Chapter 2274 It is illegal for people to marry elves now!

Uchiha Shisui also brought Akroma back to Ssangyong City, but before handing it over to the alliance, Bailiyuan read Akroma's memory first, which gave Bailiyuan a deeper understanding of the Plasma team.

Then Bailiyuan packed Akroma and sent it to the gate of the police station, and also marked Akroma's identity with a small note and a lot of information that Bailiyuan learned from Akroma's memory.

The Plasma team seems to be a small religious organization, but in fact, the actions of the Plasma team are not small at all. On the contrary, the purpose of the Plasma team is to make a big news.

The ultimate goal of Team Plasma is to rule the world with the power of elves!

The person who appointed this goal was also the one who created the plasma team, Quecchis.

There are three leaders of the plasma team, namely the real power boss Queches, the scientist Acroma, and the king who has left the plasma team——N.

Quecchis has the highest status and is in charge of everything. Acroma and N have their own areas of responsibility.

Below the three chiefs are the cadres, mainly including the Dark Iron Triangle and the Seven Sages. Quecchis also serves as the Seven Sages, but has a higher status. There are also some powerful members of the plasma team as cadres.

The three leaders at the head all have unique positions in the plasma team, and they naturally know more secrets.

From Akoma, Bailiyuan also learned more about the plasma team.

The Plasma team clearly advocates separating elves from human hands, advocating that Pokémon is an evil in human hands and should be allowed to return to nature, and lobbying everywhere.

The main leader of this work is N, who has the ability to talk to elves.

Therefore N is called king by most of the normal members of Team Plasma.

However, in fact, N is just a chess piece used by the plasma team. Although he is one of the leaders of the plasma team, he is also the adopted son of Quecchis. Intent, little is known about Team Plasma's true purpose.

When N began to understand Team Plasma's true intentions, he gradually left Team Plasma.

The secret plan of the plasma team, that is, Quecchis' plan is to make other trainers give up the elves by spreading ideas, so that the plasma team can monopolize the power of the elves, so they will take away their elves from opponents .

In this way, Quecchis will gradually strengthen the plasma team, weaken the non-own trainers, and finally achieve his goal.

If we only look at the publicity of the Plasma team on the bright side, the concept of the Plasma team's publicity is very good, but because it is too idealistic and naive, it seems that the Plasma team does not seem to be a threat at all.

Perhaps the alliance thought so before, so they didn't pay much attention to the plasma team. Instead, they felt that the propaganda of the plasma team might strengthen the mutual understanding between humans and elves.

But when Team Plasma has secretly collected a large number of powerful elves, the League is now laughing.

Ssangyong City is the price of smiling.

The way the Plasma team develops quietly and then shocks everyone is really hard to guard against.

Moreover, while the plasma team collected a large number of common and rare elves, they also focused on those powerful elves, that is, the legendary elves.

Acroma is the scientist who studies the hidden powers and talents of elves, and he is also responsible for the study of those legendary elves.

The Plasma team discovered the sleeping Kyurem, so they began to study the power of Kyurem, and then focused on the two elves related to Kyurem-the pursuit of the real Lacey Ram and the pursuit of the ideal Zekrom.

The gene wedge that the plasma team is eyeing this time is the key item that allows Kyurem to fuse with Laceyram and Zekrom.

Team Plasma's plan is to snatch the Gene Wedge, and then use Kyurem and the Gene Wedge to capture the remaining two legendary elves.

If Kyurem is fused with the two elves, Team Plasma will have enough power to rule the Uzon region.

Because in the legend of the Hezhong area, both Lacey Ram and Zekrom once assisted others to unify the Hezhong area.

Both ideal and reality can rule the world!

Kyurem's strength is indeed not simple. If its frozen world skills were successfully released, the entire Ssangyong City would be frozen.

In addition to these three legendary elves, the Plasma team is also pursuing the power of Genesect and Victini, who are representative legendary elves in the Hezhong area.

Bailiyuan also learned about the next plan of the plasma team from Akroman's memory. Next, the plasma team is going to attack the United Alliance headquarters.

Although the attack on Ssangyong City caused the Plasma team a lot of losses, it was far from emptying the Plasma team's wealth.

The remaining seven sages of the plasma team, as well as the biggest leader, Quecchis, are not simple characters.

For example, the Three Gods Cloud controlled by the Dark Iron Triangle was captured by a sage himself.

Outside, the Seven Sages seem to be just thinkers who promote their ideas, but they all hide their own powerful strength.

For example, Wei Ao is enough to face Mr. Shaka directly.

As for whether the plasma team will continue with their plans after the failure of this plan, Bailiyuan can't know.

He was only here to attend the meeting this time, but he was involved in a dangerous incident, and he had to make Bailiyuan sigh.


These plans are not only in the memory of Akroma, he is also a very capable scientist, the knowledge in his mind is also very valuable, and in the knowledge in his mind, Bailiyuan also unexpectedly learned something interesting.

That's Akroma's judgment on Baili Yuan—a person similar to N.

Who is N again?

It is said that he is the child of humans and elves!

When Bailiyuan learned about this in Akroman's memory, he was totally dumbfounded.

what's the situation?

"Humans and elves...can really reproduce?"

The child was shocked.

At the same time, many elves from Bailiyuan gathered around Bailiyuan to learn about Akroma's memory, and then waited for Caroline's explanation.

This time Caroline was silent for a long time before she took out some materials.

"There is no clear data to prove whether humans and elves can have offspring, but a long time ago, there was no clear law that stipulated that humans and elves could not marry, but at a certain time, this regulation was written into the alliance law, and now humans and elves It's against the law for elves to marry."

Both Xanadu and Big Needle Bee breathed heavily.

Then Caroline said again: "Moreover, there are some special abilities that humans have that are specific to elves of a certain attribute, and perhaps they did not evolve from humans themselves."


Many humans in the Pokémon world have special powers, but many of them are affected because of too much contact with the corresponding elves, or are gifted by some special existence, but there are also differences.

Some people's voices are different from ordinary people, such as Nazi who is born with powerful superpowers, such as Furong who can talk to ghost spirits, or some people are born with the ability to be compatible with spirits of a certain attribute. have similar capabilities.

"That's all I can say, and I hope you don't care about this kind of thing, because there are more and more valuable things in Akroman's memory." Caroline persuaded.

However, Xanadu and Big Needle Bee said that they want to conduct more in-depth research on this topic.

Reproduction is not the whole of life, but it is the continuation of blood and emotion.

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