I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 2368 do it~

At this moment, the imprint seemed to come alive, constantly instigating Baili Yuan to attack the Chaos Beast and Chaos Tentacle in front of him.

【Do it, do it, do it...】

Damn, it's so annoying.

"Next, you guys cover me, and the big one is handed over to me."

After Bailiyuan finished speaking, he took a step forward, then raised his left hand with the crest, the crest lit up, and the halo emerged.


Magic circles appeared one by one, and the elves followed the call of the coat of arms.

Diamond-level elves: Double Axe Dragon, Frome Mantis, Explosive Muscle Mosquito.

Colorful level elves: Galar Frozen Bird, Galar Flame Bird, Little Ice Rock Pillar.

And the colorful bucket-pointed shuttle that is still in the sea.

There are seven contracted beasts in total.

The power of the halo is attached to the elves.

Recovery halo: recovers the injuries and physical strength of the contracted beasts within the range, and increases the ability of persistent combat.

Frenzied Aura: Increase the attack speed of the contracted beasts within the range, and increase the attack power of the contracted beasts within the range.

The six elves are not a combination of weather, so Bailiyuan did not deploy the weather field of the coat of arms, but summoned the core of the coat of arms.

Strengthen the core: the core can be integrated into the body of the summoned unit to enhance its ability.

And Bailiyuan integrated the strengthening core into the body of Galar Frozen Bird, because in the next battle, Galar Frozen Bird will be the core.

When the others saw the elves that Bailiyuan summoned one after another, they couldn't help but look sideways.

A powerful summoner is not easy to mess with, because no one knows what contracted beasts he can summon.

Such as Bailiyuan.

Galar Frozen Bird, Galar Flame Bird, and Little Ice Rock Pillar all seem to have guardian-level strength, and with the various boosts and commands of Bailiyuan, their strength has become even stronger.

Especially the small Ice Rock Pillar. Most of the people present still knew about the Ice Rock Pillar race, and they also knew what it meant to be able to take the Ice Rock Pillar away from the Frost Backbone—it was recognized by the Frost Backbone.

Moreover, summoners can summon contracted beasts that are one level stronger than themselves. In other words, in theory, Baili Yuan can summon supreme-level contracted beasts.

No one would think that the contracted beast that Bailiyuan summoned at this time is his full strength.

The most important thing is that Bailiyuan didn't even open the domain, obviously he hasn't used all his strength yet.

Unfortunately, powerful summoners are rare.

There will not be more than five guardian-level summoners including Bailiyuan, because the resources needed to cultivate various contracted beasts are also doubled compared to other professions.

If Bailiyuan hadn't used resources from other worlds to cultivate his own elves, it would have been almost impossible to have the strength he has today if he only relied on the resources of Yuncheng College.

Then Bailiyuan jumped up onto Galar Frozen Bird and started the battle.

"Ice rock pillar, freeze the sea, attack with the whole army!" Baili Yuan commanded with his arm around the neck of Galar Frozen Bird.

Galar Frozen Bird felt a little uncomfortable being ridden by Baili Yuan, so he used superpowers to support Baili Yuan, and it regained its graceful posture.

The small ice rock pillar has already moved, and the cold wind blows, freezing a large area of ​​the sea, and some chaotic tentacles shrouded in the cold wind are directly frozen into ice sculptures, without even the ability to resist.

The elves on the ship rushed out of the deck at the same time as the small ice rock column froze the ice surface, fell on the ice surface, and rushed towards the surrounding chaos tentacles.

The diamond-level elves are responsible for dealing with the chaos tentacles, and the two seven-color-level Galar three god birds are responsible for taking Bailiyuan to deal with the chaos beasts. The small ice rock pillars follow behind, constantly freezing the sea.

The people on the boat then saw the elves fighting. The elves in Bailiyuan didn't cooperate, but they all showed their strength.

The speed of the Frome mantis.

The power of the Muscle Mosquito.

