I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 2328 Huo Chaofan: My Bohemian Senior Sister


Huo Chaofan and Zhao Ziya found a small island. They lit a fire on the shore, and the motorboat was dragged to the beach. Behind the three of them, there was a forest shrouded in darkness.

At this time, Huo Chaofan, Zhao Ziya, and Ruan Yinxin were sitting around the fire. The fire shone on the faces of the three of them. At this time, the three of them were a little silent, and no one even turned over the barbecue that was placed on the fire. , and soon there was a burnt smell.

Ruan Yinxin had come to her senses and changed into a set of dry clothes. She was indeed Huo Chaofan's senior sister, but she couldn't explain why she appeared here, she seemed to have lost her memory.

At this time, Ruan Yinxin hugged her shoulders, her eyes were dull, as if she was confused about the future, looking at it made her heart hurt, and she couldn't help but want to hug her in her arms to comfort her.

Zhao Ziya's heart is also very confused. As Huo Chaofan's only designated childhood sweetheart, she knows any of Huo Chaofan's little habits, knows Huo Chaofan's practice path, and even knows how old Huo Chaofan's hair is, but she just doesn't know when Huo Chaofan will grow more A senior sister, and the relationship between the two is not simple.

Zhao Ziya looked up at Ruan Yinxin who was distracted, and then at Huo Chaofan who was silent. She suddenly felt that Huo Chaofan would be snatched away, which also made her feel deeply uneasy.

It seems to be the season of white again.

Who is the first?

Huo Chaofan sniffled. He smelled the burning smell, so he hurriedly recovered and turned the barbecue on the fire.

All three of them ate the meal very uncomfortable, and it tasted like chewing wax.

"Rest early after eating." Huo Chaofan said, "Tomorrow we have to explore here."

Zhao Ziya got up hurriedly, wanting to escape from the awkward atmosphere: "I'm going to set up a tent."

After Zhao Ziya walked away, Ruan Yinxin raised her head to look at Huo Chaofan, the fire light reflected on her white chin, "Chaofan, I'm sorry to make you difficult." Her voice was sad and heartbreaking.

Huo Chaofan looked at Ruan Yinxin and shook his head: "It's okay, this is about the same as we usually do. I still have a spare tent here, and it happens that we each have a tent."

The three tents were set up, and the three of them entered their own tents. Whether it was intentional or not, Zhao Ziya lived in the middle, separating Huo Chaofan and Ruan Yinxin.

In fact, Zhao Ziya wanted to be in the same tent with Ruan Yinxin. On the one hand, it was because they were both women, and on the other hand, she wanted to inquire about Huo Chaofan with Ruan Yinxin. She wanted to swear sovereignty in front of Ruan Yinxin.

How could the pig that I have raised for twenty years be abducted by a woman like you who ran out of nowhere?

I really can't believe that Qingmei lost to the sky!

However, Huo Chaofan let the three of them live alone on the grounds that Ruan Yinxin was not suitable for being disturbed, which made Zhao Ziya feel a little uncomfortable, but she still agreed with Huo Chaofan's idea, and even generously lent Ruan Yinxin a set of pajamas.

The fire was extinguished, and the night was still long.

Time passed quietly, and only the sound of waves could be heard on the island. The three of them seemed to be asleep, when a rustling sound came from a tent.

Someone walked out of the tent, it was Huo Chaofan, he stared at Zhao Ziya's tent for a while, and after making sure that Zhao Ziya was asleep, he stepped over Zhao Ziya's tent, came to Ruan Yinxin's tent, and knocked slightly on the tent.

"Senior Sister, it's me."

Ruan Yinxin inside was not sleeping. She opened the tent and leaned out half of her body. The moonlight fell on her body, she looked like a fairy under the moonlight. The pajamas slipped off, and the exposed half of the crisp shoulders had a different kind of charm , and he himself didn't seem to realize this, or because of trust, he was not on guard against Huo Chaofan, and looked at Huo Chaofan with a smile on his face.

"Come in." Ruan Yinxin stepped aside, trying to let Huo Chaofan into his tent.

Huo Chaofan shook his head, "Sister, let's go to the woods on the island, just like when we were young."

Ruan Yin hesitated for a moment, smiled and nodded, "Okay."

Huo Chaofan walked quickly to the woods.

Ruan Yinxin didn't change her clothes either, she just wore her pajamas and followed Huo Chaofan.

After the two walked into the woods, there was a sound from Zhao Ziya's tent. Zhao Ziya opened the tent with trembling hands, looked in the direction of the woods, and his eyes were a little red.

At this time, Zhao Ziya's heart was very disturbed and uncomfortable.

