Chapter 2314 Battle for Cooking


The matter of defeating Lena Ang did not affect Baili Yuan and Uchiha Shisui. The two sat on chairs and directly called the waiter to come and order.

But this incident had a great impact on others.

They thought big news was coming, and they were there.

Although Lena Ang's younger brothers were very unwilling, but Lena Ang was defeated, they took Lena Ang and left first.

No matter what other people think, anyway, Bailiyuan and Uchiha Shisui are eating with bowls in their hands.

In the end, Huo Chaofan and Zhao Ziya did not choose to challenge Bailiyuan, but chose a table of guests who were about to finish their meal, challenged them, won easily, and got their seats.

Although Huo Chaofan's strength is only a half-step big coat of arms, but he has practiced the skills of his previous life, and his combat power is not easy.

They also didn't wait for the guests to finish their meals, because during this time the restaurant had several waves of guests. If they chose to wait, they probably wouldn't be able to get a seat in the end.

The new guests didn't see the previous battle between Baili Yuan and Uchiha Shisui. Some people saw the two of them, one red and one green, with exaggerated looks, which was not pleasing to the eye, so some people wanted to challenge Baili Yuan and Uchiha Shisui.

Uchiha Shisui grabbed the clean fishbone and stabbed the fishbone into the challenger's palm in a way that the challenger didn't see clearly. Seeing this, the challenger retreated and chose to attack other guests.

Uchiha Shisui's first-hand ability also attracted the attention of the new guests.

Bailiyuan and Uchiha Shisui were also looking at the guests around them, but to their surprise, most of the newcomers did not order food after taking up their seats, but did the same as the previous Lena Ang , sitting in the seat, closing his eyes and meditating, as if waiting for something.

The same is true for Huo Chaofan and Zhao Ziya.

They are from the investigation team, and with the database of the investigation team, they know more and more detailed information.

Bailiyuan was holding a chicken leg in his mouth. When he was wondering, exciting music suddenly sounded in the lobby, and a dining car was pushed into the lobby. There was a plate of covered food on the dining car, making it difficult to see what was inside. .

Uchiha Shisui called "Master" in a low voice, and then gestured around with his eyes.

At this time, the atmosphere in the lobby changed. Many customers who were eating were unaware, while other customers raised their heads, especially those who did not order food after sitting down. Showed a strong momentum.

The manager of the restaurant followed the dining car, took a microphone, and began to explain.

"Exciting special cuisine has appeared, and this special cuisine is made with rare ingredients that have appeared in the millennium ocean currents. The way to obtain this special cuisine is very simple, and that is to beat all competitors with your fists."

"From now on, there is three minutes to sign up, and three minutes later, the cooking competition will officially begin!"

After the manager's voice fell, those guests who had been waiting here got up directly, walked to the manager's side, and prepared to sign up.

"A rare ingredient that appeared in the millennium ocean current?" Baili Yuan became interested.

Although the millennium ocean current has not fully appeared, some preludes have already begun, and many precious items have already appeared in the sea. The ingredients for this cooking should have appeared in advance with the ocean current.

Uchiha Shisui was a little puzzled, "It's just a special dish, why do these people seem to come here specifically for this dish?"

In the eyes of Uchiha Shisui, who often eats the dishes made by Baili Yuan, it seems strange that this group of people are fighting for a special dish.

However, Bailiyuan smiled mysteriously, "This dish is not simple, and it may be close to my level."

Baili Yuan stared at the covered dish with golden eyes.

He could see the shadow of a strange whale with a pair of wings spreading around the dish, with a divine radiance.

This proves that the ingredients of the dish are not simple, and it is likely to be a dish that can give the eater special benefits.

Because of the special ingredients, after being cooked by an excellent chef, the cooking level is close to Baili Yuan's level, and it may even be a dish that can radiate light.

Bailiyuan slapped the table, "Go! Let's sign up too!"

Huo Chaofan and Zhao Ziya also came for this dish, and they walked towards the manager as soon as the registration started.

"The investigation team's information is indeed correct. The food that appeared this time should be fantasy food. It is said that eating food can give people a permanent state." Zhao Ziya said, licking her lips. Just recalling the content in the record, she felt Can't help but want to drool.

"It shouldn't be that strong. The millennium ocean current has just appeared, and there are very few top-quality ingredients that will appear at this time. The fantasy cuisine that appears this time will probably only give people a state for a period of time. However, according to the records, the fantasy cuisine provided here, Generally, a one-month special status can be provided. If we can get a one-month special status, it will help us to explore the Millennium Ocean Current in the future." Huo Chaofan analyzed.

The millennium ocean current will officially appear soon, and the one-month status blessing is also very precious.

According to records, most of the blessings provided by fantasy cuisine can enhance combat power, and you can become stronger just by eating, so this kind of cuisine is named "dream cuisine".

When Huo Chaofan and Zhao Ziya signed up, they saw that Baili Yuan and Uchiha Shisui had also signed up. They probably didn't know about Fantasy Cuisine before, but now Fantasy Cuisine has attracted two people's interest.

In this regard, Huo Chaofan didn't find it troublesome, but was full of fighting spirit in his heart.

The game can only use skills and physical strength, and he is still very confident in his strength in these two areas.

Even if Bailiyuan killed Lena Ang in an instant, it didn't scare Huo Chaofan.

Because in Huo Chaofan's view, most of the heraldry envoys lack the ability to tap their physical potential, and they rely too much on the power of the heraldry. The emergence of a special strongman like Bailiyuan is either because he is very special, or His heraldic profession is special.

It should be said that meeting an opponent like Bailiyuan was exactly what he wanted.

Perhaps, the champion will be produced between the two of them.

The three-minute registration time passed quickly.

A total of twelve people took part in the competition, the number was less than expected, but there was no surprise, because those who were not strong enough to participate in the competition would only be beaten badly, and Zhao Ziya did not participate.

A small area has been marked out in the lobby, and both sides of the battle need to fight within this range, and those who go out of the bounds will be directly sentenced to lose.

The rules of the battle are very simple, no death or disability is allowed, no weapons are allowed, and only physical strength and skills can be relied on.

The scope of the battle is not large, perhaps it is also to allow the two sides to fight head-to-head.

"The battle for cooking has officially begun!" The manager himself acted as the referee, of course, standing outside the boundary, otherwise he might be the first one to be beaten.

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