Chapter 2332 Gu-lan-gong-!

Gulangong dives quickly in the magma. It doesn't know how to swim, but it can sink to the bottom quickly with its own weight.

Moreover, Gulangong is also more suitable for activities in magma.

Bailiyuan and Uchiha Shisui in Gulangong's body were not affected by the high temperature outside, and the temperature in Gulangong's body was surprisingly comfortable.

"Although Gulangong has high-temperature organs, in fact, Gulangong has a high similarity with reptiles. Gulangong can achieve a constant temperature in its body, and can easily adjust a low-temperature constant temperature zone." Carlo Lin explained.

To put it simply, Baili Yuan and Uchiha Shisui feel so comfortable, which is specially adjusted by Gu Langon.

As the dive continued, the temperature of the magma became higher and higher, and the 900-degree high temperature on the surface of Gulangong's body soon became insufficient.

It is roughly equivalent to going from a cold water pool to a warm water pool.

But Gulangong has its own adjustment ability. The lava core on its back emits temperature, which makes the temperature of Gulangong's body surface continue to rise, and soon the warm water pool turns into a cold water pool again.

"We have already dived for nearly a thousand meters. From the sinking speed of Gulangong, we can see that the density of the magma outside is increasing. Soon Gulangong will not be able to dive so easily anymore." Caroline Continue to analyze.

Finally, Gulangong ended its tendency to dive. It got stuck in the magma, but Gulangong didn't stop there. Instead, it began to use its sharp claws to dig in the magma and dive at a faster speed.

Burrowing is the way of action that Gulangon is good at.

The magma here has almost condensed into a solid body.

Bailiyuan sent out a perception in Gu Langong's body, and Bailiyuan suddenly found that his spirit felt scorching.

This is not an illusion, but the temperature here can indeed affect the spirit.

But it's not a big problem.

After searching around with his senses, Bailiyuan found several other passages that were slowly closing. These passages should have been opened by other adventurers who sneaked in here first.

There are still capable people among adventurers.

The treasure is not here, so they have to continue to look for it.

At the same time, Bailiyuan also discovered some interesting places about this volcano.

At this height, the magma has been submerged for about a thousand meters. The magma is divided into two states, one is the relatively stable viscous state below, and the other is the boiling slurry state above.

It seems that there is an invisible force that divides the magma into two states, but does not completely separate the two states of magma.

The viscous magma below will gradually rise up. After crossing that line, the viscous magma will explode into a slurry water state, turning into a large amount of magma, and continuously spewing upwards. This is also the reason why the crater above has been erupting outwards reason.

The quantity is large and the tube is enough.

The viscous magma here seems to be more attractive to Gulangong. While it is digging holes, it stuffs a handful of magma into its mouth from time to time, as if eating honey.

"It seems that Gulangon's instinct is driving it to eat magma. Gulangong should have been stimulated by signs of evolution, but with the power provided by these magmas, Gulangong will have to absorb it here for at least one or twenty years before it can eat magma. It may touch the edge of evolution." Baili Yuan said with some regret.

Ordinary creatures are different from elves. There are signs of evolution, but it does not mean that they are about to evolve. The natural evolution of many creatures is relatively gentle, which means that it will take a long time. It may take tens of thousands of years to complete an evolution.

Gulangong can complete evolution in one to twenty years because of the special magma here.

Maybe continuing down, there will be even more precious magma, which can accelerate the evolution of Gulangong.

It's a pity that there are not many monsters and creatures that can use the power of magma, and magma is dangerous for most creatures, so this island is of little value to Bailiyuan.

In the world of heraldry, there are other regions that can replace this place as the training place for the fire elves, and Bailiyuan can also provide enough resources with fire power to support the elves in their practice.

"I just dived here, maybe this volcano is not simple, if I find something special, I can take over this island."

At this time, Gulangong suddenly fell down quickly, and Bailiyuan and Uchiha Shisui who were in Gulangong's body realized that the situation outside was not right.

At this time, Gulangong is actually doing a falling body exercise!

Gulangong seems to have penetrated the magma layer and came under the magma. What is shocking is that there is a huge space under the magma!

This is a red world, with thick red stone pillars connecting the ground below and the magma layer above, as if supporting this place.

But there is the sound of liquid flowing slowly in the stone pillar, and the stone pillar seems to be transporting magma upwards!

And in the space, it is full of plants like a tropical rainforest, but the characteristics of these plants are - high temperature resistance!

Also because of these plants, the place is filled with fresh air, and even the temperature is much lower.

In the forest sea, the hunters and prey hidden behind the trees are constantly moving, hunting each other, as if forming a complete ecological system.

This place has become an independent world!

The adventurers who came down were all shocked by this magnificent sight, floating in the air, forgetting to act for a while.

Then a monster fell from the magma above, almost hitting two unresponsive adventurers.

Gulangong couldn't fly, it howled, fell freely, and then slammed into the forest below.

Although the tall trees in the forest provided a certain buffer for Gulangong, if it fell from a height of thousands of meters, no matter how hard the monster was, it would eat a pot.

Besides, Gulangong is not a monster that is good at defense.


Most of Gulangong's body was broken. It was lying on the ground, dying, and half of its head was broken.


Both Bailiyuan and Uchiha Shisui were helpless. In fact, if Bailiyuan hadn't protected the key parts of Gulangong's body in the end, Gulangong might have died suddenly.

Just when Bailiyuan was going to use his life force to save Gulangong, he found that Gulangong's body was improving rapidly?

"It's magma!" Caroline reacted instantly, "According to records, Gulangong has the ability to regenerate lava!"

"Gurangon's cells have characteristics similar to minerals. When its body comes into contact with magma, no matter whether its body is injured or blown to pieces, Gulangong can instantly heal and regenerate with the power of lava."

And the floor of this forest—is solidified magma!

The red magma force gushed out from the ground and was quickly absorbed by Gulangong. Its body reorganized at a speed visible to the naked eye. In just a dozen seconds, Gulangong, who was still dying, became alive again, and even his breath became stronger.

When the adventurers above saw the changes in Gulangon, their eyes widened in shock.

"What kind of monster is this?"

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