Chapter 2243 Misaka Sisters' Radio Connection

Bailiyuan was brought into the research institute by Angela.

In the hall of the research institute, Bailiyuan saw a few Misaka sisters wearing researcher costumes, but they were basically fishing, and surprisingly, there were spikes and belts under their researchers' white coats. Some of them put their feet on the table, and some simply squatted on the chairs, with their own evil elves around them.

Very good, he has the demeanor of an evil trainer.

When the Misaka sisters saw Bailiyuan, they just greeted Bailiyuan weakly, and then went on with their own affairs.

"How long have they been like this?" Baili Yuan couldn't help asking, it wasn't like this when he came last time.

Angela smiled indifferently, "There is a reason for their situation."

It turned out that among the Misaka sisters who traveled around the world, one of the Misaka sisters developed a special ability to connect her own radio waves with a certain elf, so she made herself and her elf more tacit, and the intimacy directly reached The degree to which mega evolution can be used.

This discovery was learned by other Misaka sisters through the Misaka network, and then almost all Misaka sisters began to imitate and try, and then people all over the world discovered that almost all Misaka sisters had special changes.

This method of connecting radio waves can deepen the tacit understanding, intimacy and even bond between Misaka sister and elves. Those elves who need intimacy to evolve may be able to complete the evolution directly. In addition, it can also easily make Misaka sister and her own. Elves reach the point where they can use mega evolution and Z-moves.

However, this method of radio connection is not without limitations.

First of all, this kind of radio wave connection, each Misaka sister can only connect to one elf, and there is currently no way to replace or disconnect the radio wave connection.

Secondly, this kind of radio wave connection will also have an impact on the Misaka sisters. The characters and characteristics of the Misaka sisters tend to be connected to the elves, and more or less the characteristics of the corresponding attribute elves have begun to appear.

For example, the Misaka sisters in the research institute who had radio connections with the evil elves have already transformed into "evil party".

The Misaka sister who has a radio wave connection with the grass-type elf has a peaceful personality, and likes to bask in the sun and dress up naturally; the Misaka sister who has a radio-wave connection with the fire-type elf becomes hot-tempered, and likes high temperature and hot dresses; and the water-type Misaka-san, who has been connected to the radio wave by the spirit, has become more gentle, and likes swimming and cool clothes.

It is said that there is also a younger sister Misaka with a strange aesthetic, who is connected to the airwaves with a dust mountain. She has become the most beautiful boy in the garbage dump.

"And I found that this kind of electric wave connection may trigger the phenomenon of bondage, and finally achieve bondage evolution. This is a big discovery, because there are very few related studies in the research community." Angela continued.

Baili Yuan was a little surprised, "Is there such a thing?"

"That's right, now my research has been quite effective. If it is really successful, then there may be a new way of fighting among the trainers in the future, and the tie evolution will also become the signature method of the Misaka sisters!"

The conditions for bondage evolution are very harsh. If Bailiyuan didn't have the heraldry ability of bondage evolution, he couldn't guarantee that he could achieve bondage evolution with all his elves.

If Angela develops a more stable and effective bond evolution method, then it can indeed rewrite the way trainers fight, and even rewrite the trainer growth method, so that some trainers pay more attention to the bond with elves.

However, it is undeniable that the Misaka sisters who can master the radio waves will be more likely to achieve bonded evolution with the elves, and this ability will also become the foundation for the Misaka sisters to gain a foothold.

Forming a team of trainers can be done by many forces, but forming a team of trainers that can use mega evolution is difficult even for an alliance, and the effect of chain evolution is not weaker than mega evolution , the Misaka sisters can also unite at any time.

After talking about the Misaka sisters, Angela brought Baili Yuan to her room.

Entering the room, Angela took off the white coat directly, and then began to undress.

"What are you going to do? Is it so exciting?" Baili Yuan said without blinking.

Hearing Baili Yuan's words, Angela Fei rolled her eyes at Baili Yuan, she just took off her coat and she was still wearing a set of underwear, "In the room, it's still comfortable to dress up like this, and besides, hasn't he been recognized by you a long time ago?" Have you seen it all?" Then Angela showed an ambiguous smile: "If you want to do something to him, he won't resist~ Or I'll even take off the clothes I'm wearing now?"


Angela stopped flirting with Bailiyuan, and Bailiyuan was also sitting in danger.

Because the voice came from Caroline.

Like many women's rooms, Angela's room is neatly decorated and filled with a faint fragrance. Of course, the presence of elves is indispensable in the Pokémon world.

The King Snake lay on his stomach in a cool place in the room, closed his eyes and rested, and now the King Snake has also become thicker and longer.

"Abo's body is very cool. When it's hot in summer, it's very comfortable to hold Abo to sleep." Angela said with a smile, and then sat on a chair. Absolu was like a dog. Arriving at Angela's side, Angela put her hands on Absolu's body and began to rub Absolu.

Bailiyuan has reservations about what Angela said about sleeping with Abo monster. It's not that he can't do it, but he can choose better ones. Aren't Xanadu and Big Needle Bee fragrant?

"Okay, let's talk about my gymnasium." Baili Yuan rubbed his eyebrows and said.

Angela is no longer close.

"Your gymnasium, after discussing with the official and the alliance, was finally put on the uninhabited sea, carried by a ship, and will return to the old coastal port regularly to accept the challenge of the trainers, and now it is the cosmic bat Administered on board. The ship will return in the near future, but you can go and see."

"So that's it, it feels quite interesting."

"With me here, there will be no trouble. How long will you stay in this world this time?"

"Probably can stay for a long time." Baili Yuan was not sure, "It depends on the situation."

Angela nodded, and then suddenly said: "If you have a chance, you can go to the Union League. Both Lizi and Chengcheng are going to challenge this year's Union League, and the conference will start soon."

"It sounds very interesting. If I can, I will definitely go and see it."

Then Angela began to tell Bailiyuan about various situations in the elf world during this period.

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