Chapter 2237 The glorious warrior, the end of evil

This is a female Ultraman with a slender body. The color of her body is mainly red, with a small amount of blue and purple patterns dotted on her body, and there are purple thunder patterns on the backs of her hands. The indicator light on the chest is round, emitting green light, and there is a crown-like protrusion on the head, which also has a purple lightning pattern.

Elegance and strength coexist, eye-catching and full of mystery.

"Chunzi!" Baili Yuan waved his hands and shouted.

That's right, this Ultraman is exactly Shirakawa Junko!

Or it can be said that it is the Ultra warrior who controls the lightning——Neil!

Junko Bai Chuan noticed Baili Yuan and couldn't help but nodded to Bai Liyuan.

"As soon as I came back, I caught up with the big scene. It seems that I came just in time."

In the atmosphere, a hidden spaceship gradually appeared. In the spaceship, Nicole, Xiao Wu and others watched the battle on the ground, and a picture of Baili Yuan waving his hands appeared on the screen.

"It's daddy!" Nicole cheered.

Xiao Wu and the others looked at the battles of Bailiyuan and the others curiously. Although they had already experienced many battles in the universe and had seen Junko Shirakawa transform into battles, they were still very concerned about other people's battles. interested.

On the ground, the Annihilator Mecha got up from the ground, and what greeted it was Junko Shirakawa's stormy attack, no, it should be said to be a fierce and shocking attack like thunder.

Shirakawa Junko's attack method is very simple, it is a pair of fists, but every attack of Shirakawa Junko will carry a powerful lightning power.

According to Xiuxian, this is called body cultivation.

But the power of Shirakawa Junko is not only the power of the cultivation system.

The golden elixir of the Xiuxian system turned into the core of the power of Shirakawa Junko's coat of arms. The power of her coat of arms activated the light in her body and opened her second coat of arms, the chest where the coat of arms is located.

The combination of all these has made Shirakawa Junko today.

The high adaptability of the heraldry system allows Junko Shirakawa to perfectly integrate all powers together.

When Bailiyuan saw Bai Chuan Junzi make a move, he also took out the transformation device.

"Then end this chaos in a gorgeous and handsome way."


Normal adult form!

Bailiyuan appeared in transformation, and came to Junko Baichuan's side, and cooperated with Junko Baichuan's attack to attack and destroy the mecha beast together.

There was a wonderful cooperation between them.

The two looked at each other, then punched at the same time.

Combined tricks double kill combo!

The fusion of light and lightning bombarded the Annihilator's body, the strength penetrated the Annihilator's body, and the air behind the Annihilator's body shook with an explosion sound, and the Annihilator's mech couldn't help being hit. After slipping back, his feet plowed two deep furrows on the ground, and then hit a distant mountain.

Bailiyuan and Bai Chuanjunzi raised their hands and fisted.

Junko Shirakawa smiled and said, "I can stand and fight with you this time."

"Haven't we been fighting together?" Baili Yuan said with his head sideways, and then tapped his heart with his thumb, "Our bond spans time and space, and you will always be here."

This sentence made Shirakawa Junko stunned for a moment, and then couldn't help laughing.

"Yeah, because of the fetters, I know you need me, so I rushed back."

The other onlookers did not hear the whispers between Bailiyuan and Baichuan Junko, but they all saw their cooperation.

"So strong!"

"so hot!"

"It's the new female Ultraman. What is the situation of the Ultraman race, and they can also control lightning? This is a big discovery!" Yuka cheered, and then she thought of something, "A female warrior who uses lightning ...Why do you think this setting is a bit familiar?"

Shota Snake Kura flicked his hair and smiled.

Yoko looked in the direction of Zeta.

Now, isn't she, Zeta, and Yaohui fighting together?

It's just that neither Zeta nor Yaohui knew that someone was watching them at this time.

"Is this the senior I met with Senior Xiaoyuan? So strong!" Zeta was still lamenting the strength of others, "But we can't lose, let's continue!"

"Oss, go all out and destroy the enemy!" Yao Hui nodded vigorously.

"My uncle can't wait!" Beria shouted at dusk.

Seeing Baili Yuan appearing, Di Majia was a little excited.

That person is not dead!

The Annihilation Mecha crawled out from under the rubble pile in the mountain, and let out a useless roar, which was also the anger of Celebro.

At this moment, Celebro already knew that it had no chance.

"Then let's die together!" Celebro said fiercely.

The annihilating mech beast rushed towards everyone, and the D4 ray power in its body fluctuated to the highest level.

Bailiyuan raised his hand suddenly, and Galatron appeared, but instead of launching an attack, it disintegrated into four parts—head, body, arms, and legs.

Then these four parts turned into components and flew towards Bailiyuan and the three monsters.

The head turned into a helmet and landed on Gomora's head, making its head even more ferocious, greatly increasing the power of its super vibration wave, and turning the super vibration wave into a long-range attack.

The arms turned into gauntlets, armed on King Red's arms, greatly enhancing the strength of his arms, which can be converted into energy waves to attack.

The legs turned into two cannons, which landed on Dimaga's body. Dimaga just struggled a bit, but did not refuse to arm. These two cannons could mobilize the power in Dimaga's body, so that Dimaga could fight again at the same time. Unleash two terrifying attacks to triple its attack power!

In the end, the body components fell on Bailiyuan's body and turned into armor. The most important star core corresponds to Bailiyuan's indicator light.

"Is there such a method?!"

Yuhua in the command room exclaimed that she suddenly had a new inspiration for the development of special space aircraft.

"Everyone, let's go!" Bailiyuan waved his arms, and sent Li Shan, who was unconscious in the distance, into his home space.

The people of the armory.

The three monsters present.

As well as Bailiyuan, Shirakawa Junko and Zeta, they launched an attack on the Annihilation Mech Beast at the same time.

Gomora——Long-range Ultra Vibration Wave!

King Reid—Strange Vibration Wave!

Dimaga - triple molten iron ray!

Severngar - Hard Core Iron Fist!

Wuyingdam - Type 20 anti-monster missile!

Golden Ancient Bridge - Pedanim Particle Cannon!

Zeta + Belial Dusk - Delta Dusk Rays!

Shirakawa Junko - Thunder Shot!

Bailiyuan: "The red light of the star core!"

All the forces focused on destroying the mecha beast, and under the control of Celebro, the annihilating mech beast also released the D4 ray.

Horrific forces collided with each other, and the huge force created a terrible vacuum, which seemed to annihilate all sounds. The earth cracked, the continent shook, and the incandescent light covered all images. All satellite images in the universe disappeared, and even Caroline’s live broadcast Also disconnected.

Jie Hua in the command room stood up excitedly, raised her arms and shouted: "Come on!"

Everyone was nervous about the result, but except for the people present, no one else could know the situation at the scene, and even the spaceship in the sky had to hide in a higher position.

Finally, when the voice reappeared, the battle was over, the rays of light disappeared one after another, and the annihilating mechs disappeared together. Only the hot earth and the cracks on the earth told the result.

On the human side, no one died.

"We won!" The same voice emerged in the hearts of Yaohui and Yoko.

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