Chapter 2205 People who are 15,000 years old should not be handsome!

After Griza's real body was discovered, it emitted ultrasonic light directly from its head, and the deafening ultrasonic waves turned into attacks, making Bailiyuan and others feel dizzy, and even Caroline was affected.

"This ultrasonic wave can interfere with living organisms and electronic equipment," Caroline said hastily.

Shirley felt a splitting headache, and in anger, she released a large amount of solid ice, freezing the surrounding area and surrounding Griza. However, this situation made everyone feel much more relaxed.

When Bailiyuan wanted to interrupt Griza's ultrasonic waves, continuous fireballs struck from behind, shattering the ice and directly interrupting Griza's attack.

Bailiyuan looked back.

The five emperors did not know when they appeared, and they were striding forward.

Zeta and Geed startled.

Are there monsters? !

Zeta still remembers that he once fought with the Five Emperors, and the Five Emperors are not easy to deal with.

However, the five emperors ignored Ultraman, but strode towards Griza and attacked Griza.

"Is it helping us?" Yao Hui was a little surprised.

Ace looked at the five emperors, and then threw the eight-point light wheel aimed at the five emperors at Griza.

It's just that none of the previous five Ultraman's attacks worked, and the five emperors' attacks also had no effect, and the damage of all attacks was zero.

The snake Cangxiang in the body of the five emperors snorted coldly: "Then try my trick!"

Since it cannot be broken through, then absorb it!

Eye Q power!

The eye Q organ on the left hand of the Five Emperors emitted a purple light, bringing about a terrifying suction force.

Shota Ukura wants to absorb Griza's power and break Griza's void body.

"It's useless." Baili Yuan said.

Eye Q: Brother, you think highly of me.

Sure enough, although the power of the eye Q sucked Griza's body and absorbed some energy from Griza's body, it still didn't cause substantial damage to Griza.

The lost energy has almost no effect on Griza, because it is connected to the entire void.

If such a trick worked, then Bailiyuan would have dealt with Griza long ago.

During the battle during this period, Bailiyuan realized that it was impossible to defeat Griza by relying solely on level and quantity. He had to think of a way to deal with Griza, and the space loophole was also in Griza's body. This was also a must. problems to face.

Bailiyuan has already begun to consider letting the jealous clone let go of the endless black sea to absorb Griza, but in that case, the evil time-space anchor sealed in the endless black sea will be called out, smashing time and space, and bringing this Ultra universe And heraldry connects the world.

In the case of the world with heraldry, if the two worlds are connected, no one can say what will happen in the end.

This is just tearing down the east wall to make up for the west wall.

And at this moment, Ged threw a medal to Zeta, and it fell into the hands of Yaohui in Zeta's body.

"Yaohui, if something happens to me, you can use this."

"What?" Yao Hui was surprised, he also saw the medal in his hand, it was a Geed's Ott Medal.

"What are you going to do?" Yaohui asked.

But before Zedd could answer, Bailiyuan's exclamation came from the other side.

"Ace, what are you doing, Ace!"

Ged and Zeta suddenly looked up, and found that Ace had rushed up, kicked the Five Emperors away, and then resisted Griza's attack, and slammed into Griza's chest.

It was too late for Bailiyuan and Shirley to stop Ace.

"Xiao Yuan, leave it to me, senior. Even if I fail, I will try my best to delay the arrival of the other Ultra brothers." After speaking, Ace resolutely exerted his strength again, inserting his arm into Griza's chest. Location.

Under everyone's watchful eyes, Ace was actually absorbed into Griza's body, and then Griza erupted with a powerful wave, flying everyone around again, and turned into the original appearance - a long-haired Spiked strange sphere.

The dust fell slowly, and the surrounding area was quiet.

The fighting stopped temporarily, and Griza also stopped moving.

"What's going on here?" Baili Yuan frowned, he didn't dare to attack the seemingly defenseless Griza, because Ace was inside Griza.

However, Bailiyuan didn't know what was going on, because his understanding of Griza was limited.

The battle came to an end temporarily, Ace rushed into Griza's body and temporarily stopped Griza in a strange way, but everyone knew that the battle was not over yet.

Because Griza still exists, and Ace's life and death are uncertain.

Everyone turned back into a human body, and Shota Snake, dragging his injured arm, left quietly.

Yoko was at a loss when she saw the Ultramans disappear. At this time, Shota Sakura sent a message asking her to return to the headquarters immediately.

On the other end, Bailiyuan, Xueli, Xiaolu and Yaohui got together.

Xiaolu has something to tell everyone, it is about monsters like Griza and the reason for Ace's actions just now.

Xiao Lu knew about monsters like Griza, because he had obtained relevant information in the Kingdom of Light and the specific method to deal with Griza.

And this information was obtained by the Kingdom of Light after Bailiyuan crossed, and the specific provider was Ultraman X. Therefore, although Bailiyuan knew about Griza, he didn't know the details. Ace also concealed some information, and the information concealed by Ace was the reason why Ace did what he did just now.

According to the information obtained by Xiao Lu, it can be known that Griza has a mysterious origin, and there is no concept of good and evil in itself, but a manifestation similar to a natural phenomenon, representing "nothingness", with only one purpose, that is, to transform everything else , transformed into "nothing", even living things can be transformed into "nothing", this is Griza's essence of devouring everything.

The space loophole that originally caused space vibrations has merged with Griza's Cosmic Cave after Griza appeared, and it is on Griza's chest.

That is to say, only need to solve the problem of the cave of the universe, can solve the problem of space loophole together.

The solution to the Hole of the Universe is to find the Needle of the Universe, and then use the power of the Needle of the Universe to change Griza from "nothing" to "yes". The hole is sewn up.

There is no fixed type of cosmic needle, but there is only one cosmic needle known to the Kingdom of Light, and that is Aix's head dart.

However, it is obviously too late to go to Aix to borrow his head dart now. When the head dart reaches the earth, the earth may be transformed into "nothing", so now the only choice is to find a new cosmic needle.

Also according to Aix's description, if he wants to get the cosmic needle, he must go deep into the cave of the universe, but if this is the case, there will be a huge danger. At the beginning, Aix was almost transformed into "nothing" and disappeared completely.

This is also what Ace concealed from Bailiyuan.

Zeta also knows this information, and he has also learned it, but Ace rushed too fast.

"I originally wanted to enter Griza's body to obtain the Cosmic Needle, but I didn't expect Senior Ace to act before me." Xiao Lu admired him, and he once again felt the spirit of the warriors of the Kingdom of Light who dared to sacrifice.

"Is it the so-called tiger's cub if you don't enter the tiger's den?" Caroline sighed.

Baili Yuan frowned: "It seems that Ace had already made a plan when he met Griza, so he kept this matter from me, and then he planned to try to get the Cosmic Needle by himself, if If he fails, there will be other Ultra Brothers who will take over the fight, but..."

Such an important thing should have been said earlier!

I have several avatars who are not afraid of death, you can try them one by one, and one will succeed in the end!

You are 15,000 years old, don't be handsome!

Now Bailiyuan really wants to play a flower of hope for Ace.

But now Ace can't hear anything.

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