At least, at least she has to confirm it with her own eyes!

Zhao Ziya took a step forward and followed behind the two along the footprints on the beach.

In the forest, Huo Chaofan stood in an open space, watching Ruan Yinxin.

"Chaofan." Ruan Yin called Huo Chaofan's name sweetly, and wanted to step forward.

But Huo Chaofan made a fighting gesture, "Sister, just like when we were young, let's fight, and I will help you recover all the memories from when we were young little by little."

At this time, Huo Chaofan's eyes were extremely serious and determined, and he had a different kind of handsomeness under the moonlight.

Ruan Yinxin hesitated for a moment, then nodded, showing a sweet smile.

"Okay, I believe in Junior Brother."

After finishing speaking, Ruan Yinxin also made a starting gesture that Huo Chaofan was familiar with. This starting gesture was the same as Huo Chaofan's, and it was also the boxing technique that the two had learned together since childhood.

The two started to fight each other, discussing each other's moves.

At this moment, Huo Chaofan seemed to have returned to the past, when he was practicing martial arts with his senior sister, and the senior sister smiled at him like this, warming his heart and being carefree.

Zhao Ziya, who was hiding behind the tree, was relieved to see that the two were just exchanging ideas, but she still felt a little uncomfortable, because she found that the two were fighting, and they started to approach gradually, and they were about to stick together.

At this moment, an accident happened suddenly!

Huo Chaofan's originally casual hand suddenly became fierce, and he slapped Ruan Yinxin on the head with a move, and even used the move.

Ruan Yinxin's pupils shrank sharply, and when she encountered a life-and-death crisis, she burst out with potential, turned her body abruptly, and avoided Huo Chaofan's attack on the head, allowing Huo Chaofan's attack to land on her shoulder.


There was a crisp fracture sound, and Ruan Yinxin's entire left arm was crippled, and it lay softly on her body.

Ruan Yinxin let out a scream because of this, quickly retreated, stared at Huo Chaofan in disbelief, and said in a trembling voice: "Chaofan, you are so cruel!"

Seeing this scene behind Zhao Ziya's tree, he tightly covered his mouth with both hands.

Now she couldn't care less about being jealous, she suddenly suspected that her brother Chaofan was fake, otherwise how could he be so vicious?

However, Huo Chaofan stared at Ruan Yinxin with a cold face.

"Your ability should be to collect impressions in other people's memories and then simulate them, right?"

"What are you talking about?" Ruan Yin asked puzzled.

"Forget it, even if you don't admit it, I probably have figured out your ability." Huo Chaofan said: "You imitated my senior sister by reading part of my memory, but your ability should not be comprehensive. , For some things that I have forgotten or temporarily forgotten, you cannot read at all, and you should not be able to continue to read my memory after disguising."

Then Ruan Yinxin still looked puzzled.

Zhao Ziya has already noticed something is wrong, what did brother Chaofan find?

Huo Chaofan sneered: "Your failure is to show attachment to my attitude, because this is just the memory and impression of my ignorance period. I have tried to recall it before, and my senior sister Ruan Yinxin will not be in this state to me. ,because……"

Huo Chaofan pointed to Ruan Yinxin.

"My bohemian senior sister likes women! And later she practiced the Yin-Yang Reversal Technique, she has transformed into a male body, and even opened a harem! It is impossible for her to show attachment to me and at the same time maintain her female body! "

Ruan Yinxin:!

Zhao Ziya:! !

In fact, Huo Chaofan was also young. Although he devoted himself to martial arts in his previous life, there were certain reasons for it.

Huo Chaofan was also ignorant. He spent a lot of time with his glamorous senior sister, and he once fantasized about whether his senior sister was interested in him. However, before his confession could be uttered, his senior sister was expelled from the school for messing around with female disciples from other sects.

Huo Chaofan, who was stimulated, took the road of practicing martial arts with one step, and became the pride of his master and sect, but he never considered women again.

As for the memory of the senior sister Ruan Yinxin, Huo Chaofan didn't want to recall it, because it was one of his few black histories, even if the senior sister did help him many times later.

No, at that time he should be called Senior Brother.

After being reincarnated into this world, he has tried his best to forget this part of the memory, and now he has to recall it. He must use his fists to fight back the humiliation of recalling the black history!

"Junior brother, what are you talking about, don't you trust me?" Ruan Yinxin said tremblingly.

Huo Chaofan said coldly: "The only people I can really trust in this world are my parents and Zhao Ziya!"


Zhao Ziya, who was behind the tree, fell directly to the ground, almost fainted, and the temperature on his face rose rapidly.

This, this, this...

Hit the bullseye!

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