Chapter 2188 Kemmel RB?

caught? (×)

Sneak inside the enemy! (√)

When Bailiyuan opened his eyes again, he had been transported to a different dimension.

When it comes to the different-dimensional space, the most representative ones are the people living in the different-dimensional space, who are highly intelligent and technologically capable, the Yabo people!

Bailiyuan's novels also include the Yabo people and the super beasts they create.

The Yapo people are a race that have been defeated many times by the Otto brothers, but their great resentment and hatred for the Otto family has made them resurrect and become stronger.

"But this doesn't seem to be the territory of the Yabo people."

There is a strange light in the different-dimensional space, and the location of Bailiyuan is like a cage, and only a small part of the outside scenery can be seen from the window.

He noticed that there were many people falling down in the cage. These people were all earthlings who had been captured before, but they couldn't adapt to the environment in the different-dimensional space and fell into a coma.

Baili Yuan squatted down, touched the necks of the other people who had fallen to the ground, and found that they were still alive.

"The surrounding environmental data is being collected." Caroline said, "The space of another not suitable for living things in the material universe, but there is no problem staying for a short time."

"It's good to be alive, let's send it to the home space first."

After sending everyone into the home space, Bailiyuan tried to leave the cage, but found that the cage was equipped with a security device.

Baili Yuan raised his hand and shattered the cage.

"Play music." Baili Yuan muttered.

Then the siren sounded like a BGM.

As the alarm sounded, Bailiyuan heard chaotic sounds outside.

When Bailiyuan stepped out of the cage, a row of weapons were raised in a row outside, and the guns were aimed at Bailiyuan.

Most of the people outside look like Kemurians, but there are still some human beings and other cosmic beings. No, those are human beings and cosmic beings fused with Kemmelians.

A golden light flashed in Bailiyuan's eyes. He could see that these humans and aliens had completely integrated with the Kemmel people, which was fundamentally different from Xiaoxin's situation. These humans and aliens were hopeless.

"Humans escaped." A Kemmel man who looked like the captain said, and then looked at Bailiyuan: "Humans, go back if you don't want to die!"

"Shoot if you have the ability." Baili Yuan shouted.

Then the Kemmel captain waved his hand.

"Catch him, don't kill him, operate on him later, and merge with our great Kemmel."

"This is impossible!" Baili Yuan shouted.

A pure human form suddenly appeared, and he swung his fists quickly, knocking out the approaching Kemmel.

"not good!"

"There are enemies!"

However, the Kemmel people also couldn't see the stand-in, so they could only be vigilant around, but Bailiyuan took advantage of this opportunity, swooped up, grabbed a Kemmel person, and used it as a weapon. Lun moved and hit him flying approaching enemies.

The Kemmel captain didn't care about leaving Baili Yuan behind, and shouted directly: "Attack, attack, kill him!"

A series of energy bullets hit Bailiyuan, and a layer of energy armor emerged from Bailiyuan's body, resisting all attacks.

[Talent - Armor]!

This is an ability that was once won by using the Gwent card on an evil behemoth. It can use energy to condense armor on its body. It has strong defense and can also increase attack power. The only weakness is that it will reduce speed.

Bailiyuan attached two gauntlets to his arms, and rushed towards the other Kemmel against the attack.

Bailiyuan's aura was so strong that it frightened the other Kemmel people subconsciously wanting to run away.

But even though Bailiyuan's speed has been reduced, he can also restrict the enemy's movements.

【Forest Force Field】!

With Bailiyuan as the center, a large area around was shrouded in green light. Green light emerged from Bailiyuan's body, and the green light continued to restore his physical strength.

At the same time, the physical strength and strength of the surrounding Kemmels were drawn by the power of the force field, and green vines grew on the ground, wrapping around their feet, making it difficult for them to move.

Then Bailiyuan easily caught up with the other Kemmel.


Two punches.

three punches...

Seeing the death of other Kemmel people, the captain of the Kemmel people was shocked.

"Hurry up and call for support!"

Although it is possible to escape, but... this is the place where the reserve catches creatures. If they abandon this place, the Kemmel people will suffer huge losses.

So there is only one answer, and that is to kill Bailiyuan!

The captain of the Kemmel directly activates the giantization, and so does the other Kemmel.

Seeing the gigantic Kemmel people around him, Bailiyuan twisted his neck and took out the transformation device.


Normal adult form!

"It's Ultraman, he's Ultraman!" The Kemmel man recognized Baili Yuan's identity and couldn't help exclaiming.

However, what followed was a punch that directly knocked the head of the Kemmel man off.

"You will be tried here for kidnapping and murder!" Baili Yuan said, and then rushed towards the other Kemmel people.

Just when Baili Yuan started killing, a special Kemmel teleported over.

This Kemmel man was actually wearing special clothes, which made him look extraordinary.

It's very classy.

"What a waste, you actually want me to support... huh? Ultraman?"

The Kemmel was angry at trying to bother it, but when it noticed Bailiyuan, it was quite surprised.

The enemy is Ultra warrior?

And it also felt a familiar power from Baili Yuan.

At this time, Bailiyuan also noticed this special Kemmel.

The two looked at each other.

Then the Kemmel was ecstatic.

"Hahahaha, I didn't expect to meet you. You are Leonix from the Ultra Clan!"

This particular Kemmel is surprisingly the Leonix of the Kemmel tribe—the Kemmel RB.

Without further ado, RB from Kemmel took out his fighting device and forced a real Leonix fight against Bailiyuan.

"Kill Ultraman RB here, and I will be famous in the universe!"

Then three monsters were released by the Kemmelian RB.

Bailiyuan just glanced at them, and then continued to hammer other Kemmel.

"Huh? You dare to ignore me, you're courting death!" the Kemmel man RB jumped angrily.

However, Uchiha Shisui did not know when he appeared in front of it.

"Your opponent is me!"

Samsara eyes turn.

Figures appeared one after another, all of them were other Leonix controlled by Uchiha Shisui, including RB, the Kaldor star who had just been subdued.

Kemmel RB panicked.

How... so many other Leonixes?

Uchiha Shisui smiled implicitly, and said softly: "Give it to me."

True Leonix Fighting has started.

Although other people defeated RB Kemmel, the record was counted on Baili Yuan's head.

After Bailiyuan beat down the last Kemmel, Uchiha Shisui had already brought him victory.

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