I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 2376 Navel of the seabed!

Bailiyuan turned into a spot of light and returned to a human body.

After some venting, Bailiyuan's swelling also recovered a lot, and a lot of liquid flowed out.

It's sweat.

"Battle time, two minutes and thirty-two seconds." Caroline announced the time.

"As expected of me, but the moon god form has become stronger, but this kind of strengthening will only get the greatest improvement at night when there is a moon." Baili Yuan looked at his hands.

The previous promotion, together with his path to ascending to the rank of God, has been promoted.

Now, Bailiyuan is not far away from ascending to the second god rank.

The first level of god level alone brought Bailiyuan the ability of [Life of the Moon], and also allowed Bailiyuan to comprehend the law of the moon.

Bailiyuan had some expectations for the ability of the second level of god level.

Huo Chaofan came back first.

He didn't survive, because a diamond-level enemy killed several prisoners captured by Huo Chaofan before he died, leaving no bones and souls of several prisoners.

Maybe [Innocence] still has some secrets, or maybe the other party is simply loyal to [Innocence].

"Sorry, I have nothing to gain."

"It doesn't matter, this may also have something to do with King Hull." Baili Yuan smiled.

Not just anyone has the ability to shatter the soul, but King Hull has mastered the ability of death, maybe it is King Hull who left the opponent behind and cleaned up everything.

After about ten minutes, Bulling flew back carrying a huge monster.

This is a monster that looks like an eagle. It looks handsome, but it is not dead.

Bailiyuan and Huo Chaofan looked at Bulling with some doubts.

Bulling who fell to the ground smiled, "Sorry, it took some time to capture it alive."

"Senior, are you going to subdue this monster?" Huo Chaofan asked curiously.

Bulling smiled and nodded, "That's right, it should be quite handsome as a mount, but this eagle is still wild and unruly, so it needs to be endured."

Boil the eagle?

"Leave the hair shedding to me." Baili Yuan drew out the seven deadly sins.

Huo Chaofan: "?"

Bulling: "?"

Eagle Monster: "?"

Bailiyuan wondered, "Can it be delicious to make soup without hair loss?" After finishing speaking, Bailiyuan swallowed, "An eagle this big is enough for us to eat."

Eagle Monster: "!"

In an instant, the eagle monster became much closer to Bulling, which made Bulling and Huo Chaofan a little speechless, and then they looked at Bailiyuan.

Could this be the summoner's unique taming technique?

As a big boss, Bulling naturally has a lot of treasures. He took out a bag and put the eagle monster in it. It is a large storage equipment that can hold living things, and it is quite precious.

Huo Chaofan looked a little envious.

Many precious creatures encountered in the past, because there is no equipment that can be stored, can only be released or killed. If he also has such an equipment, it will not be so wasteful.

"Work hard to become stronger, work hard to earn money, and I must get a similar equipment in the future." Huo Chaofan thought in his heart.

When everyone returned to the boat, there were still few women, only Hedel who was still hanging on the pole, and a few carnivorous fishes that jumped up from the sea and wanted to bite Heder.

Finally, Baili Yuan waved his hand and dismissed Heddle's call.

Although Huddle made a mistake this time, he usually has hard work and no credit, and he will not be thrown into the sea to feed the fish.

Then everyone else went back to their rooms and passed the night in peace.

Even Bailiyuan and Bulling, who had vented a lot, slept peacefully, and Huo Chaofan also fell asleep peacefully after training.

And the three women, who had nowhere to exert their energy, spent the night with their eyes open, trying to "reduce swelling" in various ways.

When Bailiyuan and the others woke up the next day, they saw Zhao Ziya standing at the bow of the boat and firing her skills towards the sea, consuming excess energy. Her figure had almost recovered, but she still looked a bit strong. , the clothes she was wearing looked a little tight, especially around the chest.

The swelling of the muscles made a certain part of Zhao Ziya swell up, and it was a little swollen.

As for Meiya and Qiu Keli, they have all returned to normal, except that there are faint dark circles around the eyes, especially the one-eyed Qiu Keli, it is impossible not to see her dark circles.

"Yo, good morning." Bulling greeted several people.

However, Meiya and Qiu Keli lazily refused to talk to him.

Tossed all night last night.

