Chapter 2320 Pillar of Order

Bailiyuan and Uchiha Shisui did not stop at the outer islands.

It's not because there are no good things on the outer islands, but because there are too many people on the outer islands, there are more wolves and less flesh, and it is impossible for Baili Yuan to bully others with his strength.

So Bailiyuan decided to go to the front first, and there were many people who had the same idea as him - as long as you go deep enough, you will always encounter virgin land that no one else has explored.

The Millennium Current has not officially started yet, but all kinds of wonders that were born because of the Millennium Current have already appeared.

From time to time, things pop out of the sea, huge islands, ancient shipwrecks, and all kinds of wonders.


The sea surface fluctuated, and a peak pointing directly at the sky protruded from the bottom of the sea, and a cloud appeared on the top of the peak.

The peak appeared not far from Bailiyuan, which attracted Bailiyuan's attention.

"Simmons, turn around!" Bailiyuan patted the edge of the wooden boat, Simmons on the bottom of the sea sensed Bailiyuan's meaning, turned his head and swam towards the direction of the mountain.

As he approached the mountain peak, Bailiyuan could see the situation of the mountain more clearly.

This mountain is not thick, like a long needle, piercing out of the sea, and unlike the previous islands, the cliffs of this mountain are very smooth, without any seaweed attached, not even stranded fish .

It looks like a bare mountain.

"Maybe you can go to the top of the mountain to overlook the situation below." Bailiyuan felt that this was an opportunity to investigate the changes in the sea area after the millennium current appeared.

"My lord, leave it to me!" Uchiha Shisui took the initiative to take over this task, there is no more suitable investigative method than his Gouyu reincarnation eye.

The power of Goutama's reincarnation eye was activated, Uchiha Shisui broke away from gravity, and flew to the top of the mountain like a cannonball.

However, when Uchiha Shisui flew to a high place and approached the mountain, he suddenly fell from the air. Uchiha Shisui tried to stabilize his body but failed. When he reached the sea, he wanted to use Chakra to stand on the sea.

As a result, with a plop, Uchiha Shisui went straight into the sea.

Fortunately, Uchiha Shisui could not be drowned.

Uchiha Shisui swam up from the sea, climbed into the boat, and reported the situation, "Sorry, my lord, this mountain is surrounded by magic and air ban effects, so I can't fly up directly."

Hearing that this situation still exists, Bailiyuan's expectations for this mountain suddenly increased.

Then Bailiyuan tried it, and found that there was really no way to fly up, not even Caroline's drone, and when she was close to the mountain, she couldn't use the power in her body at all.

However, Bailiyuan and Uchiha Shisui did not find formations similar to launching the effect of banning air and banning magic, which seemed to be a rule.

If you want to get close to this mountain, you have to accept this rule.

Caroline retrieved the record about the Millennium Ocean Current recorded in [Guardian] and found the description about this mountain.

"This mountain is called the Pillar of Order, and it has two effects. The first is that half of the mountain is used as the dividing line, and it will release the forbidden area to the entire range of the Millennium Current. That is to say, as long as the Millennium Current appears No one can fly more than half the height of this mountain."

"The second is the magic ban. When it is within a certain range of this mountain, any creature and item will be forcibly banned from magic, unable to use power, and the item will become invalid. The same is true for technological items."

"Probably because of these two forces, this mountain got its name. Someone once tried to destroy this mountain by physical means, but they didn't even scrape off a layer of stone chips, which also means that this mountain is extremely hard. "

Baili Yuan nodded, and then suddenly asked: "What's on the top of the mountain? Has anyone climbed it before?"

Caroline searched and gave a negative answer: "There is no record in either [Guardian] or Akamoy's information."

No record?

Is it that no one has successfully explored, or that those who have explored have not recorded what they encountered?

"That's good." Baili Yuan threw away the fishing rod, "Zhishui, you and Simmons continue to explore around, I'll climb up to have a look."

"Okay, I understand." Uchiha Shisui nodded, it's not that he is not worried about Baili Yuan, but Uchiha Shisui knows better, with Baili Yuan's current strength, he is not so easy to get into trouble.

Bailiyuan jumped directly into the sea, swam to the side of the mountain, and began to climb the mountain.

The pillar-shaped peaks are smooth and steep, and there are not many protrusions that can be used for climbing, which makes climbing extremely difficult.

But not impossible to climb.

Taking a deep breath, Bailiyuan began to climb towards the top of the mountain.

Uchiha Shisui just stared at Bailiyuan's figure for a while, and then let Simmons pull the boat to explore other areas.

When he just flew up, Shisui Uchiha saw a huge figure moving in a direction, so he chose this direction.

Bailiyuan's climbing speed changed from fast to slow. As he expected, the higher the climb, the harder it was to climb.

There are requirements for rock climbing. It is not enough to just climb up blindly. You also need to use wisdom and vision to plan a suitable climbing route, and at the same time, you need the courage to not be afraid of danger.

If it is an ordinary person climbing, it may take a long time to think before moving up once.

However, Bailiyuan insisted on relying on his strong physical ability to forcibly break through many difficulties.

Finally, Bailiyuan crossed the forbidden area and climbed more than half of the mountain.

Continuing to go up, Bailiyuan soon realized that the next journey could not be made by relying on the planned route.

Because there is no place to stay on the rock wall anymore!

Here, it becomes a smooth cylinder!

If you want to keep going up, you can only rely on the strength of your limbs, clamp the rock wall, and keep going up with the help of that tiny support!

"Such difficulty is not something that ordinary people can climb."

"If it is a race that is born with the ability to absorb, maybe it can easily climb up." Caroline said.

"Too bad I'm not."

Bailiyuan continued to climb upwards, climbing towards the peak one by one like bugs.

Uchiha Shisui turned around on the boat and looked in the direction of the mountain peak. It was already difficult to see Bailiyuan clearly from this distance.

In fact, many people found that Bailiyuan was climbing the mountain. After all, when they suddenly saw such a high mountain, normal people would choose to raise their necks to see what was going on above, and then saw Bailiyuan climbing the mountain.

"Can this mountain be climbed?"

"Is there something on the mountain?"

"No, I want to go up too!"

"Stop talking nonsense, just fly up!"

Many people who didn't know the truth chose to fly to the top of the mountain, and then fell very embarrassingly. Many of them did not intend to give up, but gritted their teeth and followed Baili Yuan's example, climbing up the mountain.

If that person can do it, why can't they?

Uchiha Shisui no longer paid attention to Bailiyuan, because Simmons had brought Uchiha Shisui to an island at this time. There was a virgin forest on the island, and the trees in the forest towered into the clouds.

Faintly, Uchiha Shisui heard the roar of a beast coming from the island.

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