Chapter 2326 Iceberg Giant Beast

The boat sails leisurely on the sea, moving forward without a specific goal, because no one knows what lies ahead.

The millennium current has not officially started, and most of the people who entered the range of the millennium current did not go too deep.

The same is true for Bailiyuan and Uchiha Shisui. At the same time, Caroline is also constantly spreading surveillance robots to investigate clues about [Innocence].

It's just that the [Innocent] person has not acted, and no trace has been exposed yet.

The fishing rod in Bailiyuan's hand shook, and a fish bit the hook!

Pulling the rod hard, a half-meter-long fish was pulled up from the sea by Bailiyuan.

"Stop the water, build a fire, this fish will be eaten tonight."

The night came as expected.

The sky was dark with no stars because of the cumulus clouds in the sky.

There was a wind blowing across the sea, and the wind speed was not too fast, like a girl's hand caressing her cheek. The boat raised a bonfire, and the light of the flame fell on the faces of Bailiyuan and Uchiha Shisui along with the heat.

There was half a fish being grilled on the flame, while Baili Yuan cooked the rest of the fish in another way.

"Here, grilled fish with salt." Bailiyuan handed a plate of fish to Uchiha Shisui, "It's not saury, it's deep-sea swordfish. You can eat it too. It should taste good."

"Thank you, my lord." Uchiha Shisui took the plate and started to eat fish with Baili Yuan.

In the end, a whole fish went into the stomachs of both of them.

The night passed slowly.

Both Bailiyuan and Uchiha Shisui were not asleep, and when there were some special movements on the sea, they all woke up instantly.

Looking up, several rays of light of different colors appeared on the surface of the sea in various places, and they shot straight into the sky, exuding huge power fluctuations.

"This is the rainbow light of the sea current!" Caroline said: "According to the records, when some powerful treasures appear, they will be accompanied by this rainbow light of the sea current. the approximate power of

"This is also one of the signs of the official emergence of the Millennium Current!"

Treasures will float to the surface of the sea with the emergence of millennium currents. Some treasures are very low-key, and even give people the feeling that they are waste products, but there are still many treasures that appear high-profile.

Regarding this phenomenon, Baili Yuan thought about it briefly, and he roughly understood the reason.

These treasures naturally existed in the world fragments, trapped in the world fragments, the fluctuations emitted by these treasures have accumulated for many years, as the world fragments are absorbed by Gaia, the treasures appear again, and the accumulated power will be released Come out and form a rainbow light.

The sea water suddenly became turbulent, like a sleeping monster waking up.

The Millennium Current has officially begun!

"My lord?" Uchiha Shisui looked at Bailiyuan.

Bailiyuan scanned the surrounding rainbow lights that were gradually dissipating, sensing the aura emanating from different rainbow lights.

There are five rainbow lights that are closer to Bailiyuan.

One of them exudes fluctuations of fire-type power, two exudes fluctuations of water-type power, one exudes pure power fluctuations, and one exudes ethereal power fluctuations.

Bailiyuan chose the location where the last red light was located, which was the direction where the illusory power fluctuations were located.

Because Bailiyuan sensed the aura fluctuations in it, maybe it was a treasure related to the system of cultivating immortals, which could be taken back to Junko Bai Chuan as a gift.

Gluttony Simmons on the bottom of the sea pulled the boat, broke through the turbulent waves, and swam towards the direction where the rainbow light appeared.

At the same time, other adventurers on the sea are also looking for the direction of the red light that appeared near them, looking for the past.


An iceberg rose from the bottom of the sea and passed by Gluttony Simmons. Gluttony Simmons drifted hurriedly and took the boat off course to avoid being hit by the iceberg.

The thousand-meter iceberg rose, Bailiyuan and Uchiha Shisui looked at the floating iceberg curiously, their eyes flashed with surprise.

Because in the iceberg, there is actually a giant beast roaring upwards.

