Chapter 2277 Iron-clawed lobster decisive battle on the top of the Forbidden City

Bailiyuan is incompatible with the hustle and bustle of Higaki City, and Bailiyuan only feels chilled.

Jiaozi, how did you become such a person?

Chengcheng, you have learned badly too!

"Really, it's really disgusting..." Baili Yuan hardened his fist, his sharp eyes scanned the surroundings, and then...

"Big sisters here, do you want to play together? Hehehe..."

A smile instantly bloomed on Bailiyuan's face, and then he walked over to a group of tall and slender sisters in a few steps.

Seeing such a handsome little brother like Bailiyuan, the big sisters licked their lips without refusing, and said in a seductive voice: "Handsome little brother, do you want to play with the sisters? The sisters may play together." Not suitable for you~"

"No? That would be awesome, no, I mean I can, girls, I can't wait."

"Little brother is really impatient~ Well, let's come together, don't regret it when the time comes~"

"Don't worry, mine is big."

Then a group of big sisters brought Bailiyuan to a small warehouse, and just as Bailiyuan was getting ready for the exciting moment, a poke ball hit Bailiyuan in the face.

Baili Yuan raised his head suspiciously.

One of the big sisters held a poke ball in her hand, pointed at Bailiyuan, and said with high spirits: "Little brother, you are also a trainer, so let's have a hearty battle!"

The other big sisters also took out their elf balls, and the lights in the dark warehouse turned on, allowing Bailiyuan to see clearly that this place turned out to be an indoor battlefield.

Bailiyuan: "?"

"No, are we just going to play this?"

"Otherwise? What else do you want to play?"

"Is there anything more exciting?"

"You will be arrested if you attack a minor~"



The eldest sister raised her chest, showing her great fighting spirit, "Why, little brother, you won't be afraid."

"How is it possible? Come here." Bailiyuan also took out his elf ball.

The battle begins.

Some of this group of big sisters also came to participate in the Higaki Conference. Some of them collected all eight badges, and now they came to the warehouse to conduct special training before the conference. It happened that Bailiyuan bumped into them, so they planned to fight Bailiyuan.

If Bailiyuan is also a contestant in this tournament, it's a good time to test Bailiyuan's strength.

After Bailiyuan left the warehouse, a group of big sisters were already lying on the ground with their legs limp, their faces flushed with excitement.

"He's really too big!" (pointing to Zhan's big stinky flower)

"This feeling is really great!" (referring to the feeling of meeting an opponent)

"So satisfying~" (referring to the hearty battle)

Although they lost the battle against Bailiyuan, they saw a lot of skills that could be imitated from Bailiyuan's elves. Some of them also cultivated stinky flowers, which can be trained by referring to Bailiyuan's elves .

"Let's hurry up and have a special training. If we can master those skills, our strength may become stronger!"

"That's right!"

"come on!"

"It's a pity. If my little brother becomes an adult, I want to date him too."

"me too."

"Such a handsome little brother is rare."

"By the way, why didn't you leave the contact information of that little brother?"

"Oh, forgot!"


Bailiyuan spent a day in Higaki City.

Because of the conference, Higaki City has become very lively, and there are many more places to eat and play. However, if you don't have the strength, it is more difficult to eat and have fun.

Today, every time Bailiyuan walks a certain distance, he will encounter challenges. The big sisters who want to hook up are usually trainers. When trainers meet, it is inevitable to fight and communicate.

At this time, Bailiyuan was sitting helplessly in a cold drink hall, eating a strawberry sundae, propping his face with one hand, turning his head to look at the bustling Higaki City under the setting sun outside the window.

"How do they all know that I'm a trainer? Why do they all come to challenge me?" Baili Yuan was very puzzled.

Caroline finally spoke, "I think it would be much better if you take off the limited edition trainer hat on your head when you go out. Besides, many people are feeling nervous because of the upcoming competition. It's a good way for them to fight to relieve tension."



Am I a stress reliever?

"Xiao Yuan?"

Suddenly someone called Baili Yuan's name from behind, but his tone was a little uncertain, Bai Liyuan turned his head to look, his eyes lit up, and finally saw an acquaintance again.

