Chapter 2307 The password is correct

"Why didn't you join the battle yourself, Quecchi?" Baili Yuan stared at Quecchi and questioned him.

"Are you thinking about something? Is it because your legs are shaking? What are you going to do with the manipulative Reshiram?"

Bailiyuan's feet stomped on the ground fiercely, jumped from below to above, and rushed towards Quecchis.

"No matter what you want to do, if you catch you, all your calculations will be meaningless!"

In an instant, Bailiyuan rushed in front of Quecchis.

Seeing Bailiyuan rushing towards him, Kuiqisi was startled. He finally ignored the threat of the blackened Meloetta, threw the poke ball in a panic, and smashed it at Bailiyuan.

A commander of chopping appeared and slashed towards Bailiyuan with a cross.

However, the cross cut failed, and Baili Yuan disappeared on the trajectory predicted by Commander Chop and Cut.

How could an excellent fighter easily put himself in a situation where he had nowhere to draw his strength? The moment Commander Chopping appeared, Baili Yuan predicted Commander Chopping's attack, moved his position quickly, and avoided Commander Chopping's attack.

But there was more than one elf left on Quecchis.

A few more Poké Balls were thrown out.

The exploding-headed buffalo charged towards Bailiyuan.

Death's Coffin and Toad King stood in front of Quecchis.

However, Bailiyuan didn't give Quecchis more chances.

Just when Kuiqi thought about throwing the next elf ball at Bailiyuan, Bailiyuan had already appeared in front of Kuiqisi.

The pupils of Quecchi's eyes shrank sharply, and the hand holding the poke ball stopped.

"When? When did he come to me!?"

Queches, who was throwing the poke ball in a panic, didn't notice, but the others onlookers did.

The moment the exploding buffalo rushed towards Bailiyuan, Bailiyuan flickered and appeared in front of Queches.


No, it's teleportation!

"Xiaoyuan is a superpower?!" Miss Junsha said in surprise.

However, when everyone looked at the superior pride and Chengcheng, they also looked shocked.

Obviously, they didn't know that Bailiyuan was a matter of superpowers.

"A person with superpowers, with such combat power, is he really human?" Alice couldn't help but wonder.

He does not mean that.

Standing aside, N stared at Bailiyuan. He always felt that Bailiyuan gave him a different feeling from normal humans, but he had no proof.

"Let me break your ambition!"

Bailiyuan punched Kuiqisi hard in the face, and Kuiqisi flew upside down, his eyes turned white.

"Why, what, will..." With deep reluctance, Queches lost consciousness.

When the elves of Quecchis saw their trainer lose consciousness, they didn't know what to do for a while. This was the reason for the low intimacy between the elves and the trainer.

Not all villains have a low intimacy with their elves, and there are villains who can use mega evolution, such as the water sycamore and the red flame pine, but Queches, who uses elves as tools, is obviously not in this category.

The former Shuiwutong and Chiyansong wanted to use the power of Gaioka and Gulardo to expand the ocean or land, so as to achieve their own rule and transform the world into what they wanted.

And Quecchis only wants to manipulate Reshiram or Zekrom to help him rule the world, and the elves obtained by accumulating power are all obtained from others through religious brainwashing.

In a sense, Quecchi's situation is small. He never thought about changing anything, he just wanted to get something.

The Rockets, who also have the idea of ​​​​ruling the world, are directly thinking about making their own mythical beasts, and Quecchis is even more incomparable.

Seeing Quecchis fall, the plasma team members who hadn't completely lost consciousness felt like the sky was falling, and An Jie, who had a bruised nose and a swollen face, cried bitterly.

Those plasma team members who had manipulated the instrument earlier turned around and wanted to run, but Sirona released Lucario, caught up with a few people, arrested them, and destroyed the instrument at the same time.

This instrument that can even be manipulated by divine beasts is too dangerous, it's better to destroy it.

Lucario even used the flame kick to ignite the instrument to prevent someone from recovering the instrument from its damage.

In fact, Sirona was also a little surprised. She didn't expect that she was here to help, and she almost delayed Bailiyuan, but she didn't even let her do anything to solve the crisis.

Well, Queches must be too weak.

The experience with Bailiyuan on Tianguan Mountain last time was not so easy.

Sirona didn't lose her mind for too long, because as the instrument was destroyed, the manipulated Reshiram finally woke up gradually.

Reshiram had just woken up, and before he was fully awake, he was controlled by Quecchis with an instrument.

Then the singing of the blackened Meloetta interfered with the brainwave manipulation and revived Reshiram's consciousness. Although it couldn't move freely, it could know what was happening outside.

During this time, Reshiram has been trying to use his will to dispel the manipulation.

When the brainwave manipulation disappeared, Reshiram finally concentrated his energy and dispelled the manipulation of the blackened Meloetta!

Reshiram, who has been sleeping for many years, is recovering after waking up, and now Reshiram's level has recovered to more than ninety levels. Even if the brain wave manipulation does not disappear, Reshiram, who has regained consciousness, can use his own power after a while. The power to break free from control.

A powerful spiritual force spread from Reshiram's body, allowing Reshiram to smash the control of the blackened Meloetta. At the same time, a powerful coercion spread to the surroundings. Those ordinary elves who had just escaped the control and awakened , Under this kind of wire, they all squatted down and shivered.

It's the power of supernatural powers!

Under the supernatural power, many weak and defenseless elves cringed.

It's just that this also made the blackened Meloetta frowned.

The control was broken free, which made the blackened Meloetta feel a little uncomfortable.

Rashiram was equally angry.

It’s okay if you don’t know, when the two control abilities are confused, Reshiram can clearly know what’s going on in the outside world. When he sees himself being manipulated like a pawn and has to circle in the air like a fool, Reshiram There was great anger.

Even if Reshiram was a milder elf, he couldn't be allowed to be played like this.

And Reshiram doesn't mind attacking other humans and elves.

It is willing to help those who have the courage to pursue the truth, but at the same time, Reshiram will also mercilessly breathe flames that can burn everything to those who cannot tolerate it!

Wrath further increased Reshiram's power, becoming even stronger than before.

"I feel great anger!" N said, staring at Reshiram.

The cyan flame condensed in Reshiram's mouth, and raging flames spewed out from the spray device behind Reshiram.


The flames fell, bringing with them terrifying heat and bursting power.


"Lucario, hold on!" At the critical moment, Sirona showed her quality as a champion.

Lucario faced Qing Yan without fear, crossed his arms, and launched his defensive defense, blocking Qing Yan.

Although Lucario was bombarded by the blue flames to the ground immediately after, Lucario successfully controlled the explosion range of the blue flames and did not let the blue flames spread around.

Naturally, Reshiram couldn't just stop like this.

Just when Reshiram was about to continue attacking, N suddenly stood up, opened his arms, stopped in front of everyone, and shouted loudly: "Reshiram, please calm your anger!"

Seeing this, Xiaozhi hurried out with Pikachu and stood beside N, "Leshiram, please listen to us, we are not your enemy!"

"Elves and humans can coexist, you can feel it, our feelings for you are real!"


N's words stepped on Reshiram's sensitive area and touched Reshiram. The angry Reshiram slowly calmed down, the feathers on his body fell, and the flame behind him slowly weakened.

A possible battle was resolved by two people with several words.

Bailiyuan and Sirona looked at each other, and Sirona was still a little surprised. In her impression, the legendary elves were not so easy to talk to. Bailiyuan shrugged.

The passwords of N and Xiaozhi are correct.

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