Chapter 2229 big brother, are you comfortable?

In the home space, the monsters and elves became uneasy as if they sensed the nearby Mecha Zero. The three sleeping monsters in the fighting space of the transforming device also had signs of waking up, and even the mother Kerubim who had turned into an egg trembled, feeling like it was about to shatter.

"Xiaoyuan, that's not a good thing." Xanadu sent a voice transmission to Bailiyuan.

"Be patient for a while, I'll take care of it." Baili Yuan concentrated on comforting the elves and monsters.

After calming down the elves and monsters, Baili Yuan stood among the crowd and looked around.

He saw Yaohui's figure, but Yaohui was a guard at this time, and he still stood firm.

Then there was the official launch of Mecha Zero, which caught everyone's attention.

Mecha Zero was activated successfully, the breastplate changed, and white air sprayed out from the joints.

Such a handsome robot, under the propaganda of the Defense Force, was dubbed "the hope of mankind" and "the savior" by the Japanese media!

Well, this naming method is very characteristic of Japanese media.

Bailiyuan still remembered that two years before he wrote the novel, when the media reported on him, they named him "Carmi of Science Fiction".

After all, the novel written by Caroline is not a science fiction novel, but a popular science novel~

At the same time that Mecha Zero started, those monsters who were observed to show signs of awakening also began to wake up one by one, no, they were awakened!

Something horrible has appeared on Earth, and they are going to destroy that thing.

At this moment, these monsters are part of the self-regulation of the earth, and they are therefore out of control.

There are three monsters that appear at this time.

The two that appeared by the sea—

The oil monster, Tegon.

Sea beast, King Gezilla.

One that appeared on land—

Molten Iron Monster, Dimaga.

This news was instantly notified to everyone, and the host in front of the camera in the practice field also received the news, and she hurriedly interrupted the broadcast.

Yaohui also heard the news, he quietly withdrew from the crowd and found a place where no one was there.

"Let's deal with those two monsters by the sea first!" Yaohui transformed into a Zeta Alpha armor and flew across the sky.

It's just that the whole process of his transformation was under Bailiyuan's gaze, and seeing Yaohui's transformation, Bailiyuan moved instantly and left the place.

The crowd on the ground cheered when they saw Zeta flying low.

Today, on Earth, Ultraman's popularity is beyond doubt.

Although Ultraman is also a cosmic being, their strength and handsomeness, while protecting the earth and human beings, have won the support of many earthlings.

Seeing Zeta dispatched, Yoko also applied to the command room to play.

Chief Kuriyama agreed to Yoko's application and let Yoko deal with the remaining Dimaga.

The war broke out.

Bailiyuan didn't go to see Zeta, but came to the vicinity of Dimaga, and then saw the mecha Zero rushing over.

Mecha Zero landed from the sky with a strong sense of oppression.

As soon as it landed, Mecha Zero launched an attack on Dimaga.

Magnelim Gatlin!

Armed with four 35mm multi-barreled rotary cannons hidden in the arms of Mecha Zero, it can fire high-power armor-piercing bullets aimed at monsters.

Shooting one after another kept blocking Dimaga's progress.

When Dimaga finally stood in front of Mecha Zero despite all the attacks, the energy booster on Mecha Zero's right arm was quickly filled with energy, and then he punched a powerful punch with his right hand.

Crit punch!

Dimaga was directly knocked down to the ground, and this blow made Dimaga very uncomfortable.

At this moment, Mecha Zero looks like a god of war!

Bailiyuan couldn't help but nod at this scene. Leaving aside the threat of Mecha Ciro, judging from Yoko's operation and the ability of a mecha Ciro, the battle is quite clean and powerful, and the power is not bad.

Comparable to Galatron in Bailiyuan.

At this moment, the ground cracked open, and two monsters appeared again.

Ancient monster, Gomes! (50-meter level)

Subterranean monster, Baggs!

As soon as the two monsters appeared, they rushed towards Mecha Zero without hesitation.

Yoko hurriedly controlled Mecha Zero to force the two monsters back, but secretly frowned.

Now there are three monsters.

"Three against one."

Next, it depends on the strength of Mecha Zero.

A large number of helicopters appeared in the sky, and these helicopters broadcast the battle below back to the command room and to people all over the world.

Seeing this scene, Bailiyuan also took out the transformation device.

"It's my turn."

This time, Bailiyuan could only do it by himself, otherwise Bailiyuan suspected that if he released the elves and monsters to help the battle, the situation might get worse.

Although the battle of the elves will definitely be reduced, because of the bond with Baili Yuan, there will be no troubles.

But those few monsters with limited bonds with Baili Yuan are more likely to turn around and attack Mecha Zero.


Luna form!

At this time, the three monsters had already started to lose control, so we had to find a way to appease them, at least not let the three monsters sacrifice for nothing.

Three monsters, this way please~

The appearance of Bailiyuan also made Yoko heave a sigh of relief.

"Great, there's another Ultra warrior, but this time it's changed again?"

However, Yoko was obviously happy too early. The appearance of Bailiyuan only made the three monsters pay attention to Bailiyuan, and then the three focused on Mecha Zero again.

The hatred is all on Mecha Zero.

Bailiyuan took the initiative to meet Gomes, but Gomes just counterattacked Bailiyuan, and then broke free from Bailiyuan. Together with the other two monsters, he wanted to destroy Mecha Zero like crazy.

Yoko also finally realized that the three monsters were staring at Mecha Zero, "Why are the monsters staring at me again?" This feeling is so familiar to Yoko, the last time he drove on the Golden Bridge in D4 , Those Kerubim also stared at her and beat her up.

But Mecha Zero's name is not for nothing, even if it is besieged, relying on Yoko's driving skills and Mecha Zero's ability, there is no sign of defeat.

After all, Mecha Zero is the pinnacle of earth technology!

The appearance is to use Sai Luo's head and a body similar to the rise of the Gedd Galaxy. The eyes are covered by steel eye masks, and the chest where the color timer is located has a huge energy emission port, which is connected by six energy tubes.

Mecha Zero can also imitate Zero, throwing darts of light through the dart-shaped crown on the head.

It also has Ultraman's powers, mimics Zeta's ray abilities, and has a fighting style of raising barriers and energy attacks.

Finally, there is a D4 weapon at the bottom of the box!

Mecha Zero walked out of the fireball and flames spewed by the monster, like a demon shrouded in flames.

Bailiyuan grabbed Gomes, and he tried to use the power of the moon god form, combined with the power of the heart, to influence Gomes and calm him down.

Light waves of the heart.

Similar to Gauss' Luna Light Wave, it has the same effect, both of which can appease the monster and make the monster's heart calm.

However, Bailiyuan felt great madness and fear from Gomes' heart.

It will take a certain amount of time to calm it down completely.

"Fortunately, at least there is not no solution at all, Yoko hold on, and I will help you when I tame this monster."

Baili Yuan clamped the struggling Gomes tightly in his arms, and pressed Gomes' face with his chest muscles.

"Eat me warm and caring!"

The same ability developed by imitating Goss's warm feeling releases a lot of positive energy emotions containing love and care, gradually helping Goss to find himself.

Gomes' struggles gradually weakened, its fear gradually subsided, and it began to recover from the loss of control little by little, and then slowly closed its eyes.

This feeling is like being in the arms of my mother...

Gomes thought so.

But then a voice pretending to be rough came into its mind.

"Big boobs, are you comfortable?"


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