Chapter 2343 Desert Island

The boat rides the wind and waves and keeps moving forward.

Caroline has already investigated the traces of [Innocence].

In an archipelago before, Caroline's drone captured some special figures. These figures looked like robots. They were the "toy legion" created by the half-dwarf Sta Copperfurnace in the memory of Huo Yak and Roger. ".

When the drone discovered the Toy Legion, the Toy Legion was hunting a monitor lizard-like creature in the archipelago, and then took away the valuable materials from these monitor lizard creatures, looking effortless.

By the time Bailiyuan caught up, the toy army had already withdrawn, leaving only the messy archipelago. The corpses of countless monitor lizards were disemboweled and discarded randomly on the island.

Bailiyuan checked and found that none of the monitor lizards escaped the net. On the contrary, few other creatures died. The Toy Legion was hunting with a purpose.

And it can be seen from the tragic situation on the island that the Toy Legion is not a so-called "toy".

The corpses of monitor lizards on the island were not wasted by Bailiyuan. If they were just thrown away, there would be a plague in the future, so Bailiyuan spent some time collecting all monitor lizard corpses and throwing them into Vegetable Garden Island , to add meals to the monsters inside.

I just don’t know if the monsters on the island will appreciate the gift of “nature”.

There is no need to take care of the damaged archipelago Bailiyuan. Naturally, the situation in the archipelago will slowly recover. Moreover, there are no particularly precious resources on the island, so no one should take action against the archipelago.

Caroline extracted the genes from the monitor lizard, and with the help of the life obelisk, quickly cloned a new adult monitor lizard in just over ten minutes.

System scan.

"Akaka monitor lizard clone: ​​The gene comes from a special monitor lizard living in the archipelago. It has tenacious vitality and can survive as long as there is sufficient water. Although it is not a monster, it also has great potential. Note: The clone is overdrawn Potential and vitality."

The growth route of this kind of monitor lizard is body strengthening. Bailiyuan remembers that when gathering the corpses of monitor lizards, there were more than a dozen monitor lizards that were more than five meters long, and they might have diamond-level strength before they were alive.

It shows the excellence of this monitor lizard.

Almost catching up with Bailiyuan's Mao Mao... Mao Mao is Bailiyuan's honey badger and flat-headed brother.

Although Bailiyuan keeps Brother Pingtou as a pet, Brother Pingtou has been with Bailiyuan for a long time, and he usually gets a lot of good things. The strength of the top diamond level.

The continuous accumulation and improvement of physical strength is the growth path of Brother Pingtou.

But this also proves in disguise the danger of the toy army that can easily hunt and kill these monitor lizards. It is fearless of life and death, powerful, and painless. It is a force that cannot be ignored.

Caroline's cloning of monitor lizards was not for the purpose of cultivating monitor lizards, and the vitality and potential of this rapidly cloned monitor lizards had been overdrawn, and the time they could survive out of the petri dish was extremely short.

The purpose of Caroline's doing this is to determine what the Toy Legion took from the monitor lizards.

Taking the monitor lizard out of the petri dish, the monitor lizard died instantly, and then Caroline began to dissect the monitor lizard to compare with the data collected on the monitor lizard corpse.

The results came quickly.

"The toy army took away the special water sacs in the monitor lizards. The water sacs are the life core of the monitor lizards, and their importance is equal to the heart. Moreover, the special water sacs of the monitor lizards can store a large amount of clean water, and they can also filter seawater into The ability of fresh water." Caroline reported the results.

"What kind of precious material is this water sac?" Baili Yuan was curious.

Caroline gave a negative answer, "It's not a precious material. There are better cost-effective and high-quality alternatives on the market, and they can't be sold at a particularly high price. Therefore, I guess, [Innocence] picking This special water bag is for self-use, even if [innocent] people carry a similar device, it is probably just enough for them to use."

"Does that mean [innocent] people may need a lot of fresh water at this time?"


Bailiyuan thought about it.

Not everyone is like Bailiyuan, who has a huge home space and can store a lot of supplies.

