Chapter 2347 Ruins!

A huge rift valley with a width of more than 5,000 meters appeared strangely in the desert, like a wound in the desert.

The sand on both sides is slowly flowing into the rift, forming two huge sand waterfalls.

Bailiyuan and Uchiha Shisui floating in the air looked down at the rift valley below.

The Weeping Mask circles around the rift, indicating that the ruins are just below the rift.

"Is it just below here?" Bailiyuan's God's Eye opened, trying to see through the situation below, but he couldn't help being a little surprised.

Because the perspective of the pupil of God is blocked.

Only God can stop God!

Uchiha Shisui's eyes swept in one direction without leaving a trace, and then looked at Baili Yuan with a questioning look in his eyes.

Baili Yuan just smiled and shook his head slightly.



Bailiyuan jumped down the rift valley first, followed by Uchiha Shisui and Weeping Mask.

After Bailiyuan and Uchiha Shisui left for a long time, a bulge appeared in the sand, and a basketball-sized eye appeared, glanced at the rift, and then conveyed the news to the outside.

"Someone went down, a guardian-level human, a guardian-level spirit, and a medium-level creature. They found me, but they didn't make a move."


Into the Rift.

Bailiyuan and Uchiha Shisui just felt in a trance for a moment, as if they had come to another dimension.

Under the rift valley, there is a universe inside.

It was dark above, and there was no sky beyond the rift.

Countless stone pillars lay across the rift valley, and sand still flowed down on both sides of the rift valley, but there were only a few wisps.

There are rocks all around, and most importantly, Baili Yuan noticed that there are water marks on the surrounding rocks!

It's just that the dehydration effect still exists.

But the surrounding environment has not been affected, that is to say, it is very likely that this ruin is absorbing moisture from the outside world.

Floating in the air, Bailiyuan looked around.

"It was supposed to be blocked, but it was opened, and there are still traces of opening."

The crying mask was flying in the air, looking very relaxed, as if he had returned home.

It can be seen that the crying mask likes the environment here very much.

Although it gave off a gloomy and cold feeling here, the ancient aura and faint death aura filled here were very suitable for the Crying Mask to grow.

In the past, Bailiyuan cultivated the crying mask by collecting some old enough ancient relics, let the crying mask plate absorb the power, and at the same time provide sufficient attribute resources for the crying mask to grow.

This is intensive cultivation, which can make the crying mask stronger.

And the environment here is the wild.

Although the Crying Mask's improvement here is not as fast as being taken care of by Baili Yuan, it is like an amusement park for the Crying Mask.

Children who are serious in school will still yearn for the amusement park.

"Should we try to see if we can remove this ruin?" Baili Yuan thought about it.

It is unrealistic to move this desert island into the home space, but if this relic can be cut off, the home space should be able to accommodate it.

Bailiyuan's God's Eye can be used normally in the ruins, and he has roughly figured out the size of the ruins. Although the ruins are huge, they are only relatively speaking.

The pupil of God sees through the darkness and all coverings, and Bailiyuan looks for the [innocent] person.

Finally, Bailiyuan saw a group of people deep in the ruins.

The three leaders are half-elf, half-dwarf, and a weird... half-dead?

"I found you!"

Deep in the ruins.

[Innocent] people are exploring.

[Innocence] Not everyone has entered this island, and those who are not strong enough can't go far in the desert outside.

However, the three heavenly kings all became interested in this island. After all, they all saw the thick rainbow light gushing out from the center of the island. breath.

So they will also decide to explore this desert island.

The Three Heavenly Kings just took a few men to the island and let the remaining members move on.

Although there are no Three Heavenly Kings, the remaining members are not weak, so be careful, enough to continue exploring the Millennium Current.

After landing on the desert island, it took more than half a day. The semi-dwarf king Star Copperfurnace discovered the special bones in the skull of the desert demon, and loaded these special bones on his toy army. The toys of Star Copperfurnace The Legion became their best reserve team.

The toy army came in and out, constantly delivering water for the Three Kings and the remaining members, for the Three Kings and their men to explore the desert island.

A day ago, the Three Heavenly Kings finally discovered the ruins, and then spent half a day cracking the ruins and entering the ruins to explore.

They didn't have anyone to guide them. Although they saw the rainbow light, but the desert island was so big, they could only judge the general direction. If it was a little crooked, it might cause huge deviations, so it took a lot of time to explore.

This is because they obtained the special skeleton of the desert devil, otherwise it would be more troublesome for them to explore in response to the endless dangers emerging in the desert.

After entering the ruins, the Three Heavenly Kings left a subordinate outside to monitor the situation outside. They had already received the news that Baili Yuan and Uchiha Shisui had entered the ruins.

The fact that their subordinates were found but not cleaned up proved that the other party had enough confidence in their own strength.

When Baili Yuan looked at the Three Heavenly Kings, the walking Three Heavenly Kings stopped one after another.

This made the two subordinates on the side a little confused, but they just stopped, and then shrank to the side, not daring to make a sound.

"It seems that the people who come in are not simple." Half-elf Yalf said, with a smile that seemed to be there.

The Three Heavenly Kings, like Juan, are both colorful-level strengths, and their strengths are not weak. Juan can sense Bailiyuan's gaze, and they can do the same.

When it comes to the existence of this strength, ordinary people cannot peek at it, unless the other party is stronger than them.

"Huh!" Star Copper Furnace just snorted coldly. Like most dwarves, Star Copper Furnace also has a more irritable temper, but unlike dwarves, he is not stubborn, so he didn't yell. To hammer people.

The half-dead King Hull didn't speak, his expression was indifferent.

"This ruin is not simple. It may be related to God or an existence with the same status as God. Go and explore. I will stay to meet those two intruders and have some fun." Yalf said with a smile .

"They have two guardian-level powerhouses, are you sure you can do it alone?" Star Copper Furnace pouted.

"Heh, at least it's better than your toys."

"Are you looking for something?"

"Okay, don't make noise." King Hull had to say, mediating in the middle, "Juan didn't follow, I don't know how he is now. We have to focus on the task, and this time we came to explore the ruins only because of the The situation is rather special.”

"So let Yalf stay by himself. You don't need to kill the enemy, you just need to hold the opponent. Besides, Yalf is better at saving his life. Star and I will continue to explore the ruins and try to get the good things here earlier, and then Get out of here early."

For King Hull's proposal, Yalf and Sta Copper Furnace only thought about it for a while, and they both agreed.

"Don't die." Star Copper Furnace said in the end.

"Hehe, our half-elves live longer than your half-dwarves." Yalf replied directly.

King Hull raised his head, sighed, his eyes were a little dazed.

Teammates bicker all the time, it's kind of annoying... I want to go to the playground, I want to ride the Ferris wheel, even if the playground is full of people, it's better than listening to my opponents bickering here, I just think they are noisy.

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