I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 2252 Sophisticated?

On the second day, the superior pride got up, pushed open the door and came to the deck, and saw Bailiyuan wearing swimming trunks, lying on the deck chair, and then two snow demons were massaging him like maids, and a dream demon Stuffing the cherry into Bailiyuan's mouth, he handed Bailiyuan the juice.

I can't enjoy it.


ah this...

The top prized son pondered for two seconds, showing a slightly shocked expression.

Is this how all ghost trainers play? I have never seen other trainers experience this before.

What the hell is this young master's feeling? !

No, he is playing tricks!

The cosmic bat quietly appeared behind the superior pride, and asked softly: "Miss superior pride, do you also need this kind of service? There are also a few snow demon masseuses here who are not cursed body characteristics."

The honorable child was taken aback by the silent cosmic bat, but she got used to it. Cosmic bats are good everywhere, but they always like to appear behind others to scare people.

Maybe it's because she's been with ghost elves for a long time?

It's just that the superior pride didn't notice that the eyes of the cosmic bat always swept across her swan-like neck.

It's a pity not to take a bite of this neck.

But the boss refused.

It's a pity.

As for the cosmic bat's proposal, the honored pride chose to refuse, and at the same time, she was also a little puzzled. This was the first time she knew that there was actually a snow demon masseuse on board.

The cosmic bat nodded slightly, "Then please come here, I have already prepared breakfast, and Mr. Xiaoyuan has already eaten."

"Xiao Yuan, did he get up so early?" The superior proud man glanced at Baili Yuan, and then followed the cosmic bat to the restaurant.

In the restaurant, the superior pride also released the six spirits he was carrying.

Almost dolls, Empress Nido, Galagala, Brimwen, Pokkisi, King Yanwu.

In fact, she once wanted to take the path of a ground-type trainer, but due to various reasons, now she has embarked on the path of a multi-attribute trainer.

By the time the honored pride finished his meal and came to the deck again, Baili Yuan no longer enjoyed the massage, but was sitting on the edge of the boat, fishing leisurely.

At this time, the appearance of the gymnasium ship has also changed, it is no longer the weird and hideous appearance last night, but has become a very luxurious looking ship.

Those decorations were put away by the cosmic bat.

That's right, those weird things before were all decorations.

After all, this ship was meant to carry passengers, how could it carry people with that appearance? At least you have to look safe, so that you can fool around... No, you are inviting others to board the boat.

Before the new guests boarded the ship, there were only Bailiyuan, the superior pride, the cosmic bats and a few cyborgs on board, which seemed a bit deserted.

But it doesn't have to be boring.

"Xiaoyuan, let's fight!" The superior proud child raised the elf ball in his hand, and the dolls following behind her also raised their hands excitedly.

Facing the challenge from the top prize, Bailiyuan smiled slightly, and then spit out two words.

"I don't~"

"Why?" the superior pride asked subconsciously.

"Trainers are not all about fighting and killing, they also have sophistication."


"If I don't bully you, it's just human favor. If you don't bother me, it's just sophistication."


The superior and proud son gritted her teeth and clenched her fist. Now she wants Bailiyuan to have an accident!

At this moment, the fishing rod in Baili Yuan's hand shook.

A fish is hooked.

Baili Yuan's eyes lit up, he stood up, and kept exerting his strength. Finally, a figure was caught by Baili Yuan.


This is a howler whale king.

After the Howling Whale King was caught, he panicked and threw it at Baili Yuan. Baili Yuan flew up and kicked the Howling Whale King back into the sea.

"Huh, it's so dangerous." Baili Yuan let out a breath, then turned to look at the superior pride: "What else do you want to say?"

"It's nothing, I won't bother you, and I'm leaving." The honored child showed a perfect smile, then turned and left directly, the almost baby hurriedly followed the honored child, and turned to look at Bailiyuan with lingering fear.

Because the gymnasium ship is specially made and does not need to dock frequently, the speed of the gymnasium ship is still very fast.

Although the superior favored child didn't harass Bailiyuan anymore, she still passed the time by fighting against the biochemical crew on the ship.

The cyborg crew members all have their own hobbies, and a few crew members were a little bored, so they accepted the challenge from the superior pride.

As gym ship crew cyborgs, their sprites are a little different from normal crew sailors.

Under normal circumstances, as the trainers of the crew and sailors, their elves are mainly water elves, or flying elves living by the sea.

The elves of the biochemical crew are all ghost attributes, which fit the characteristics of the gymnasium ship very well.

Floating and chubby, these two elves with both water and ghost attributes are the main elves of most biochemical crews, and the biochemical crew serving as the captain has a broken steering wheel that is not weak.

In less than a day, the Gymnasium ship left the Kanto area and entered the waters of the Hoenn area.

The gym ship stopped near the coast of an unofficial port in the Hoenn region.

After waiting for a while, a figure sat on the wind balloon and floated from the coast to the gymnasium ship.


A girl with cool clothes and black skin jumped onto the deck of the ship, and then put away the wind balloon.

This is the kind of customer we are going to pick up in the Hoenn area.

The identity of the girl is——Fengyuan area, the king of ghosts, Furong.

The cosmic bat stepped forward, "Master Furong, your residence is ready."

"Then I'll trouble Bat Sauce." Heavenly King Furong was already familiar with the Cosmic Bat, so she handed over her luggage to the Cosmic Bat.

Bat is the external name of the cosmic bat, and it can also be said to be her flower name, although no one knows that it is indeed a big bat.

And Fu Rong is used to addressing people more affectionately, so she will add a "sauce" after the name of the cosmic bat.

Fu Rong stood on the deck and took a deep breath.

"Every time I come here, I feel very special."

The honored son also came out of the cabin and greeted Fu Rong, "Master Fu Rong, long time no see. It's very happy to see you still so energetic."

Fu Rong also noticed the excellent pride, and couldn't help but smile, "It's the pride, we meet again, do you want to go to the Hezhong area to watch the game?"

"Because the junior sisters in the ashram participated in the meeting, so I have to support them." The superior pride replied with a smile, every move was in place, highlighting the demeanor of everyone.

"This time, I will represent the Hoenn region and participate in the Hezhong region's conference. Now I am looking forward to it even more."

The two looked at each other and smiled.

The superior pride and Fu Rong have known each other for a long time, and the two have also fought against each other. The strength of the superior pride has been recognized by Furong. The same can be called a master.

When the regional assembly is held, as a courtesy, representatives from other regions are also invited to watch the ceremony, usually the heavenly kings from other regions are the representatives.

However, Tianwang’s work is also very busy. Otherwise, he needs to be stationed in key positions, and he must work hard to improve his strength when he has time. Not always, Tianwang has time to attend the ceremony as a representative. The area is shared by the heavenly kings, and no one has time to participate in activities as a representative.

In the last few years, the new Heavenly King has taken office, which has reduced the pressure on the alliance between Kanto and Chengdu.

Fu Rong also sneaked out of her busy schedule to have the opportunity to go out to participate in activities and have fun.

At this time, Furong noticed Bailiyuan who was fishing by the boat.

"Is that a new friend?" Fu Rong wondered.

The superior pride smiled slightly, "That is the real owner of this ship, a ghost trainer who can kick the Whale King in the air."

Furong: "?"

Why do you want to emphasize the matter of kicking the Flying Roaring Whale King?


Can humans really kick the Flying Roaring Whale King? ! !

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