The puncture of the bucket tip shuttle.

The speed and speed of the double ax battle dragon are strong.

"Let's cover Xiaoyuan!" Bulling also jumped from the boat onto the ice, holding a spear in his hand, and smashed all the water bombs attacking Bailiyuan.

Others also began to attack the surrounding chaos tentacles and attack Bailiyuan according to Bailiyuan's position, providing Bailiyuan with an environment where he could concentrate on fighting the chaotic beast.

At the same time, the small ice rock pillar behind Bailiyuan froze a large area of ​​the sea, providing a battlefield for everyone to settle on the sea.

Countless chaotic tentacles were killed, and then countless chaotic tentacles protruded from the sea, and the number increased. In a blink of an eye, a large sea area was crowded with densely packed chaotic tentacles.

The weather seemed to be affected by the power of the tentacles of chaos, the sky gradually became dark, and the sea began to blow wind.

But at this time, Bailiyuan had already taken the Galar Frozen Bird and brought the Galar Flame Bird to the vicinity of the Chaos Beast.

Surprisingly, the Chaos Beast didn't seem to notice Baili Yuan's approach. Only the Chaos Tentacles tried to intercept Baili Yuan and the others, but the Chaos Beast didn't take any action, just stayed in place quietly.

The reason why Bailiyuan didn't bring the Galar Lightning Bird was because the Galar Lightning Bird couldn't fly.

To be precise, it is impossible to fight in the sky for a long time.

The real name despises free-range chickens.

When the two divine birds reached the sky above the Chaos Beast, without any hesitation, they began to bombard the Chaos Beast indiscriminately, with various skills constantly hitting the Chaos Beast.

The strength of the same seven-color level, still without any weakened attack, fell on the Chaos Beast, directly blasting the Chaos Beast's skin to pieces.

There were no screams, only the body of the Chaos Beast, which gradually became ferocious. Blue liquid flowed out from the wounds on the Chaos Beast's body, and soon dyed the surrounding sea water.

And these blood-polluted seawater was touched by the tentacles of chaos, and the tentacles of chaos were strengthened as if they had been injected with chicken blood, and their aggressiveness and attack ability were significantly improved.

The tentacles of chaos became violent, and some tentacles of chaos hit the ice surface from below, and finally smashed the ice surface. The elves and others who were fighting hurriedly stabilized their bodies, picked ice blocks that could land, and stood on the ice blocks to continue Fight the Tentacle of Chaos.

"Freeze the surrounding sea water, don't let the blood spread out." Baili Yuan shouted at the small ice rock pillar.

The small ice rock pillar sank to its body, overflowing with cold air, and then quickly moved around the Chaos Beast, freezing the sea water.

Bailiyuan stared at the Chaos Beast.

From the test just now, it can be seen that the normal method cannot completely kill the Chaos Beast, and if the Chaos Beast is not killed, there will be more and more Chaos Tentacles.

"Flame Bird, keep attacking. It's impossible for it to be injured without any consumption. Frozen Bird, it's up to you next!"

After being instructed, the Galar flame bird spread its wings and became even more excited.

The Galar flame bird with evil attributes is proud and arrogant, and more free-wheeling. This kind of personality is difficult to change.

Now let the Galar flame bird fight unrestrainedly, which is exactly what it wants.

Hahahahaha..., murder and set fire, my favorite!

Bailiyuan pressed one hand on the back of Galar Frozen Bird, and his mental power was connected with Galar Frozen Bird.

The Galar Frozen Bird elegantly used its wings to half-cover its face, and then opened it to reveal its cold face. Its eyes were shining with a chilling light.

Cold gaze!

Before, Bailiyuan used his mental power to test the Chaos Beast. Although this polluted Bailiyuan's spiritual power, it also made Bailiyuan understand that if he wanted to defeat the Chaos Beast, he had to have a mental battle with the Chaos Beast. on the contest.

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