Even if the coat of arms of the coat of arms has its own space, generally speaking, the space is not too large, and the items that can be carried are limited.

Therefore, when sailing at sea, instead of carrying a large amount of fresh water, it is better to carry a device that can convert sea water into fresh water. Such devices are not uncommon on the market, and the cost performance is much higher than the special water bladder of monitor lizards.

"It is very likely that [Innocent] people are exploring a place where there is no seawater at this time, so special water bladders are needed to transport a large amount of fresh water for them." Caroline made a judgment.


Caroline's drone has been following the toy army far away, and Bailiyuan's boat has followed behind the drone.

Soon the drone caught the Toy Legion landing on a special island.

The reason why this island is special is because this a desert!


Bailiyuan came to this special desert island.

To be precise, this should be the desert left after a certain world was broken.

The scale of this island is bigger than Caiyuan Island, and it can be regarded as a continent.

The world with such a large desert can appear, if the original world is not big enough, it may be because of the poor environment of the world, or because of some other special reasons.

As far as the eye can see, there is a piece of yellow sand. Stepping into the desert, the air begins to heat up abnormally, and at the same time, the moisture in the air is disappearing strangely and quickly.

Bailiyuan was thoughtful.

"It seems that the reason for the formation of this desert is not simply because of the environment and climate."

Before, Bailiyuan wondered what purpose the [Innocent] people came to this unshitty island, but now it seems that the [Innocent] people probably discovered something, and the [Innocent] people collected The reason for the special water bladder seems to have been explained.

A cloud of water appeared in Baili Yuan's hand.

Water escape……

Without waiting for Bailiyuan's control, the water quickly evaporated and disappeared. Bailiyuan had just condensed the water and hadn't had time to release his skills in the future.

"Here, adventurers with water attributes will encounter trouble."

Uchiha Shisui followed behind Bailiyuan, also watching this scene with some surprise.

People who set off the sea on land have seen it before, but this is the first time they have seen a situation where even a splash cannot hit the sea.

At this time, the crying mask suddenly appeared from Bailiyuan's home space, showing a special feeling for this desert.

"Oh? It seems that we have to explore in this desert."

Whether it is a normal crying mask or a Galar crying mask, they all have the same feature, that is, they like to wander around the ruins.

The crying mask told Bailiyuan that there should be a special ruin hidden here, which contains the energy of the ground system and the ghost system.

Baili Yuan took the lead into the desert.

Following the traces of the [Innocence] organization.

The footprints and traces in the desert will be smoothed by the sea breeze. Fortunately, there are drones that can navigate.

But the navigation quickly becomes useless.

Several of Caroline's drones lost contact at the same time, not because the signal was interfered, but because the drones were destroyed at the same time, but the murderer who destroyed the drones was not even photographed.

"It may be caused by the danger in the desert, or it may be noticed by [Innocence] people, Xiao Yuan, be careful next time." Caroline reminded.

Baili Yuan nodded, and then took a big sip of water for himself.

As they continued to go deeper into the desert, abnormal dehydration of creatures began to appear, but the creatures themselves were hard to perceive. If it wasn't for Caroline to monitor Bailiyuan's physical condition in real time, Bailiyuan almost ignored this situation.

Using strength to protect the body still cannot avoid the loss of water in the body, but it can only slow down the rate of loss. Fortunately, continuous replenishment of water can combat this situation.

Persistent dehydration is like a condition that cannot be dispelled.

It's a pity that this is not a control ability, and Bailiyuan cannot be immune.

After Bailiyuan realized the situation, she directly pulled out Shazi from her shadow, and stuffed it into the home space. After entering the home space, Shazi began to feel thirsty, even though she was hiding in the shadow , is still affected.

On the contrary, Uchiha Shisui and the crying mask were not affected in any way.

Uchiha Shisui: The guardian spirit, although he has absorbed the divine power, he has an appearance similar to that of a normal person, but he has no flesh and blood.

Crying Mask: Soul Pokémon, ground + ghost attributes, it is a wandering soul~

Bailiyuan: As a human being, I'm really sorry.

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