Chapter 2364 Be the old man's son

As the millennium current continues, the sea becomes more and more rough.

If there is no Simmons pulling the boat, it is pure fantasy for a normal ship to sail freely on the sea, and it is more likely that it will be swept to an unknown place by the waves. Whether it can survive depends on luck.

At the same time, it seems that because of the change of the sea current, the weather above the sea surface has also become unpredictable.

One second it was clear and sunny, the next second it was covered with dark clouds, and the wind blew in. It was hard to say whether it was rain, snow or hail that fell from the clouds.


A bolt of lightning flashed across the sky, and the thunder was deafening.

The wooden boat was driving on the rough sea, and the waves constantly hitting the boat seemed to smash the wooden boat, but the boat made of wooden escape had already been reinforced by Bailiyuan, and it was impossible to be smashed casually.

Simmons pulled the boat on the seemingly stable sea, but it was not easy, because the pulling force formed by the currents on the bottom of the sea made Simmons have to consume more strength and physical strength to move forward steadily. Fortunately, there were sea creatures that were dizzy from time to time Appearing beside Simmons, Simmons can eat to replenish his strength.

Now it has a special stomach bag, can eat while moving, and can quickly convert food into physical strength and energy, so there is no need to worry about indigestion.

On the wooden boat, Huddle was lying on the door of the cabin, looking out from the window. The glass on the boat was high-hardness glass provided by Caroline, which was quite strong.

Suddenly, Huddle saw a big fish being lifted onto the deck of the boat by the waves.

Hedell tied the rope to his body immediately, then pushed open the door with the harpoon in his hand, rushed to the deck, and came back again, the harpoon in his hand had already caught a big fish.

Thanks to the gift of nature, today's dinner is available.

Close the cabin door.

There has been a lot of rain blowing into the cabin with the wind.

After returning to the warm cabin, Huddle shivered involuntarily.

The storm outside had been falling for a day, but luckily it was not hail, otherwise Heddle would not have dared to go fishing.

And in the belly of the cabin.

The four of Bailiyuan were entertaining around the stove.

Everyone is strong, so it's normal to carry some entertainment items with you.

Bulling is working out.

Qiu Keli is playing a divination game.

Meiya is reading a book.

Bailiyuan was playing a small stand-alone game.

This is what Hedel saw when he brought the fish soup and fried fish.

"Dinner is ready~" Qiu Keli cheered.

Meiya also smiled and swallowed, "Although it is common fish soup and fried fish, the taste is surprisingly delicious, but unfortunately it doesn't go well with mushrooms."

Bulling dropped the dumbbells and wiped the sweat off his body.

"I'm just hungry, it smells so good, fellow clan, you're such a good brother."

Baili Yuan naturally also got up and started eating.

It was stormy outside, and everyone in the cabin gathered around the stove, eating delicious food, looking so comfortable and leisurely.

The waves roared past outside the window, as if a small boat had been rolled over, and there was a faint voice of "help", but Bailiyuan and the others were happily drinking fish soup.


In the waves.

Huo Chaofan and Zhao Ziya clung to their boat tightly, trying to hold on in the storm.

Although they also know a lot about the millennium current, when they really enter the range of the millennium current, there are some difficulties that they can't avoid if they want to.

The storm was moving on the sea, and it came very suddenly. When Huo Chaofan and Zhao Ziya discovered the storm and were about to escape, the waves of the sea directly shot their boat into the range of the storm.

They really can't escape the huge waves of thousands of meters.

"Brother Chaofan, the boat is about to lose its hold." Zhao Ziya shouted, "Let's abandon the boat and escape."

They are not ordinary people, and the survival rate of abandoning the ship is higher, and they still have enough survival supplies and spare motorboats, as long as they leave the scope of the storm, they can start again.

But Huo Chaofan was not someone who would retreat at will.

As a warrior, you must dare to fight, fight with people, fight with the earth, and fight with the sky.


Huo Chaofan took off his shirt with a wave and threw it to Zhao Ziya.

"Take it."

"Brother Extraordinary..."

Before Zhao Ziya could say anything, Huo Chaofan plunged into the sea, and then Zhao Ziya felt as if the boat they were on was being lifted up.


Brother Chaofan probably wants to...


Huo Chaofan rushed out of the sea with the boat and Zhao Ziya on his back, walking in the air with both feet.

A wave hundreds of meters high hits head-on.

"Hmph!" Huo Chaofan snorted coldly, his strength burst out.

Let the storm come more violently!


The storm did not subside until early the next morning.

When Bailiyuan and the others walked out of the cabin, the sea surface had returned to calm, and the fishy smell in the air was overwhelming. After all, there were still several big fish struggling on the deck at this time.

Heddle was ecstatic, and rushed up with a harpoon in his hand.

"The world seems to have been cleaned up. This feeling seems to be a different world from yesterday." Meiya couldn't help but sigh.

Qiu Keli took out the compass and gestured towards the sea, "Fortunately, we didn't deviate from the direction, but according to the records, the deeper the thousand-year ocean current goes, the easier it is to get lost, and the road ahead may need to be explored."

Bulling crossed his hips and did not speak. He looked at the sea.

Most of the goblins lived inland, and he hadn't been to the sea much, so he felt very fresh about all the things he experienced at sea.

Bailiyuan was also looking into the distance, with God's Pupil and Otto's eyesight blessing on his eyes, allowing Bailiyuan to see a very far direction.

"There are no islands or ships around... Wait, there seems to be a ship with people on board, Simmons, go and have a look."

Bailiyuan's spiritual power communicated with Simmons, and Simmons turned around.

On the broken boat, the boat has been smashed in many places, but fortunately, the leaks have been blocked.

Huo Chaofan lay on the side of the boat with a bad expression, while Zhao Ziya patted Huo Chaofan on the back.


Huo Chaofan spit out a mouthful of seawater, which made him feel much more comfortable.

He beat the storm.

Just being fed by the wind and waves...


But the harvest is also huge. In this confrontation with the waves, Huo Chaofan gained a new understanding of some boxing techniques.

Only by experiencing it for yourself can you gain something.

Regarding Huo Chaofan's situation, Zhao Ziya didn't know what to express. She felt distressed, but wanted to laugh even more.

"Brother Chaofan, are you okay?"

"It's okay, just take a rest."

At this time, Huo Chaofan raised his head suddenly, turned his head to look in one direction, and saw the boat approaching them quickly.

"Brother Chaofan, someone is here." Zhao Ziya said seriously, ready to fight.

Huo Chaofan narrowed his eyes slightly.

Breath perception!

There are four powerful auras on the boat, and one not weak aura in the sea.


The sea broke open, and the huge Simmons appeared, staring at the boat in front of him.

The boat pulled behind Simmons stopped in front of Huo Chaofan's boat in an elegant manner.

Huo Chaofan and Zhao Ziya saw the four of Bailiyuan standing on the deck of the big ship. Bailiyuan and Huo Chaofan met their eyes and recognized each other instantly.

"Don't worry, it's not an enemy." Huo Chaofan reassured Zhao Ziya.

And when Huo Chaofan looked at Bailiyuan again, Bailiyuan was stepping on the edge of the boat and stretched out a hand to him.

"Get on the old man's boat and be the old man's son!"

Huo Chaofan: "???"

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