Chapter 2311 Huangre Hotel

The city of water is prosperous. Because it is close to the ocean, the city of water has developed fisheries, ports, and tourism, and is an important transportation hub.

You can see the intelligent life of many races coming and going in the water, and there are many marine life living here for a long time, and mixed races are not uncommon here.

Moreover, the people in the water capital feel very different from the people in Akamoy.

The people here are like waves, surging and full of enthusiasm.

Bailiyuan was quickly lost in the undulating waves of the street.

The temperature in the city of water is relatively high, and the people here wear cool clothes.

However, Bailiyuan is not blindly watching. Bailiyuan, who is wandering in the street, is not only feeling the customs of the water capital, but also noticed that the millennium currents are very popular in the water capital. .

After all, this is a once-in-a-thousand-year event!

Even for a long-lived race, a thousand years is a long time, and Baili Yuan is only over two thousand years old.

All kinds of shopping malls and companies in the Water City have advertised because of the millennium currents. There are not many companies selling equipment and strategy, and there are many vendors on the streets who are quietly selling "secret information" that is not true or false.

Moreover, among the passers-by, there are many not weak guys. Even ordinary people will discuss some things about the Millennium Current in their spare time.

Regarding the matter of the Millennium Current, there are mainly three aspects that everyone pays attention to.

The first is the range of millennium currents. It is said that although the main range of the millennium current is roughly the same every year, there are still many differences, and the impact of the millennium current in different regions is also different.

The second is what will appear in the Millennium Current. Along with the millennium currents, there are rare treasures buried in the deep sea or in no man's land. Besides, there are many dangerous or magical monsters. Some treasures and monsters will only appear in a fixed range. .

The last aspect is about the secrets that exist in the millennium current.

It is said that some strong people will put their inheritance into the thousand-year ocean current, and it will appear with the ocean current in the future for those who are destined to get it.

There are still many people who want to find out the truth of the Millennium Current, and they believe that only by understanding the truth of the Millennium Current can they get the most precious things.

There are various other things that can happen when the Millennium Current occurs.

There are also many people discussing these contents on the Internet, and Caroline can find a lot of contents by searching the Internet casually.

This is a once-in-a-thousand-year event, and many people are eager to find out more information in order to gain more for themselves.

As for the dangers associated with the Millennium Current, most people have ignored them, but everyone knows that if they want to gain benefits, they have to face danger, either die or transform.

In addition, there is also a news column on the Internet, which is dedicated to broadcasting the powerful men who recently appeared in the water capital, not only the human race, but also the strong men of many other races. fear.

Some people have already been listed on the column as soon as they got off the plane and set foot on the land of the water capital.

Below these people, there are also flowers rewarded by fans. Many fans hope that their favorite strong will be the most popular.

The department hosting the column is struggling.

However, Bailiyuan wandered around the water capital for a long time, and he didn't see his shadow in the column and list.

It's not that guardians can't be on the list, Bailiyuan has seen several guardians of other races on the list, and there is also a guardian of the human race, including several people from the [Guardian] organization.

But there is no Bailiyuan.

After discussing with Caroline, Bailiyuan finally realized.

When he was the dean of Yuncheng College, he looked like a four- or five-year-old boy. After he became the guardian of the human race, he lived in seclusion. There has been no news of him for a long time, but this time he poured water into the city and squeezed it for himself. The appearance of a ten-year-old child.

The result is that no one recognizes him.

He is still wearing a digital shell, and most people can't see his strength.


"What's so uncomfortable, people can't recognize you, so you can act secretly?" Caroline asked back.

"Is a sunny and handsome guy like me suitable for secret operations?" Baili Yuan asked back.

"Before you say this, you first take back your shadow soldiers, undead magic, dark power, and evil power."

"Ahem, I'm hungry, let's go eat."

Bailiyuan ended this topic.

Uchiha Shisui followed Bailiyuan, Bailiyuan did not forget his mission, although he looked like he was playing, but in fact he was always observing the surroundings, and Uchiha Shisui was also helping him Watch out for anyone suspicious.

"[Innocent] people are still hiding in the dark, making it difficult for people to figure out their identities. If you guess, either they hide their identities and turn into ordinary people, or they come with other identities, so this list Anyone on the board may be suspected." The list Bailiyuan mentioned naturally refers to the list of strong men announced by the news column.

Uchiha Shisui nodded slightly, and the people he followed were more than those on the list. Regarding the information of everyone on the list, Uchiha Shisui had already burned it into his mind. Can't escape his eyes.

In some respects, Uchiha Shisui's Goyu Reincarnation Eye is better than Bailiyuan's God's Eye.

Bailiyuan still has a long way to go in developing the Eye of God.

Under Caroline's navigation, Bailiyuan and Uchiha Shisui came to a restaurant. This restaurant has a good score, and it is also a restaurant with a lot of people coming and going. It is easy to meet special people, and it is also a good place to inquire about news.

Huangre Hotel!

Push the door and enter.

Bailiyuan saw a lot of tables and chairs in the lobby, and a long bar. Many guests were sitting on the chairs having a drink and chatting loudly.

However, the aroma of the food that came out made people's index fingers move.

The food in this restaurant tastes really good.

"Welcome!" The well-dressed waiter greeted Baili Yuan and Uchiha Shisui with a smile at the door, "How many guests are there?"


"Do you need a box or in the lobby?"

"The lobby is fine."

"The two of you, please, please inform the two of you before dining, if you cause any damage here, you need to compensate according to the price."


Soon Bailiyuan and Uchiha Shisui understood the reason for the waiter's reminder.

No one led them to their seats. When Bailiyuan and Uchiha Shisui were looking for vacant seats, they suddenly saw two groups fighting for a seat. Neither of them used any special The strength of the body relies on the strength of the body and moves to fight.

The end result was that two chairs were smashed and one of them fell to the ground.

The waiter expertly picked up the broken chairs and exchanged them for two new chairs, while collecting money for the two chairs from the person who smashed them.

As for the one who fell to the ground, he did not lose his ability to move, so he could only leave indignantly.

"This..." Uchiha Shisui looked at Bailiyuan hesitantly, he didn't think this place was a good place.

Baili Yuan smiled slightly, and couldn't help sighing: "This is probably the simplicity of the people."

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