Qiu Keli even drugged herself, and then she returned to normal.

Meiya also ate a lot of mushrooms that can make people lose energy quickly, which is equivalent to poisoning herself, that is, the effect of the mushrooms is greatly reduced on the Rongya people. energy.

Even if the state of their muscles makes them energetic, it is absolutely impossible for them to accept such physical activities!

If this matter gets out, will they have the face to go out to meet people in the future?

Zhao Ziya didn't want to eat those unknown things, so she chose the most stupid way to exert her strength, but she got unexpected gains.

"Senior Bulling, Senior Baili, Brother Chaofan, good morning." Zhao Ziya said with a smile, quite energetic.

After exercising all night, Zhao Ziya could feel that his physical fitness had been improved, and his mastery of some skills had also been greatly improved.

This state is unexpectedly suitable for special training!

And it has a special blessing for training!

Huo Chaofan naturally discovered this too. He did not sleep until his body returned to normal after exercising last night.

Because of this, both Huo Chaofan and Zhao Ziya were interested in that special bean, but unfortunately, those beans were all made into soup by Hedel, and there was nothing left, not even a chance to try to breed them.

But the guardians don't pay much attention to this level of improvement.

Both Bailiyuan and Bulling chose to sleep directly.

As a result, Bulling's body size is still a little swollen today. Bailiyuan thinks that he kept it on purpose. Bulling seems to like a big body. Unfortunately, it may be because of the genetic reasons of the goblin race. No matter how much he exercises, goblins can't Naturally appear bulky.

And Bailiyuan has returned to normal.

Because of Bailiyuan's special physique, the speed of self-regulation is faster, and the skill of retrospective body can store Bailiyuan's excess power, including energy.

"I'll make breakfast today. After breakfast, let's go to the navel of the sea in front of us." Baili Yuan said.

Others have no objection.

Then everyone tasted the dishes that surpassed Hedel's craftsmanship, and by the way, they were dazzled by the light of the dishes.

"I thought that Hedel's culinary skills were already at the peak, but I didn't expect that there are people like Senior Baili..." Zhao Ziya exclaimed.

The others didn't have the time to sigh, because they were all binge eating.

Baili Yuan at the dining table showed a knowing smile, and his cooking skills improved again.


The navel of the ocean floor is a very special place in the ocean currents, on the ocean floor in the depths of the ocean.

Due to various reasons at the bottom of the sea, a group of submarine vortexes is formed, which pulls ocean currents, and more than 80% of the currents around the world pass through here.

It also makes all kinds of debris that are constantly drifting with the ocean currents gather here, and this place has also become the end of the millennium ocean current.

Items that are not hard enough will be pulled and shattered by the gravitational force between the whirlpools, and only treasures that are hard enough are eligible to be piled up here.

For this reason, many treasures are buried in the navel of the sea, and at worst are hard ores.

In the past, it has always been rumored that a certain race discovered the lost treasures of their ancestors in the navel of the sea, and recreated the glory of the race; or a certain strong man brought out a powerful weapon from the navel of the sea. , to the pinnacle of life.

But the navel of the sea is not so easy to get in and out of.

First of all, if you want to get in and out of the navel of the seabed, you need to have enough strength. At least there must be a body that can resist the pull between the vortexes, and the strength to break free from the suction of the vortex.

Human beings must at least have the strength of a great coat of arms to have the ability to enter and leave the Navel of the Sea.

Or with the help of a hard craft.

Moreover, the navel of the seabed is not a dead place, and there are many creatures that have adapted to the special environment here, which are also threats.

The coat of arms makes all races in the world have limited understanding of the situation in the navel of the sea, and no one knows how many terrible monsters have been bred in the navel of the sea for countless years, and what kind of monsters are hiding in it.

But what is certain is that even the second-level guardians dare not move forward in the navel of the seabed at will, and there is a possibility of falling.

Secondly, if you want to get the treasure in the navel of the seabed and bring it out, you need enough luck.

Treasures will not be exposed for you to take casually. You need to be lucky enough to encounter treasures, and you must also ensure that you will not encounter those terrible creatures.

"We're just on the periphery, staring at the world, so it shouldn't matter." Without further ado, Bulling plugged in the FLAG for everyone.

Bailiyuan stared at Bulling and didn't speak for a long time.

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