Chapter 2201 A certain writer was checked on the water meter because of his novel


Yaohui was sent to the hospital.

Yoko reported the incident to Shekang Xiangta, and then ordered people to arrest Bailiyuan.

In the command room, when Shota Shekura heard what happened to Yaohui, he was shocked.

Yoko didn't know what happened to Yaohui, but Shota Ukura could guess it, and that's why he was in the situation.

what's the situation?

How can this Ultraman be better than the evil cosmic people?

That guy is so open?

She Cang Xiangtai naturally knew that Bailiyuan could not be caught by the people from the armory, but not only did Bailiyuan not hide, he even taught Yaohui a lesson.

for what?

Thinking of this, Shota Shekura couldn't help standing up.

"Captain, where are you going?" Yuhua asked.

"Go to the bathroom."

"Okay..." Jiehua tilted her head, wondering if her captain was going to the hospital.

Frequent urination is not a good thing.

But then Yuhua paid attention to the situation on Yoko's side. At this time, Yoko and the action team came to Bailiyuan's home on the bright side.

Yuhua became excited: "Mr. Cheese, now I'm going to reveal your true identity!"

Outside the apartment, the action team broke in, aimed their weapons at all parts of the room, and searched.

But nothing happened.

"Report, no cheese was found on the writer's bread."

Yoko walked to the coffee table in the living room, and found that there were several dozen printing papers on the coffee table, touched the printing paper, and found that it was still warm.

"This is..." Yoko opened the printed paper, saw the content inside, and found that it turned out to be several novels, including the propaganda book written for the armory.

At this time, a voice came from outside, "Who, who are they? What are you doing here at Mr. Cheese's house? You are breaking into a private house, I'm going to call the police!"

Editor Sawai's voice sounded, and then he was pointed at by seven or eight guns as soon as he entered the door.


Looking at the dark muzzle of the gun, Editor Sawai's heart ached, and then he noticed Yoko in the living room, and hurriedly shouted: "Miss Yoko, it's me, I'm Editor Sawai, help!"

Yoko recognized Editor Sawai, she walked over, motioned for the others to put down their weapons temporarily, and then she asked, "Editor Sawai, why are you here at this time?"

Seeing that the gun was no longer aimed at him, Editor Sawai breathed a sigh of relief, then took out a handkerchief to wipe off his sweat, and hurriedly explained: "I was informed by Mr. Cheese that the teacher asked me to come here to pick up the manuscript of the novel. .”

"The manuscript of the novel?"

"That's right, it's the final volume of "Cosmic Ronin." Editor Sawai said, and then he looked at the action team around, and asked in a low voice: "I don't know what's the matter with Miss Yoko bringing people here? It's about cheese Is it the teacher's? Is there some misunderstanding in it?"

Yoko's expression became strange.


From what happened today, it can be seen that there is indeed a problem with sandwiching cheese between two breads, but this behavior of not supervising the novel before running away is commendable.

"Ahem." Yoko cleared his throat, "This matter is indeed related to Mrs. Cheese, and it is inconvenient to disclose the details. As for the manuscript, it will be kept in our armory first. If there is no problem, it will be handed over to the editorial department. I hope it can be resolved." understand."

"I understand, I understand, of course I understand." Editor Sawai nodded and bowed.

If he doesn't understand, those guns may teach him to understand.

However, Editor Sawai still very much hopes that nothing will happen to Baili Yuan.

The follow-up of this matter did not affect the editorial department and editor Sawai, and the manuscript was finally handed over to the editorial department and published smoothly.

It's just that the thing about "two breads with cheese" has been spread.

【Shock! The real identity of a famous science fiction writer is actually a cosmic being? Its works are the real encyclopedia of the universe! 】

Although Bailiyuan took off his vest, he became popular again. Even because of this shocking news, his novel became a hit, and the sales reached a new high. It also made the human beings on the earth realize that the content of the novel is the real universe.

In the past, everyone regarded the contents of the book as novels, and didn't think there was anything wrong with them. But when everyone knew that these were true, they found that many of the contents in it were thought-provoking and terrifying, such as the existence of a kind of monster that would protect weak planets. Clan of Light.

Isn't this Altman?

Bailiyuan's works have also become reference books for many scientific research institutions and monster research institutions.

There are still many people who suspect that the protagonists in several novels are real, even Bailiyuan is one of the characters, but Bailiyuan's whereabouts are a mystery, no one can be sure of Bailiyuan.

And the proceeds from all the books and copyrights of Bailiyuan, as Bailiyuan thought, were invested in the foundation to help those in need.

As for how to protect the funds.

The biochemical person left behind by Bailiyuan directly bought the company where the editorial department was located and became the company's big boss.

Caroline's income from selling the technology is quite huge, enough for the cyborg to operate.


Not to mention the future, when Yoko led people to catch Bailiyuan, in the hospital in the armory, a figure came to Yaohui's ward, staring at the unconscious Yaohui.

It's Dr. Yumi who is manipulated by Celebro.

Dr. Yumi was no longer as gentle as before, but looked at Yaohui with a gloomy face, but instead of making a move on Yaohui, he raised his hand and turned to Yaohui's clothes, and took out the Medal of Otto.

"It's better not to move things that don't belong to you." A frivolous voice came from behind.

"Who!" Dr. Yumi was startled and turned her head hastily. She didn't expect someone to touch her back. But then the Snake Heart Sword was placed on Dr. Yumi's neck, and Dr. Yumi hurriedly raised his hand and stopped moving.

The one who came was the demonized Jugula.

Jugula just wanted to see Yaohui, but he didn't expect to encounter such a thing, and he looked at Dr. Yumi, and quickly recognized Dr. Yumi's true identity.

Facing Jugula's threat, Dr. Yumi still wanted to struggle, and couldn't help showing a smile on his face: "I don't know what you're talking about, but cosmic people can't enter the armory casually."

"Yo, Celebro." Jugula directly called out Celebro's true identity.

Doctor Yumi's face became even more gloomy in an instant, "Who are you? How do you know me?"

Being called to reveal his identity, Dr. Yumei couldn't pretend anymore, and directly staged a Sichuan opera to change his face.

"Parasitic life form, Celebro." Jugula put down the Snake Heart Sword in his hand, indicating that he had no intention of fighting, and then he continued, "I heard that you are playing very interesting games in various universes."

Although Celebro didn't recognize Juggula, Juggula knew a lot about Celebro.

After all, Celebro's methods are still too low-level in the eyes of the strong, and due to the restrictions of race, Celebro can only do so much, and the civilizations it chooses to play games are not powerful. civilization.

After seeing Celebro, Jugula probably also understood the reason for the recent disasters on the earth.

"Are you here to stop me?"

"How can it be?"

Jugula tilted his neck and said, "Actually, I'm here to help you."

Jugula has always disdained Ultraman's justice. He was once abandoned by the light, but he firmly believed in the way of fighting that was denied by the light.

It is Ultraman's job to eliminate evil, and Jugula only wants to achieve his own goal.

Jugula didn't want to blindly protect humans, so he planned to reconcile the conflict between Celebro and humans to prevent one side from going too far.

Coincidentally, with the help of Celebro, humans will continue to study special space aircraft, and then become stronger.

After all, there are too many Ultraman on the earth now, which weakens the sense of urgency felt by human beings and slows down the growth of human beings.

Celebro gave Jugula a deep look, and then showed a somewhat crazy smile.

"That would be great, and I'm very much looking forward to our future collaborations."

Celebro didn't say much, he put down all the Ultra Medals and left the ward.

And Jugula didn't stop Celebro. After Celebro left, he checked Yaohui's body and left after finding nothing wrong.

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