the vortex was extremely fast, and once it rolled, Bulling disappeared.

"The next one is me." Qiu Keli also jumped in, her posture was much more elegant.

"Chaofan, Ziya, you jump, we will watch you from behind," Bailiyuan said.

Without any hesitation, the two jumped into the vortex one after another. The posture was standard and the waves were not big.

Meiya is next.

"Xiao Yuan, I'll wait for you over there."


Meiya jumped into the vortex.

Finally, Bailiyuan.

Bailiyuan put away Scylla, without any hesitation, jumped up, jumped to the whirlpool, and made a 360-degree turn.

After entering the water, because it was following the direction of the water flow, Bailiyuan didn't feel too much pulling force, but just felt the high-speed water flow past him.

Then turn around.

With a light body, he has already escaped from the vortex.

Baili Yuan looked around, he had already entered another vortex.

After falling to the ground, Bailiyuan looked around, but didn't see anyone else, it seemed that they got separated.

"Let's find the cave first, the biggest cave... huh? Where's the cave?"

Bailiyuan looked around, not to mention the cave, there were no mountains, the location of Bailiyuan looked around, it was flat.

This gave Bailiyuan a sudden bad feeling.

"Caroline, give me an analysis, what's the situation?"

An optical projection appeared in front of Bailiyuan, and Caroline built a model of the vortex and everyone with the help of all the collected data.

After deduction, what surprised Baili Yuan was that the position where he flew out was different from the position where other people flew out. Because of a deviation, he seemed to fly into another vortex.

"what's the situation?"

"Because you're young." Caroline sighed.

Baili Yuan looked at his body in the state of retrospective body, and was dumbfounded.

"No, the information in the [Guardian] database also reminds me of this."

"Because I didn't remind you, I didn't expect, and I didn't expect, that science can really be taught here." Caroline was also very helpless, "The most important thing is, who would have thought that someone with your size would come in? .”


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