I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 23 This is definitely cheating! (one more)

"Forget it, it doesn't matter anymore, the next step is the real battle!" Pang Jie regained his serious face again.

Bailiyuan spread his hands.

"Then don't we still have to fight?"

"Be careful!" Pang Jie looked at Bailiyuan.

However, to his surprise, what he saw was not Bailiyuan's face, but a spiral pattern. At some point, Bailiyuan lifted the mosquito-repellent frog at his feet and blocked it in front of his face .


In Pang Jie's eyes, the spiral pattern on the mosquito frog's belly seemed to be spinning, and then, a sense of dizziness struck.

"Not good!" Pang Jie bit the corner of his mouth. The pain made him wake up temporarily, and the magic power in his body worked to restore his clarity again.

But at this time, two figures approached him at some unknown time.

"Pikachu, electric shock!"


Not surprisingly, Pikachu's electric shock did not hit Pang Jie, and Pang Jie was two meters away because of his reappearance.

"It's now, Flame Chicken, Flame Kick!"


One of the flame chicken's legs was mixed with flames, and kicked at Pang Jie who appeared again.

Pang Jie didn't panic, but he didn't teleport away immediately either. Instead, he flicked the ring on his index finger with his left thumb, and a red barrier appeared on Pang Jie's body.


Pang Jie was kicked into the distance, and the original four shields on his body plus the red shield that appeared after that were instantly shattered. However, although Pang Jie was embarrassed, he did not suffer any substantial damage. Teleport away again.

Bailiyuan cut in displeasure.

"Elementary teleportation is really abnormal. It is obviously such a BUG skill, but it consumes the same casting speed as the elementary spell."

With teleportation, Bailiyuan knew that it would be difficult for him to push Pang Jie into a corner, or even hit him. Although his elves were stronger in terms of level, they did not have an overwhelming advantage.

Moreover, although most of the elves are in their final form and they are trained actively and hard, they lack combat experience. Except for stronger attributes, everything starts from scratch. It is difficult to fully develop their potential after only one month of simple training. , although he doesn't want to admit it, but the elves can have today's level, and there is a lot to do with the existence of the handheld.

In the face of a player like Pang Jie who is so open-minded, Bailiyuan and his elves are really powerless.

Shanaido, the only one who can teleport, is not yet proficient in the application of teleportation, and cannot do instant teleportation like Pang Jie. It takes constant time to accumulate power, and the consumption is also greater, so he cannot catch up with Pang Jie at all.

"It would be great if Xanadu learned how to seal." Bailiyuan gritted his teeth, he really wanted to try, whether Xanadu's sealing ability could seal Pang Jie's teleportation.

However, Bailiyuan didn't give up, after all, Pang Jie didn't really cheat.

As long as he uses spells, there will be consumption, not to mention that Pang Jie is only a junior mage, and his power will always have an end. No matter how small the consumption of teleportation is, it will always completely consume his power.

Bailiyuan directly released all the elves.

Seeing the dozen or so elves released by Bailiyuan, Pang Jie's eyes widened immediately, and Logan in the stands also looked at Bailiyuan in shock.

"The number of contracted beasts..."

"So-so, Xiao Yuan also has some talent." Andy said casually, feeling that he had won a victory.

"Hmph, a trainee summoner has contracted so many contracted beasts. I'm starting to wonder if your Yuncheng Academy is misleading your disciples. You might as well transfer him to our academy!"

"You don't need to worry about it." Andy said with a smile indifferently.

"Hmph!" Logan glared at Andy, and it could be seen that he was really angry, "I will pay attention to the situation of Bailiyuan, and if something happens, I will report it to Akamoy as soon as possible! "

"Needless to say, I still have great confidence in our Yuncheng College." Andy said with a smile.

In fact, Andy didn't want Bailiyuan to have so many contracted beasts, but she couldn't control it either! Just overnight, there were so many contracted beasts around Bailiyuan, could he let Bailiyuan push the contracted beasts back along the passage leading to another world in the coat of arms?

In order to prevent Bailiyuan from producing so many contracted beasts all of a sudden, Andy directly limited the number of contracted beasts that the academy could help Bailiyuan cultivate.

Twenty, really no more!

Fortunately, from that day on, no new contracted beasts continued to appear around Bailiyuan, and Bailiyuan himself practiced very hard, and the strength of his contracted beasts also improved.

"The three teams are free to attack, use long-range skills, don't use powerful skills, and launch burst attacks as soon as he appears!" Baili Yuan ordered.

The so-called three groups are to divide the elves into three groups. After the first team attacks, the second team attacks, followed by the third team. The time for the loss of force caused by the skills is also over, and they can continue to attack immediately after the third team, then the second team, and the third team, and so on, and attack to the greatest extent.

"If you don't know how to attack from a distance, use the changing skills to weaken the opponent's ability!" Baili Yuan said.

The Armored Rhino turned around and wagged its tail at Pang Jie.

Tail wagging skill, activate!

"If you can't weaken his state, be careful, don't let him come and attack." Baili Yuan said, now, the walking grass and the little fist stone and other elves have something to do.

"Flame Chicken and Pikachu continue to harass, don't give him a chance to breathe, others be careful not to hit them!" Baili Yuan continued to arrange, nodding to Flame Chicken and Pikachu.



"Giant Pincer Mantis, adjust your state!" Finally, Baili Yuan ordered the Giant Pincer Mantis beside him.

The giant pincer mantis nodded coolly, rubbed its pincers, and made the sound of metal rubbing against each other.

Facing Pang Jie, one must leave a powerful elf just in case.

Under Bailiyuan's command, the entire arena was filled with explosions. Faced with the non-stop attacks of the elves, Pang Jie had no choice but to teleport continuously. Fortunately, he was proficient in teleportation and could survive However, the turmoil of Flame Chicken and Pikachu made him feel a little annoyed. Often before he had time to catch his breath, Flame Chicken and Pikachu would catch up. He could only put a shield on himself at most, and then he had to Teleport away again.

The audience was also motivated by the "fierce" battle and shouted.

Bailiyuan squinted, looked at Pang Jie, and suddenly smiled.

Because he found that after Pang Jie teleported, there would be a momentary pause, and as the number of teleports continued to increase, this time was continuously extending. He was often chased by the flame chicken just after putting on the shield on his body After defeating Pikachu, he became more and more embarrassed.

"Victory is in sight!" Baili Yuan smiled.

However, at this moment, Pang Jie snapped his fingers, the ring on his left middle finger lit up, and a burst of light flashed, the power in Pang Jie's body was filled again, and he became alive again.

Bailiyuan's smile froze.

This... is definitely cheating!

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