I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 2246 bring it to you

Bailiyuan came to a seaside area where few people came. Originally, there was no sandy beach here, only some rough rocks, so few people knew about it, and it seemed a bit desolate.

But now, there is some sand here, and there are a lot of gravel, and the ground has become softer.

In addition, in this desolate place, an opening appeared at unknown time.

Bailiyuan was lying not far away, staring at the direction of the cave entrance.

After a while, a figure emerged from the hole. It was an oval brown figure with a red nose, part of its body underground.

It's obviously a gopher.

Gophers, mole Pokémon, ground attributes, are not particularly rare elves, but the main living areas of gophers include mountains, forests, etc., definitely not including seaside!

And there is more than one gopher living by the sea.

Seeing the gopher appear, Bailiyuan turned over and hid behind a rock, carefully sizing up the gopher that appeared.

The gopher that appeared at this time seemed to be an outpost. He looked around, and after confirming that there was no problem, he turned around and barked twice at the entrance of the cave, and another twelve gophers appeared in a series.

There are a total of thirteen gophers, which can already be regarded as a small group of gophers.

They walked to the nearby beach together, and first went to the nearby groves to eat, and the food was mainly some tree roots. Then they returned to the shore, but did not return to the entrance of the cave, but started to move separately, constantly shuttling underground.

"What are you doing?" Baili Yuan was a little strange.

The actions of these gophers do not seem to have any rules at all.

Suddenly, a gopher hit a rock, and with a bang, the rock was smashed to pieces.

"That is, the rock-breaking trick?"

The rock-crushing trick, also known as rock crushing, is not a powerful move, but it is very practical. It is generally used to clear rocks blocking the way.

Not only did this one gopher use broken rocks on the rock, but other gophers also began to attack the surrounding rocks.

Now Bailiyuan knew how those traces on the ground, as well as the gravel and fine sand came from.

But what is the purpose of these gophers?

The gopher that smashed the rock shuttled among the shattered rock fragments, as if looking for something.

Suddenly, a gopher yelled, and the sound seemed very happy. The other gophers gathered around the gopher and cheered for their companions, as if something had happened that was enough to make the group happy.

I saw the screaming gopher holding a rock fragment, and then carefully collected some small sand-like particles on the rock fragment and swallowed it into its body.

Bailiyuan could see clearly that those small sand-like particles were not ordinary gravel, but...

"That's a prop!"

Props, soft sand!

Soft sand, fine sand. After carrying it, the power of ground attribute moves will increase.

"Crushing rocks with broken rocks has a chance to get soft sand? Is this playing a game? But is the purpose of these gophers gathering here to get this kind of props? But why do the gophers know that soft sand can appear here?"

Some companions got the soft sand, and the other gophers not only didn't leave, but started to look around more excitedly, and at the same time, they kept smashing the rocks.

Finally, Bailiyuan noticed a gopher approaching the rock where he was hiding, which made his expression change.

"not good!"


With a loud noise, the rock shattered, and Baili Yuan also rushed out from behind the rock, so as not to be shattered along with the rock.

Bailiyuan's sudden appearance made the gopher who had just crashed into the rock visibly startled, obviously he didn't expect that there were people here.

But then the gopher uttered a cry of vigilance.

Bailiyuan secretly cried out that it was going to be bad, but as expected, within a minute, Bailiyuan was surrounded by thirteen gophers.

These gophers stared at Bailiyuan unkindly, as if they wanted to silence Bailiyuan because Bailiyuan discovered their secret.

This is not Bailiyuan's imagination, Bailiyuan really felt the killing intent.

"Ah... I don't mean anything malicious." Baili Yuan hurriedly raised his hand, "Let's pretend we haven't met today, bye~"

As soon as the words fell, Baili Yuan jumped over all the gophers and retreated temporarily.

But then Bailiyuan felt his leg being pulled. Looking down, he found a sand vortex under his left foot. The vortex was constantly expanding, and he grabbed his leg tightly, preventing him from leaving .

Is this quicksand hell?


"This is the sand cave characteristic of the gopher!"

The sand cave feature mainly appears on the three types of elves, the gopher, the three gophers, and the mandible ant. It can trap opponents and prevent them from escaping. It is also one of their predation methods.

"Give me a chance." Baili Yuan said, and wanted to negotiate with a few gophers.

But the gophers directly attacked Bailiyuan.

Shake the sand.

throw mud.


All ground moves.

And half of the ground moves are extremely powerful.

The corner of Bailiyuan's mouth twitched.

"No, do you want to be so serious, sir?"

But Bailiyuan also resisted immediately.

Throwing a Poke Ball?

That's too late.

Nor is it necessary.

With a yell, Baili Yuan broke free from the bondage of the sand hole and jumped at a gopher.

"A million tons of punch!"

"A million tons of heavy kick!"

Ten minutes later, these few gophers who hadn't surpassed level 26 were knocked down by Bailiyuan one after another, and fell limp on the ground.

But they hadn't lost consciousness yet, they looked at Baili Yuan with deep doubts in their eyes, and they still couldn't believe it.

Longevity, humans beat elves!

Bailiyuan came to a gopher, smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, and then stretched out his hand to the gopher.

"Bring it to you!"

Thief moves.

A handful of sand appeared in Baili Yuan's hand.

It is an item like soft sand.

Seeing that his props were stolen by Bailiyuan, the gopher suddenly became excited and wanted to get up, but because of Bailiyuan's previous ravages, he could only thump on the ground twice, and then looked at Baili with tears in his eyes. Yuan walked to his next companion.

"Bring it to you!"

"Bring it to you!"

"Bring it to you!"


Of the thirteen gophers, Bailiyuan actually collected seven portions of soft sand, more than half of them.

The wealth of these thirteen gophers shocked Baili Yuan a little.

"You guys collected all these soft sands here, right?" Baili Yuan turned around and asked the gopher beside him.

The gopher's eyes trembled, and then he shook his head hastily.

"Do you really think I didn't see that you just collected a piece of soft sand?"

The gopher who was shaking his head froze.

At this time, a gopher that had fallen to the ground straightened up and looked at Bailiyuan.

"Oh? You want to talk to me?"

The gopher nodded.

The other gophers were a little nervous, but this gopher seemed to be taking the lead, and he still insisted on his own ideas.

Baili Yuan smiled slightly, and sat cross-legged in front of the gopher, "Then let's start, don't worry, I can understand what you are saying."

The gopher was a little surprised, and then slowly said, "Today our Thirteen Gophers lost in your hands, and we are convinced, but I hope to exchange things for our freedom and our sand!"

"Wait, what did you say your group is called?"

"Master Gopher Thirteen, I'm the eldest brother, you can call me the Gopher Boss!"


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