I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 2267 Three God Clouds

The safe was opened, and the Dark Iron Triangle finally saw what he was looking for—a pyramid-like object, with a large blue pyramid below and a small yellow pyramid above.

"Found it, Gene Wedge!"

"So, can you please stop what you are doing?" Uchiha Shisui's voice sounded, and it was right above the heads of the three of them!

The Dark Iron Triangle suddenly looked up, and saw Uchiha Shisui hanging upside down above their heads.

To be precise, Uchiha Shisui stood on the top of the room as if standing on flat ground.

Since none of the dark iron triangles are ordinary people, Uchiha Shisui doesn't pretend anymore.

At the same time, Uchiha Shisui also glanced at the Gene Wedge that the Dark Iron Triangle took out.

"Is this what the three of them are looking for? I haven't seen it, and I don't understand it."

But it is absolutely impossible to let them take things away.

Just as the Dark Iron Triangle wanted to move, it also felt that its body was restrained and unable to move.

Illusion · Binding!

The Dark Iron Triangle was shocked that the other party had abilities similar to theirs, and they needed three people to use the ability, and the other party could use it on the three of them alone.

The elves of the Dark Iron Triangle also sensed that something was wrong with the Dark Iron Triangle and wanted to support them, but this time, it was the turn of the elves of Bailiyuan to stop these elves.

But there are other elves in the Dark Iron Triangle.

An agility bug ran out of the poke ball, but it was beyond Shisui Uchiha's expectation. Instead of directly attacking Shisui Uchiha, he shot at the three poke balls at the waist of the Dark Iron Triangle.

Three elf balls broke open, and three elves suddenly appeared.

The originally spacious and huge office suddenly became crowded.

When the three elves appeared, they directly attacked the surroundings. Uchiha Shisui's pupils shrank sharply, and disappeared in the original position in an instant. Then a thunderbolt hit the top of the office, directly destroying the office. collapse.

The masonry fell and hit the Dark Iron Triangle just right. The Dark Iron Triangle looked at this scene and wanted to curse.

Fortunately, the agility bug reacted very quickly, quickly pushing the Dark Iron Triangle aside, avoiding the tragedy of their being crushed to death.

As a result, the Dark Iron Triangle regained its ability to act.

Panting for breath, Dark Iron Triangle couldn't help cursing a few words.

But they know that the elves under control are different from the elves they cultivated themselves. Attacks can be done, but they lose their spirituality, and they don't care about their life or death.

The three elves that appeared from the last elf ball of the Dark Iron Triangle looked similar, their upper body was like a strong man, but their lower body was like a cloud.

Uchiha Shisui stared at the three elves with serious eyes.

From these three elves, he sensed an aura similar to that of Suicune.

There is no doubt that these three elves are also legendary elves.

That's right, these three elves are the tornado cloud, the thunder cloud and the earth cloud!

But at this time, the situation of the three elves was a bit strange. Their eyes were dull, and they looked like puppets, staring at Uchiha Shisui and constantly attacking.

There is no doubt that these three elves are controlled.

"The elves captured and controlled by the sages, it is their honor to dedicate themselves to the great cause of the plasma team." A member of the Dark Iron Triangle sighed after regaining the ability to move.

Uchiha Shisui did not fight back, but kept dodging.

At the same time, because of the intrusion of these three elves, the battle of other elves was also affected, and they had to be separated temporarily.

But the elves of Bailiyuan are stronger.

The three Komadao soldiers all lost their ability to fight, and the savage perch also fell to the ground, turning into a salted fish. Miss Qun'er and Absolu were seriously injured. If they hadn't taken turns to defend them, they would have been killed by the giant pincer mantis .

As for the sickle helmet, iron claw lobster, and giant pincer mantis, the sickle helmet who was besieged was a little bit more embarrassed, and there were some scratches on their bodies.

After the Dark Iron Triangle regained its ability to move, it did not intend to continue to use the power of the three legendary elves to deal with Uchiha Shisui, because the Gene Wedge had already been obtained, and it was time to retreat.

When they saw the miserable state of their elves, their eyes became even more fearful. Just receiving such an injury in such a short period of time meant that their opponent was terrifyingly strong.

The Dark Iron Triangle has no intention of fighting the elves anymore.

They put away their elves and planned to retreat. The three elves from Bailiyuan wanted to catch up, but the Dark Iron Triangle directly commanded the three legendary elves, "Stop them!"

There were three legendary elves blocking the way, and the three elves were relentlessly destroying the surrounding area, making it impossible for the elves of Bailiyuan to rush to the Dark Iron Triangle immediately.

However, when the first person looked at the gene wedge in his hand, his eyes widened. He suddenly saw that the gene wedge in his hand had turned into a rice spoon snake at some point, opening its mouth wide, wanting to bit his face.


He hurriedly threw the spoon snake in his hand, but when the spoon snake fell to the ground, it turned into a gene wedge again.

"No, it's an illusion!" The Dark Iron Triangle realized that they had been tricked, but at this moment there were no elves who were good at illusion, what was the situation with this illusion?

It's just that they can't help them think too much, because Shisui Uchiha appeared next to the Gene Wedge at some point and picked up the Gene Wedge.

"This thing cannot be taken away by you." Uchiha Shisui said.

The Dark Iron Triangle also wanted to step forward to snatch the Gene Wedge, but in the end they gave up.

Because things are getting worse.

The three legendary elves were dragged down by the three elves from Bailiyuan, the Giant Pincer Mantis, the Iron Claw Lobster, and the Scythe Helmet. When they faced any single legendary elf, they were not weak at all, and even faintly suppressed the three legendary elves. the trend of.

At this time, the Dark Iron Triangle also received a signal to retreat.

Team Plasma embarks on a new project.

"We will see you again!" Dark Iron Triangle put down a cruel sentence and was about to leave.

But how could Uchiha Shisui let them go so simply?

A series of shuriken and kunai shot out from Uchiha Shisui's hands. Agile Worm stepped forward to block these hidden weapons, but when the shuriken and Kunai collided, they changed directions and bypassed Agile Worm directly. To the dark iron triangle behind him.

Uchiha Throwing Technique!

On the battlefield, apart from those large-scale ninjutsu, hidden weapons such as kunai and shuriken kill the most.

A large number of shurikens and kunai directly tied the Dark Iron Triangle into hedgehogs. Even if their physical fitness is different from ordinary people and they have special means, now they can't jump up and fall to the ground covered in blood. fell into a coma.

Fortunately, Uchiha Shisui saved their lives.

Agile Worm wanted to attack Uchiha Shisui, but the Giant Pincer Mantis pulled out his hand, and directly killed Agile Worm with a single move of the cross scissors combined with the power of the guillotine.

The giant pincer mantis stood beside Uchiha Shisui and gestured to Uchiha Shisui a few times.

"Break the grip on them? I see."

Uchiha Shisui took out a large number of kunai and shuriken again, and then began to cooperate with the three elves to fight the three legendary elves.

The crisis in the gym comes to an end.

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