Chapter 2240 Where is my gym?

Old Coast Port.

Today's old coastal ports are like old trees rejuvenated. There are many new buildings in the old city, and there are many travelers and trainers coming and going. Trainers often drive the economic improvement of a region. important people.

The current situation in the old coastal port is mainly related to three aspects-Dr. Angela's evil department research institute, the emerging fighting dojo, and the most important ghost department official gymnasium.

Any one of the three alone can make a city develop, let alone the three gathered in the old coastal port.

However, these three places are not easy to approach.

The first is Dr. Angela's Institute of Evil. This place is recommended to stay away from the old coast port. Only those newcomer trainers who want to receive the initial elf will bite the bullet and approach it like a strong man going to death.

Although Dr. Angela occasionally appears on TV, she rarely appears in front of the crowd. In addition, she studies evil spirits and is a powerful evil trainer. In the eyes of others, she is not A person who can be contacted casually, it is recognized that evil trainers are "evil party".

And there are a lot of evil elves in the research institute. If you don't want to be teased or teased, you can only choose to stay away from the research institute. Even newcomer trainers who went to the research institute to collect the initial elves often came out in a state of embarrassment, and some were simply carried out.

There is also gossip that the Yusanjia received from the evil-type research institute will more or less have the characteristics of evil-type elves, which makes many newcomer trainers a headache.

After all, it is generally accepted that evil-type elves are less suitable for novice trainers than ghost-type elves. Because the ghost elves just want to wait for their trainers to die, but the evil elves always think about how to torture their trainers, and their attitude is quite bad. If they cannot be suppressed, they will only be ridden on the trainer by the evil elves , domineering.

One can imagine, if the gossip is true, what will happen to those newcomer trainers who received the initial elves from the research institute.

It's just that this gossip has not been confirmed so far.

Moreover, some representative and powerful trainers have indeed come out of the evil research institute, such as Lizi, Xiaoyu and so on.

Fortunately, the evil research institute is far away from the city, and the evil elves will not enter the city casually, and will not particularly affect the operation of the city.

Then there is the fighting dojo on the edge of the city. Except for trainers and fighting enthusiasts, this is an area that is not recommended for ordinary people to approach, especially not recommended to go nearby to watch the excitement.

The fighting dojo has flourished and gained many honors. In just a few years, various fighting skills have been continuously introduced, attracting countless trainers who come to learn from teachers and come to challenge. There are also many powerful fighting trainers who have come out of the dojo and are active in various regions, attracting attention.

There is also a legend that the fighting dojo has mastered a special fighting skill that can make people as powerful as elves, and only the core disciples in the core have the opportunity to touch it.

The prosperous dojo has attracted many aggressive trainers and fighters, and the gathering of these people undoubtedly makes the vicinity of the dojo the easiest place to fight.

The dojo and the city government did not stop this kind of thing. Instead, they built various free battle facilities near the dojo to make the battle more convenient. After all... as long as there are enough people, charging the venue maintenance fee can really make a fortune .

Those who pass through this area are easily invited to a fierce battle, and one of them must be sent to the hospital. People who went to see the excitement were also often challenged and sent to the hospital.

That's right, the battles in this area are not only elves battles, but also fighters battles and mixed battles between humans and elves.

Can I refuse? Of course you can, but in many cases, some battles cannot be rejected if you want to, and when the atmosphere is up, it is easier for many people to get on top.

Naturally, there will be troublemakers, but such people will be cleared out by the disciples of the dojo and expelled from the battle zone. Don't worry about not being able to defeat them. The two gate gods, King Yanwu, have not lost yet, and they have also been defeated. It is considered to be the "ultimate challenge goal" of fighters.

By the way, the shrine on the side of the dojo also has more people coming, so the daily offerings are full of counters. Moreover, the urban legend of "Fighting the God of Destiny" has also been derived. It is said that "as long as your elf sits quietly in the shrine for one night, you will be able to win the favor of the God of Destiny when you fight the next day." The specific effect is expressed as a probability effect And skills have become easier to trigger, and random skills such as shaking fingers may directly become magic skills.

Whether it is true or not, no one knows, but none of the people who tried it said it was bad.

In addition to the above, the most attractive thing is that the beautiful girl instructor who leads the dojo—the top prize, and the beautiful girl’s first disciple—Cheng Cheng!

They all have beautiful appearance and strong strength.

Orange went on a trip and challenged the Fengyuan Alliance and the Sinnoh Alliance. It was a semi-finalist and a runner-up once. Now it has become a well-known trainer and is currently challenging the Hezhong Alliance.

The superior pride had also challenged the Sinnoh Alliance, but he gave up halfway because of some things. Although she didn't play in the league competition, it didn't affect everyone's recognition of her strength at all.

There used to be a trainer with a bad personality who harassed the superior favored boy and enraged the superior favored son. The superior favored boy was useless even with elves, so he directly defeated all the elves of the bad trainer with a series of sixes. By the way, he hung the bad trainer on the pier. On the boat, it was exposed to the sun for a day, and was later rescued by Miss Junsha who heard the news.

Because of this incident, the top prized son became famous in one battle, and many legends in the dojo also began at that time.

It's just that according to the superior pride, the truly powerful one in the dojo is the mysterious dojo master. However, except for the old disciples of the dojo, almost no newcomers have seen the dojo master.

The above is the situation in the dojo, as long as the strength is sufficient, or you have confidence in yourself, you can still enter the dojo to communicate, the premise is not to mess with the two Yanwu kings, and the excellent professors.

Finally, there is the most dangerous and mysterious place in the old coast port - the ghost gymnasium.

As a gymnasium, it is natural to welcome the challenges of trainers, and the gymnasium was first established in a fairly good location in the city, with the goal of being a future urban landmark.

But a group of ghost-type elves gathered together, and as the ghost-type elves continued to multiply and increase, something bad happened gradually—for example, because the ghost-type energy was too strong, a large number of wild ghost-type elves were attracted to bombard them. lie.

This will have a very bad impact on the city. A similar incident happened in Ziyuan City, which is the cemetery of elves, and caused a huge disaster.

Fortunately, Dr. Angela and the excellent and proud professor discovered the situation in time and solved the hidden danger. Only then did the old coast port remain peaceful, and it also made this ghost gymnasium even more mysterious.


"So, where's my gym?" Baili Yuan looked at the bustling shopping mall in front of him, dumbfounded.

If he remembers correctly, this place originally came from his gym... right~

Seeing the bikini-clad big sisters coming in and out, Bai Liyuan also became a little uncertain.

First write a volume of the elf world, and the Naruto world will probably be in the next volume or the next volume

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