Chapter 2358 Big, big, big……

Somewhere in the desert, a huge statue buried in the desert was quietly sitting in a sandpit.

It was the statue dug out by Baili Yuan and Uchiha Shisui.

The law of death spread from the desert to the vicinity of the statue. As if attracted, it turned to the direction of the statue, escaped from King Hull's control, and then entered the statue.

The moment the statue absorbed the law of death, the statue's eyes lit up.

A dormant will is revived.

The stones turned into flesh and blood, expressions appeared on the hard faces, and the huge stone statues turned into life. They crawled out of the desert, roared to the sky, and announced their return.

"Hilama, your god is back!"

He is God!

The god of creation is divided into twelve main gods, and the twelve main gods herd all living beings.

Shirama is the world where the twelve main gods herd all beings.

However, the mortals who were being herded raised a banner of rebellion against them one day, and the twelve main gods naturally suppressed the mortals easily.

Until the appearance of the twelve weapons, the twelve main gods fell one by one, and then the mortals divided their bodies, power and authority, making the mortals as powerful as gods.

But he is special because he represents the god of death and barrenness, and death cannot completely make him disappear.

Mortals have not been able to obtain the authority of death and barrenness, nor have they been able to destroy His body, so no matter how powerful mortals are, they still have to experience death, and no matter how hard mortals cultivate, the land will still be barren.

In the end, the mortals buried his body near the crack where the weapon was hidden, so that when he woke up again, someone would be able to obtain the approval of the weapon nearby, and then kill him.

As a result, the land became a barren desert.

Now, an opportunity arises, and the law of death wakes him up again.

"I am the god of death and desolation, Oris! Rebellious mortals, I will bestow upon you death and desolation, and use your death to wash away my shame! Take the desolation of the earth as your punishment!"

This is the word of God, and it is also what Oris is about to do. The world will respond to the word of God, allowing him to be blessed, because he is the child of the Creator God and a child of this world.


Oris froze.

The world didn't respond to him, and he also realized that this not the world of Shirama!

Sensing carefully, he was shocked to find that his connection with the Shirama world was completely severed, and he could not sense the existence of the Shirama world.

This represents one thing.

That is the world of Shiramar, dead.

After all, as the child of the Creator God, He has a natural connection with the world of Shirama. Even if He is exiled to another world, He can use this connection to find his way home.

But now it's all gone.

"No!!! Where is my world?!"

Anxiety emerged in Oris' heart, and then turned into anger.

He wants to figure out everything, avenge his own world, and then spread the glory of the God of Shiramar in this strange world!

Immediately Oris looked around, and he clearly sensed a powerful energy fluctuation not far from him.

Without any hesitation, Oris ran towards that direction with his long legs of a thousand meters.

On the other side, Baili Yuan, who was chasing King Hull's Hammer, had to turn his head and distractedly look in the direction of Auris.

A giant of more than 2,000 meters running in the desert is quite shocking, especially this giant has the strength of the supreme level!

"The appearance of this giant...Xiao Yuan, it's that stone statue, and that stone statue has come back to life!" Caroline exclaimed, through the comparison of facial features, she recognized the identity of this giant.

The God of Fate also sent a message immediately, "This is a true god, with the breath of death and desolation on his body, he should be a god from another world."

Bailiyuan looked at Oris, and couldn't help but get serious. He also sensed that the other party had locked him.

"This god is not under me!" This was Baili Yuan's judgment.

Because Bailiyuan saw that the other party had a supreme easter egg on his body.

Oris's speed was very fast. In just a few steps, he crossed the distance between Bailiyuan and came to Bailiyuan in the blink of an eye. Looking down at Bailiyuan from above, he stretched out a finger and pointed , asked in a cold voice: "False god, surrender to me!"

What Oris said was divine words, Bailiyuan didn't understand, but fortunately, the system's translation function could translate even divine words.

Today's Bailiyuan has strength and has mastered the laws. He still has a vague aura of God on his body, but he does not have authority.

And Oris easily saw through Bailiyuan's fiction and reality. In his view, Bailiyuan was a false god who was strong on the outside but weak on the inside, and he could easily handle it.

Now in a strange world, Oris needs to conquer some of his men, serve him, and help him understand and conquer this world.

As for King Hull, even though King Hull was entwined with the law of death, Orris realized that it was the law of death on King Hull that awakened him, but because of the arrogance of God, he despised King Hull's "law of death". Rubbish".

Seeing Oris appearing, King Hull also lay down on the ground and pretended to be dead.

One Bailiyuan was enough for him, and here came another bigger and stronger one.

Tired, destroy it.

And Bailiyuan looked at Auris, staring at him without hesitation, the pupil of God lit up, resisting the power of Auris pressing on him.

"Oh? How dare you look at me like that? Not bad." Oris appreciated Baili Yuan's courage, but...

"I am the true God, you cannot look directly at God!"

The power of death turned into a spear, appeared in the hands of Oris, and stabbed Bailiyuan directly, wanting to teach Bailiyuan some lessons.

When the spear fell in front of Bailiyuan, Bailiyuan directly raised a hand, and firmly grasped the thrusting spear, making it impossible for the spear to penetrate an inch.

Although the death force on the spear corroded Baili Yuan's hand, Baili Yuan didn't seem to be affected at all.

This was the first time that Bailiyuan faced a living god.

It is this god... who is too confident.

Just recovered, and left his own world, this god is at his weakest moment, and even... this god has become a false god.

True gods do not die, but false gods do.

Without the support of the world, what can He be proud of?

"Xiao Yuan, I just deduced that this god may be one of the twelve gods who were killed as described in the mural, but I don't know why he didn't die completely, but was buried in this area. In the desert."

"That is to say, can the god-killing weapon obtained before kill him?"

A dark aura emerged from Baili Yuan's body.

The time for the divine form is almost here, so it's time to switch forms.

Fallen form!

A dark and blood-red light appeared on Baili Yuan's body, and then Baili Yuan began to grow bigger.

[Method-Size Ruyi lv5]: Change the size of itself and everything.

fifty meters...

sixty meters...

100 meters...

500 meters...

one thousand meters...

two kilometers...

Four kilometers!

Oris is twice the height.

This time I switched to Bailiyuan to look down on Auris.

"What did you just say?" Baili Yuan pinched Oris backhand and asked, his blood-red eyes exuding an ominous aura.

On the ground, King Hull watched the two big men face each other, and he suddenly sat up from the desert.

Sitting up in shock in dying.

I might still be able to run!

It was just that Bailiyuan took a step back with one foot, directly stepped King Hull into the desert, and crushed him twice, as if he was crushing a bug to death.

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