I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 226 Traveling through Time and Space

It's another day.

However, Baili Yuan was a little out of spirits.

Hedel was summoned last night, but Bailiyuan made a special effort to familiarize himself with the ability of the new coat of arms and the knowledge from the inheritance. It took him a lot of time, and by the time Bailiyuan went to bed, the sky had turned white.

Yawning, Bailiyuan went out to take the elves to do morning exercises, and then washed up.

There is no nanny in this apartment, Mary has not come back yet, and Bailiyuan has rejected the invitation of Yuexuan's family, so now Bailiyuan needs to solve the food problem by himself.

Fortunately, a lot of food was stored in Bailiyuan's coat of arms space.

Afterwards, Bailiyuan began her usual daily life.

In the blink of an eye, a month passed, and the turmoil caused by the monsters seemed to have calmed down, but Bailiyuan knew that things were far from that simple, and this matter couldn't just end here. Although the system is useless, But it is still relatively reliable. The world will definitely undergo drastic changes. A month of calm is more like the calm before the storm.

The best proof is that Andy has been busy with monster-related things.

A lot has changed in a month.

Bailiyuan has been exercising her abilities and getting familiar with the abilities of the new coat of arms.

However, Mary had already returned and became Bailiyuan's nanny again, so it was impossible for Bailiyuan to continue blatantly familiarizing herself with the ability of the new coat of arms.

So... secretly familiar.

However, even so, Bailiyuan still researched some tricks for the new coat of arms.

Bailiyuan and the elves have also improved a lot in a month. The reason why the elves can improve so much is not only the various trainings they have participated in, but also new resources.

Perhaps because they saw the greater value of Bailiyuan, the school board's support for Bailiyuan has also stepped up, and the resources distributed are also more advanced.

At this time, a resource called elemental essence has been added to the resources of the elves.

The so-called elemental essence is the energy essence with a certain attribute, which can be absorbed directly, such as the essence of flame, the essence of flowing water...

One elemental essence is enough for an elf of the same attribute to absorb for a month, and after absorbing one elemental essence, the strength of the elves also increases at a speed visible to the naked eye.

During the period, Bailiyuan also went to the world of Pokémon once.

Baili Angela, also known as T-X, is currently traveling to challenge the gymnasium, and the progress is rapid. During this time, four badges have been collected.

Moreover, every time Angela went to a city, she would find a black market in it, instead of going in to do things, after all, the risk was high, but to squat outside with Arbor, hunting those who seemed to be very rich.

However, in order not to cause too much impact, Angela will only attack a few of them and then stop, generally no more than three.

Because of Angela's ability to change her appearance, coupled with her own skills, her robbery career has a high success rate. Occasionally, Angela can get out of the car and get back to her original appearance without being suspected.

In response to the old saying that "a horse has no night grass and no fat, and a man has no windfall and no wealth".

After a lot of robbing, Angela not only got enough resources for her own Pokmon to grow and make her Pokmon grow and progress quickly, but also set aside a lot of resources for Bailiyuan, which were mailed by Angela to Baili The location agreed by Yuan, and then Bailiyuan will receive it in a unified way.

In addition to resources, Angela also collected a lot of information about cultivation and training for Bailiyuan.

On the contrary, Bailiyuan also left some heraldry resources for Angela to use the world.

Some resources in the Sigil world are indeed higher in some respects than similar resources in the Pokémon world.

Within a month, the research center also processed the materials obtained from the monsters into equipment for Bailiyuan, and the two little bugs were also hatched. With the blood of the bug monster, the two little bugs grew up They moved very quickly, and at this time they already had a body size of three meters.

Bailiyuan also contracted two bugs under the recommendation of the staff of the research center.

By the way, these two bugs have no sex, and the way of reproduction is asexual reproduction.

During this month, Bailiyuan's strength has grown steadily, and has been precipitated, so that Bailiyuan can better display his strength.

Bailiyuan felt that he could study the item that he had cared about for a long time.

That is the space-time coordinate locator of Altec universe!

Bailiyuan can use this instrument to enter a certain time and space in the Ultra universe, and can also return to the current time and space.

Bailiyuan's heart itch for this instrument, with this instrument, he has every chance to go home!

Even if the odds are slim, it's worth a try.

The question now is where to get the ability to travel through time and space.

But it's not impossible.

Bailiyuan took out two cards.

One is Ezreal's identity card, except for being able to transform into Ezreal, you can't get Ezreal's strength and ability, and the other is Ezreal's future warrior skin. According to the introduction, this The skin is likely to be able to bring Bailiyuan the ability to travel through time and space.

With the combination of the two, Bailiyuan is likely to be able to travel through time and space.

In order to do the experiment, Bailiyuan deliberately chose a relatively remote place in the Principles of Heraldry Academy.

Taking a deep breath, Bailiyuan first used Ezreal's identity card.

The light flashed, and when Bailiyuan opened his eyes again, he found that he had turned into a young man, of course, with yellow hair.

And what he was wearing turned into an expedition costume.

At this time, Baili Yuan said that he was a young man and it didn't make any difference.

No matter the eyes, temperament or voice have become very strange, or it has become the appearance of Ezreal.

Bailiyuan simply felt his own power, the power was still there, but it was all his own, and Bailiyuan didn't get Ezreal's strength and skills.

Bailiyuan had been mentally prepared for a long time, and then Bailiyuan used Ezreal's skin.

This time is different from before, this time the change caused a bit of commotion.

And Bailiyuan itself has also changed a lot. Apart from his appearance and equipment, Bailiyuan clearly felt that there were many things in his mind.

That is the knowledge and ability brought by the future warrior skin!

Bailiyuan felt that he not only learned about Ezreal's skills through the skin of the future warrior, but also got the ability that Bailiyuan was looking forward to - travel through time and space!

This ability to travel through time and space is not like Ezreal's arcane leap skill, but a real ability to travel to another time and space! The source of ability is equipment. As long as the equipment used to travel through time and space is fully charged, it can travel through time and space once. At this time, the equipment is fully capable.

However, the space-time travel brought by the skin is the kind of random travel, but with the help of the Ultra Cosmic Locator, Baili Yuan can travel in a purposeful and directional way.

In terms of strength, Bailiyuan can't clearly judge his own strength, because the strength of the future warrior's skin at this time depends on the equipment. Although he knows the performance of the equipment from Bailiyuan's memory, but More experiments are needed.

But now is not the time to talk about that.

Bailiyuan excitedly held the Altec universe time-space locator, and then clicked the button to start positioning.

At the same time, Bailiyuan also activated the space-time shuttle device.

"Time and space... Shuttle!"

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