Chapter 2176 The Targeted Shota Snake

The days that followed became dull again, and monsters did not appear all the time.

Yaohui on duty met a special guest—the coin monster Kanegon.

Kanegon is a rare beast of the rich star.

It is a kind of creature that must eat coins to survive, has a gentle personality, and has human-like intelligence. It looks like a Martian in appearance, with a mouth like a wallet, and an indicator on the left side of the chest that swallows coins. When the number on the indicator returns to zero, Kanegon will die.

Simply put, most canegons are not dangerous creatures, are relatively rare, and are expensive to keep.

The reason why many Kanegons died was not from being injured, but because they had no coins to eat, and finally starved to death.

Some Kanegons will choose to work in order to survive in the universe, but it should be noted that the Kanegons must be kept away from the cash register, because the Kanegons are likely to eat the coins without knowing it.

This time, a stray Kanegon broke into the armory and was hit by Yaohui who stayed on duty, but the hungry Kanegon took Yaohui's Ultra Medal as coins and swallowed them all.

Yaohui panicked immediately, and began to think of a way to make Kanegon spit out the coin.

And after Kanegon swallowed Yaohui's Ultra Medal, he showed a special ability. It was able to read the battle memory in the Ultra Medal, and at the same time feel the will and thoughts in the Ultra Medal.

When recalling the past battles with Kanegon, Yaohui gradually got out of his confusion and strengthened his will.

that is……

Shekura Shota looked at Yaohui who dragged Kanegon past him, his expression was a little tense.

"What is this?" Shota Snake Kura asked.

"Ah, this, this is my newly bought pajamas, that's right, it's pajamas!" Yao Hui said with an awkward smile while rubbing his nose with erratic eyes.

After speaking, Yaohui stuffed his head into Kanegon's mouth, as if to prove that Kanegon was indeed pajamas.

And Kanegon also realized that he was going to be exposed, so he remained motionless very cooperatively.

Shota Snake Kura: I believe you a ghost!

Do you really think I don't know Canegon?

"Okay." Shekura Shota was convinced by the naive Yaohui, "but you can't sleep when you're at work!"


Fortunately, most of the people in the armory and the maintenance team are on vacation today, and there is no one in the armory. Otherwise, it would be very difficult for Yaohui to hide Kanegon.

"By the way, Yuhua is still in the base, I hope Yaohui can grow up and not meet her."


Shekura Shota thought of Yuka's character, and he was worried that Kanegon would come in and not go out.

After Yaohui left, Shota Shekura stood on the shelf, looked at Jin Guqiao, "I hope you won't disappoint us next time."

And at this moment, Shota Shekura's back suddenly turned cold, and his fighting instinct was instantly activated, causing him to measure his body without looking back. A ray of paralysis passed Shota's body and hit the shelf beside him.

"What's the situation? There are enemies?!" She Cangxiang was too shocked.

What's going on today? Why are there so many people in the armory?

However, Shekura Shota turned his head back immediately, and then his expression changed slightly.

It's a troop of Barris knights!

And in the shadows behind all of Barris, there is still an invisible figure hidden.

Seeing the familiar Barris knight, Shota Ukura's gaze narrowed slightly.

"Is it the enemy who targeted Gedd before? This time they are targeting me?" Shota Sakura's first reaction was that his identity had been exposed, but then he determined that this was impossible.

"It's understandable that the other party is eyeing Gedd, but what's the situation when they are eyeing me? I'm just pretending to be an ordinary earthling. Is there any special genetic factor in my body... Wait, it could be me that the other party is eyeing Isn't the identity of the captain of the armory so exciting?"

While Shota Shekura was thinking about it, the Baris knights had rushed forward.

"How could it be possible for you to succeed, and you underestimate me too much." She Cang Xiangtai sneered, and then took a deep breath.

"Yaohui, help!"

Shota Ukura's shout echoed in the armory.

If there is something for the team members to do, it's okay... If there's nothing, it's okay.

Now that the captain is in danger, it is natural to ask the team members to stand in front.

Shota Snakekura escaped the attack of Baris Knight, and suddenly thought about what to eat for dinner.

At this time, Yaohui and Jiehua came in a hurry, She Cangxiangtai came to the spirit, "Yaohui, hurry up!"

A battle takes place in the armory.

After Bailiyuan's special training, Yaohui already has Xiaolu's demeanor, and it is still possible to deal with a few Barris knights. Shota Shekura stopped the other Barris knights, allowing Yaohui to play space.

Yuhua exclaimed and circled with a Barris knight, dragging a Barris knight.

"I'm just a researcher, don't keep staring at me! (┬_┬)" Jie Hua cried.


Bailiyuan also knew that there was an accident in the armory, but when Bailiyuan was about to rush over, the Barris knight had almost been dealt with, and the figure hidden in the dark staggered away.

"It's really cautious. If you feel something is wrong, you will retreat, but it's quite courageous to stare at Shekura Shota."

Although the current Shota Sakura does not have the dark ring, he still has the sublimator and the monster medal, and his strength is still there, and his own combat effectiveness is not weak.

"It feels like he has been waiting for this day for a long time, and he hasn't stopped laughing since the beginning." Caroline said.

"Think about it, the evil and dark enemy intends to despicably attack the captain of the armory, but finds out that the captain of the armory is more evil than him, darker than him, and even more despicable than him. What kind of stimulation is this? ?”

"It's really exciting."

Bailiyuan fiddled with the phone, chatting in the chat group.

This time, Bailiyuan didn't lock the time for the chat group, so six years have passed since the chat group.

The friends in the chat group have also lived in their own world for six years.

In some worlds of high martial arts, six years is just a blink of an eye, and it can't even compare to the time of a group of friends' retreat.

But in some low-level martial arts worlds, six years is already a long time, enough to complete a five-year plan, but despite this, there are still no group friends who die of old age, because with the help of the power of chat groups, there are more and more group friends At least prolong their lives.

For example, in Azure World, Jiang Chen has already graduated from university with excellent academic qualifications, accepted the invitation of the Eastern League, joined the alliance, and fought to protect the alliance and the world.

The situation in the azure world is not good. More and more different-dimensional domains have merged with the material world. More and more dimensional creatures have come out of the different-dimensional domains, and the battles and frictions have become more intense. In this Under the crisis, Jiang Chen experienced battle after battle, rapidly improving his strength and combat power.

At the same time, because of the fusion of worlds, the level of the material world began to increase, and finally the SS-level Dimensional Envoy appeared!

Jiang Chen naturally came from behind and became an SS-level dimensional envoy, trying to find a way to break through the SSS-level.

Finally, there is something about Baihu. Baihu also broke through to the SS-level sub-envoy, but there has been no change in the past six years, and Jiang Chen has not noticed any abnormalities.

But the more this happened, the more dangerous Jiang Chen felt.

What Baihu planned must not be simple.

Because of this, Jiang Chen and Baili Yuan keep in touch with each other at all times, if there is a problem, then Baili Yuan will rush to support at the critical moment.

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