Chapter 2295 The Legend Of The Holy Swordsman

The land belongs to the alliance, and the trees belong to the alliance. No matter how valuable the tree in Bailiyuan's arms is, it cannot change the fact that the tree belongs to the alliance.

Moreover, the reason why Miss Junsha wants to recycle the tree and conceal related matters is not simply because of the value of the tree.

As Baili Yuan said, the one who split the tree was a rare elf, but not an ordinary rare elf.

In the end, Bailiyuan was taken back to the police station, and the superior had no choice but to reveal Bailiyuan's identity, and at the same time "convinced" Bailiyuan to give up the broken tree with his fists, avoiding the embarrassment of Bailiyuan being locked up.

But it also gave Bailiyuan the look of disgust from Miss Junsha, and even Miss Junsha had reason to suspect that Bailiyuan was an undercover agent of an evil organization.

Fortunately, Miss Junsha only suspected Bailiyuan for a while, and she treated Bailiyuan quite normally afterwards.

"Although you are the owner of the gym, you must also work with the alliance." Miss Junsha educated Bailiyuan, "Well, I didn't expect you to be the owner of the gym. There are some things that I can let you know. If you want Whatever you do, I hope you won't get into trouble."

The master of the gymnasium is very powerful, Miss Junsha felt that it was necessary to inform Bailiyuan of the relevant matters, otherwise it would be bad if Bailiyuan insisted on going his own way and causing trouble.

At the same time, Miss Junsha also hoped that Bailiyuan would throw away those unrealistic fantasies after understanding the reasons behind the incident.

Hearing what Ms. Junsha said, the superior proud son secretly thought that sure enough, Ms. Junsha did know something, such as information about the rare elf who used the holy sword move. That elf might not be simple, could it be the elf of some big boss? Or a spirit with a special meaning?

Miss Junsha turned on the computer, and while calling up the file, said: "The number of elves who can use the holy sword is very small. The elves known so far are mainly the single-sword scabbard family in the Kalos area. The holy sword move was once considered to be unique. An exclusive move of the scabbard family."

Regarding this matter, everyone in Bailiyuan knew that the move of the lone scabbard clan relying on the holy sword was also quite famous in other regions.

Then Ms. Junsha retrieved two photos, which turned out to be a water otter using the holy sword move.

"However, there are actually a small number of otters in the Hezhong area who can inherit the holy sword move. At first, otters who mastered the holy sword move were found in the wild. Then, after the research of the breeders, they discovered the way to breed this kind of otter , that is, the parent of the water otter is Tutu dog, and Tutu dog needs to master the holy sword move with sketching moves."

"But how does the wild Tutu dog master the holy sword moves? You know, there is no single-sword scabbard family in the Hezhong area. Therefore, some people think that all this is just a coincidence, because some Tutu dogs have seen trainers in other areas bring However, some people believe that there is at least one undiscovered elf in the Hezhong area that can master the moves of the holy sword."

"Through various investigations and studies, with the help of ancient books and eyewitness reports, scholars have finally confirmed the identity of the elves who have mastered the moves of the holy sword in the Hezhong area."

The honored pride and Chengcheng looked at Miss Junsha, and Miss Junsha clicked on a few photos again. The elves in the photos attracted the attention of the honored pride and Chengcheng.

"In the Hezhong area, there are still four elves who have mastered the moves of the Holy Sword!"

"Four!?" The top prized child and Cheng Cheng were very surprised, they stared at the computer screen without blinking.

Four four-legged elves with different appearances appeared on the screen. They were all elves that the superior pride and Chengcheng didn't know. Instead, Bailiyuan's eyes lit up and he smiled. He recognized these four elves.

Miss Junsha explained, "These four elves are not ordinary elves, they are only one individual, and they are called holy swordsmen. The first three of them are called Gopalion, Delakion, and Pilizion, and belong to The legendary elf, the last elf is called Keldeo, which belongs to the fantasy Pokémon!"

Hearing the names of the legendary elves and fantasy Pokémon, Cheng Cheng couldn't help exclaiming in a low voice. She was surprised that she was connected to the mythical beasts and phantom beasts in the Hezhong area, and they were the ones with only one individual. In other words, the existence of a unique individual is extraordinarily powerful.

The superior proud child completely understood Miss Junsha's attitude, and she also secretly lamented that she was still too small, and that the moves of the holy sword actually involved those legendary existences.

Things surrounding the mythical beasts and phantom beasts are not trivial matters. If the news is leaked, it is likely to attract the covetousness of those with ulterior motives. No matter what happens in the end, the provoking of the divine beasts and phantom beasts will cause a series of troublesome things, even disasters.

Last time, Ssangyong City was almost frozen due to Kyurem's power, and the Sanshenyun made a big fuss in Ssangyong Gym. If Uchiha Shisui hadn't appeared in time, the plasma team's conspiracy might have succeeded.

Thinking of Uchiha Shisui, the eyes of the superior pride were a little flickering, she really wanted to inquire about Uchiha Shisui about Mr. Izawa, but she couldn't meet Uchiha Shisui.

Mr. Izawa must be fighting evil all over the world, maintaining the legendary existence and the peace of mankind, and silently protecting the world.

To round it up, I am also being protected by Mr. Yi Ze.

My heart is warm~

At this time, Bailiyuan shivered, feeling as if someone was thinking about him, so he couldn't help but look around, but he didn't feel any danger.

Orange Orange suddenly wondered: "These four elves look somewhat similar, they are all four-legged elves, why is Keldeo classified as a fantasy Pokémon?"

The honored son also looked at Miss Junsha curiously.

Regarding Chengcheng's question, Miss Junsha smiled, and then said: "That's because Keldeo is still very young, and he is actually the successor of the holy swordsman chosen by Gopalion, Delakion, and Billizione." , is still practicing, and in the future it will protect the Pokémon in the Hezhong area together with the three seniors."

"Successor of the holy swordsman? And protect the elves, it sounds so handsome." Cheng Cheng couldn't help sighing.

"So I suspect that this broken tree was caused by the holy swordsmen teaching Keldeo, which means that they have passed by Snowflake City. In order to prevent someone from disturbing the holy swordsmen based on clues, I need to recover this tree. Broken tree, and this is the property of the alliance!" Miss Junsha emphasized the last few words.


In the end, Bailiyuan followed Youhaojiazi and Chengcheng to leave the police station, and of course Broken Tree was left behind.

And Cheng Cheng, who had heard the legend of the holy swordsman, was still a little excited.

However, the superior pride found that Baili Yuan's performance was relatively calm.

"Aren't you tempted by the holy swordsman?" the superior pride asked curiously.

"Well, about the holy swordsman, if there is a duel, it is still very exciting, but let's just subdue the holy swordsman. These elves have their own missions, and they are also an indispensable part of nature."

Hearing what Bailiyuan said, the proud son suddenly fell silent.

Bailiyuan put his face close to the superior pride, and asked with a smile: "I didn't intend to subdue the holy swordsman, did it make you look at me differently?"

"No." The superior proud man shook his head, looked at Baili Yuan with complicated eyes, and said, "I'm just lamenting that you are even more shameless, you are obviously ordinary but overconfident, why do you think you have the ability to subdue holy swordsmen ?”


The superior pride sighed and looked at the sky.

Back then, when Mr. Yi Ze faced those powerful beings, he had to risk his life to maintain the balance. There were many dangers. Why did Baili Yuan think that he would be better than Mr. Yi Ze?

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