"Xiaoyu!" Bailiyuan hurriedly stood up.

Right now standing behind Bailiyuan is Xiaoyu. Xiaoyu has changed a lot in the past few years. Although her dress is as cute as before, she has grown a lot. At least she no longer gives people the feeling of being confused. Instead, it has a kind of vitality unique to girls.

Xiaoyu held a tray in her hand, which was filled with snacks and two glasses of drinks.

Beside Xiaoyu was an elf, a brown puppy-like elf, a little Yorkie.

The hair of the little Yorkie next to Xiaoyu looks very soft. Although it is smaller in size, it can still be seen that this little Yorkie is well taken care of.

Angela also said that Lizi and Xiaodama will also participate in the Higaki Conference this year, and she will be there to watch when the conference starts, so it is not accidental to meet Lizi and Xiaodama here.

"It's really Xiaoyuan." Xiaoyu also became excited, and went directly to Bailiyuan's side.

Meeting an old acquaintance in a foreign land, and it’s a fellow countryman I know, this feeling is quite happy, "I just thought your back looked familiar, but I didn't expect it was really you. Did you also come to the Higaki Conference?"

"No, I didn't travel in the Hezhong area this year. I just heard from Sister Angela that you are going to participate in the conference, so I came here to watch your competition." Bailiyuan wanted to participate in the Higaki conference, but he didn't make enough money. A badge, and the gym owner is not allowed to participate in the meeting, but it seems that Xiaoyu doesn't know that he has become the gym owner.

And hearing that Bailiyuan came to watch her match, Xiaoyu was also very happy, "Thank you for your support, don't worry, I will definitely achieve good results!"

"... Just work hard." Bailiyuan remembered that Mr. Xia Ka said before that this year's Higaki Conference seems to have many excellent trainers participating.

Xiaoyu nodded with a smile, and said a little showily: "I have also collected eight badges."

Xiaoyu actually collected eight badges?

Bailiyuan's eyes were a bit complicated, as expected, no one should be underestimated, even Xiaoyu had collected enough eight badges.

"What does that look of yours mean?" Xiaoyu noticed Baili Yuan's impoliteness, and her tone became harsh.

Baili Yuan froze for a moment, then suddenly showed a sunny smile, and then gave a thumbs up.

Xiaoyuan gives you a thumbs up.

When Xiaoyu wanted to say something, an elf ball on Xiaoyu's waist suddenly opened, and an elf appeared.

What appeared was an ironclaw lobster.

"Iron claw lobster?" Xiaoyu was a little surprised.

Iron Claw Lobster ignored his trainer, but gestured to Baili Yuan as soon as he appeared. He recognized Baili Yuan, so he appeared on his own initiative.

Bailiyuan also recognized the iron-clawed lobster, "Is it the lobster soldier? This child was raised very well, and his height is a bit taller than the iron-clawed lobster... I see, you want Are you looking for my lobster minion?"

Iron Claw Lobster nodded and waved his claws excitedly. He recalled the days when he learned to dance with his elder brother. Seeing his trainer again, does it mean that he will see his elder brother soon?

"My iron claw lobster is very strong. Of course, ahem, I just referred to some of your experience when cultivating it." Xiaoyu turned her head slightly and said arrogantly.

Bailiyuan didn't care, he naturally satisfied the iron claw lobster's idea, and took out his own iron claw lobster's elf ball.

"Show up to meet old friends, Ironclaw Lobster."

The iron claw lobster in Bailiyuan appeared.

"It's so big." Xiaoyu was surprised that Bailiyuan's iron claw lobster was even bigger than hers.

The two iron-clawed lobsters looked at each other, and both recognized each other, and then the two iron-clawed lobsters collided suddenly, then quickly separated, each posing in a strange pose.

Bailiyuan: "?"

Xiaoyu: "?"

Iron Claw Lobster Yuan: "Do you want to dance too?"

Iron Claw Lobster Jade: "A decisive battle at the top of the Forbidden City?"


Two iron claw lobsters fought and danced in the cold drink hall, not caring whether the venue was suitable or not.

The waiter at the side rushed over, trying to stop the two iron claw lobsters, shouting: "Don't fight anymore, don't fight anymore!"

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