I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 2374 EX Simbo!

"Bailiyuan!" King Hull read out Bailiyuan's name.

Although Bailiyuan had gained more muscles at this time, King Hull still recognized Bailiyuan.

"King Hull, your end is here." Baili Yuan shouted from the air.

In this regard, King Hull did not express his thoughts.

Because King Hull also recognized the guardian of Bulling.

As for Huo Chaofan... Which one is he?

Huo Chaofan does have great potential, but he doesn't have the qualifications to make King Hull remember.

But just the two guardians of Bailiyuan and Bulling are enough to give King Hull a headache.

After the last fight, King Hull had already understood Baili Yuan's strength. Even if Baili Yuan couldn't use that power casually, Baili Yuan was still difficult to deal with.

The most important thing is that Bailiyuan is already on guard against his ability, and the difficulty of dealing with it will increase exponentially.

"Leave first, enter the navel of the seabed now, hide it, and find a chance to seize the world bubble." King Hull made a decisive decision and made a choice.

"My lord?" The subordinate was puzzled.

"I will stay here, intercept them, and delay for you. I can delay for ten minutes at most." King Hull was not confident either, but he had to delay for ten minutes, otherwise the other people in [Innocence] would simply run away not drop.

"Follow orders."


Seeing that the [Innocent] people were about to run away, Bulling looked at Huo Chaofan, "Chaofan, I will leave those people to you."

King Hull's subordinates are not weeds on the side of the road, but there are also two diamond-level strongmen among them, and the rest are also platinum-level and gold-level strengths.

But Bulling believed that Huo Chaofan could solve them.

Huo Chaofan nodded.

He retreated and jumped off the mountain, intending to go around King Hull and hunt down those [innocent].

King Hull has no choice. At this time, he is locked by the breath of Bailiyuan and Bulling, and there is a slight movement, showing his flaws. The next attack will be Bailiyuan and Bulling's violent storm, and he will not give him any resistance. Opportunity.

Therefore, King Hull knew that if he wanted to win a chance, he must take the initiative to attack at this time!

The law of death was activated by King Hull, and the breath of death rose from King Hull's body.

"You two, is this your new look? It looks quite unique." King Hull said, as if he was chatting in an ordinary way.

"Ah, this is considered an accident, but at this moment, we are so energetic that we have no choice but to attack you in the middle of the night." Baili Yuan laughed.

"Unfortunately, there is a time limit." Bulling sighed.


Baili Yuan couldn't help looking at Bulling.

what's the situation?

Bulling actually likes this look?

Still want to keep it?

In the forest, King Hull's expression changed slightly. From Baili Yuan's words, he could tell that Baili Yuan and the others had already been eyeing them, which made him smile wryly.

"Looks like we couldn't get away from the start."

At this moment, Bulling opened his mouth and asked curiously: "Actually, I'm very curious about what [Innocence] gave you to make you willing to sacrifice your life for [Innocence]. Man, could it be that you have been threatened?"

Bailiyuan was also very curious about this matter.

The other three heavenly kings before did not seem to be pure villains, but they all had their own persistence.

King Hull was bathed in the breath of death, gradually making people unable to see his figure clearly. Only a pair of blood-red eyes looked at Bailiyuan and Bulling through all the cover, but his eyes were exceptionally calm.

"Working for [Innocence]? No, you are wrong, we are actually the leaders of [Innocence]." King Hull's voice carried a relaxed smile.

"[Innocence] is a force that we have established together to pursue our ideals. How can an organization that purely pursues power and interests compare with [Innocence]? Therefore, we are willing to keep our mouths shut about [Innocence]."

Keeping everything about [Innocence] secret, the only thing that can be known to outsiders is the innocuous part.

Whether it is the veteran who established [Innocent], or the newcomer who joined later, the core members of [Innocent] are not pure villains.

"Is it ideal?" Bulling sighed with emotion.

Who hasn't pursued the ideal?

[Guardian] has his own ideals, and [Innocence] also has their ideals, but because of their ideals, the two sides face each other.

Bailiyuan thought of the figure standing high above the sky outside Yuncheng, and what that figure said.

"For liberation? But don't underestimate our protection."

The contradiction between reform and conservatism is also a force for social and world progress.

The difference is that [Innocence] chooses to use the villain, while [Guardian] chooses to eliminate the villain.

King Hull's figure had disappeared, the breath of death gradually dissipated, and a huge figure more than forty meters high appeared.

This is a monster.

The whole body seems to be made of bones, and the law of death is attached to each bone, causing hideous barbs to grow on the bones. The breath of death is restrained in the bones, and two red lights light up in the eye sockets without eyeballs.

"This monster is...how could it appear here!?" Baili Yuan's expression changed.

"Xiao Yuan, do you know this monster?"

Baili Yuan nodded, and then said the name of the monster, "Undead monster, EX Xinbo!"

This is an undead monster born in the land of the dead, a special monster living in the monster cemetery!

But... why did the monsters from the Otto universe appear in the world of heraldry? And it was transformed by King Hull?

And let it evolve!

The system also gives the scan results.

"Undead Monster-EX Simbo: Residents who should have lived in the monster cemetery were summoned, descended, and merged with King Hull, a half-undead life. King Hull relied on the large amount of death breath he absorbed and his own law of death, Let Sim Bo evolve into EX Xin Bo, and his power will be greatly strengthened. The ultimate move is the EX death kill with instant death effect. Note: In the monster cemetery, the impetuous Xin Bo touched the rocket in his arms~”

It is the descendant, not its true self.

Bailiyuan also knew about monsters like Xin Bo. He had fought against the first generation before, and his nature was not bad, but it would be very troublesome if he made a big fuss.

Not to mention the strengthened EX Simbo at this time.

At this time, King Hull's consciousness controls this body, and the power of EX Simbo will be fully displayed.

"I had expected this battle a long time ago, so on that island, I absorbed a lot of death breath and transformed myself into this undead monster. Come on, let's fight!" King Hull's voice came .

EX Xin Bo rushed to the mountain where Bailiyuan and Bulling were, and raised his hand to hit the mountain, causing the whole mountain to vibrate.

When EX Simbo rushed over, Bulling jumped high and threw the spear in his hand at EX Simbo.


The spear hit EX Simbo and pierced into EX Simbo's bone, but failed to break through the defense.

"Brother Bulling, be careful, it also has the ability to die instantly, so... leave the rest of the battle to me."

Facing Bulling, Bailiyuan slowly lifted the cloth around his waist, and a bright light bloomed, illuminating the entire island.

Bailiyuan-Native Adult Form!

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