The huge creature of more than 700 meters looks like a combination of an ape and a tiger and a leopard. Its two hind legs are on the ground, its arms are open, and its bloody mouth is facing the sky.

Such a scene gave people a huge shock.

Even with the height of Gluttony Simmons, he is just a younger sister in front of this giant beast.

The pupil of God lit up, and Bailiyuan saw that there was no soul in the roaring giant beast, even the soul fragments were clean, as if there was some power that completely wiped out the soul of the giant beast.

And the giant beast's body has been frozen for many years, and its vitality and blood are completely withered. Although it still has a mighty and domineering body, it is an empty shell that will shatter when touched.

There is no doubt that the body of this behemoth is worthless.

The iceberg is melting slowly, and the final outcome of this giant beast is probably after the iceberg melts, it will turn into powder, sprinkle in the sea, and become the ration of the fish in the sea.

"The scenes in the world fragments can probably reflect some scenes of the original world. The world that this giant beast lives in may have encountered some disaster, and maybe this is also the reason for its world's demise." Baili Yuan's tone was a little heavy.

The world is broken, Bailiyuan has really seen it.

In Ged's world, Bailiyuan saw the entire universe die just as soon as he landed. If it weren't for the self-sacrifice of the King of Ultra, who repaired the universe, Ged's world would have disappeared long ago.

However, not every world is on the verge of destruction, can encounter such a strong man as the King of Ultra.

Bailiyuan was thinking, maybe in the future he will also encounter a world that is about to be destroyed, how will he save such a world at that time? Even if he imitates the old man Ultra King, his current strength cannot directly repair a universe like him.

Gluttony Simmons didn't hear the order to stop, it continued to move forward, and soon left the iceberg behind. Such a huge iceberg is just a drop in the ocean in this sea.

Soon, Gluttonous Simmons dragged the boat to the vicinity of the area where the rainbow light appeared. Now that the rainbow light has disappeared, it is only possible to determine the approximate range of the rainbow light. Next, it is up to the adventurers to find the treasure by themselves.

Treasures will not wait in place. Sometimes the treasures will be taken away by other creatures, and more often they will disappear with the current.

This requires adventurers to have high knowledge about ocean currents, and be able to determine the approximate whereabouts of treasures.

And the best situation is that the treasure is on a huge island, which is easier to find.

Fortunately, there is such an island within the scope of the rainbow light this time. The island is dead silent, and a large number of plants cover several mountains on the island, but the broken buildings can be vaguely seen under the plants.

The aura emanated from the island, and Pikachu ran out from the space of his home, pointed at the island, his eyes glowed: "There is a broken spiritual vein Pika under this island, I can feel Pika~"

"Okay! The treasure should also be on this island. I didn't feel any other aura fluctuations in the nearby waters."

"My lord, someone is coming." Uchiha Shisui reminded, looking in a direction behind him, two big ships were riding the wind and waves, sailing towards the island.

Bailiyuan would not give in. He directly covered the entire island with his strength and asked people to throw the island into the home space. The scope of this island was much smaller than the previous vegetable garden, and only included a few mountain ranges.

"Gluttony Simmons, run!"

It's really exciting to pick up the island and run.

When Bailiyuan and the others were running, they could faintly hear the howling of ghosts and wolves from the two ships behind.

Obviously saw the island, and also saw the rainbow light, but as soon as it got close, the island disappeared. How can there be any reason for this?

At this time, Pikachu couldn't wait to return to his home space, took other elves to the island, and began to dig and explore.

Pikachu, just like an ordinary mouse, made a hole on the island, leading directly to the broken spiritual vein under the island.

"Send it, pickup, it's time to send it, pickup~"

The "Guide to Cultivation of Immortals" said that only those big sects can occupy the spiritual veins, and now there is a broken spiritual vein in front of them, just like ordinary people digging a gold mine, and this gold mine belongs to the digger!

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