I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 223 The source of fire and wishing (19,000 votes plus updates)

After staying in the villa, Bailiyuan was still in a good mood.

At night, it's time for Bailiyuan to have other harvests.

That is - easter eggs!

Bailiyuan rubbed his hands together, and took out the colorful egg and egg smashing hammer.

"Well, old man, let's discuss it..." the system spoke.

"It's not negotiable, hold on!"

Blocking the mouth of the system with his own light, Baili Yuan raised the egg smasher in his hand high.

Bailiyuan used his ass to think and knew what the system was going to say. It was nothing more than offering this colorful egg to it to let it upgrade. But this is the first colorful egg Bailiyuan got, how could he just sacrifice it casually? Ji, the system doesn't look very good, but it's a beautiful idea.

"Steel Mewtwo, bless me!"

hammer down.


The special effects of the colorful eggs almost blinded Baili Yuan's eyes.

Bailiyuan was so frightened that he blocked the system's light and slammed into the depth twice, causing obvious bulges to appear on the system's body.

When the special effects dissipated, Bailiyuan looked at the location where the colorful egg was just now.

A strange cube is standing on the ground.

The cube looks like metal, with strange lines on it.

Bailiyuan picked up the explanatory note on the side.

"Fire source: Cybertron planetary artifact, known as the source and destination of Transformers fire. It can provide Transformers with energy for Transformers to absorb. It can turn any electronic device into a robot. Note: Please do not arbitrarily Disassembled, no warranty, and the only way to destroy it is to insert it into the heart of one of the leaders of the two factions, but that leader must pay with his life."

Bailiyuan raised his eyebrows.

Tinder source?


Are you going to create a family of Transformers?

Bailiyuan hugged the fire seed source.

"Anyway, let's try first."

Bailiyuan looked around, and finally set his sights on the landline in the room.

Bailiyuan moved the fire source closer to the landline, but nothing happened.


Bailiyuan frowned,

"Is this thing going to break?" Bailiyuan patted the fire seed source, and at this moment, the pattern on the fire seed source lit up, and then, a burst of energy entered the landline like an electric arc.


At a speed visible to the naked eye, the landline became a cat-like robot.

"Successful?" Bailiyuan raised his eyebrows.

However, the meow-like robot rushed towards Bailiyuan crazily, which startled Bailiyuan.

Fortunately, the Miaomi robot was not strong, so it was caught by Bailiyuan, and then Bailiyuan began to study it.

The meow robot has turned into a mechanical life form, but it is extremely crazy. Bailiyuan sensed it with superpowers. This is more similar to a kind of primitive madness, without reason, so it is impossible to obey orders or orders .

When Bailiyuan destroyed the fire source interface of the Miaomi robot, the fire of the Miaomi robot went out, but it did not return to the landline, but a "corpse" of the Miaomi robot.

Bailiyuan put the Meow robot on the ground, clasped his hands together, and closed his eyes.

"Early morning bliss."

After mourning for three seconds, Bailiyuan picked up the fire source again, ready to try again.

This time, Bailiyuan aimed at the TV...

Half an hour later, the villa became a bit messy and plunged into darkness. There were a total of six robot "corpses" of different sizes, including the meow robot, lying on the ground.

Bailiyuan successively conducted experiments with TV sets, refrigerators, light bulbs, microwave ovens, and induction cookers.

Without exception, the robots that are born are all irrational and possess primitive crazy robot life, and it seems that the bigger the robot is, the stronger the robot is.

Bailiyuan also figured out how to use the fire source, that is, collision.

But now, Bailiyuan couldn't be happy.

The machine life created by Tinder Source is all this kind of life that cannot communicate, how should I use it?

Now it seems that the fire source can only be used to create chaos, and it is not necessary to think about forming a Transformers army.

"It's just a waste." Baili Yuan sighed.

"I said it at the time, offering a sacrifice... Mmmmm!"

Bailiyuan blocked the system's mouth again.

Bailiyuan sighed, took back the fire source, and tidied up the room.

Afterwards, Bailiyuan took out a basin—the Diamond Wishing Pool!

Bailiyuan took out the diamond Andy gave him.

"Hopefully something good will come out this time."

To make a wish with at least 100,000 diamonds, to be honest, Bailiyuan is quite painful.

However, the wish is still to be promised.

Bailiyuan picked the cheapest diamond.

These ten diamonds have different shapes and are all different. Although the value is more than 100,000, the value also fluctuates.

Waste of course to pick cheap.

Bailiyuan threw the cheapest diamond among the ten diamonds into the wishing pool. The diamond melted quickly after entering the wishing pool, and the water in the wishing pool also burst into light.

The diamond wishing pool can make a wish three times in total, and you can make a wish once by throwing a diamond. The value of the iron egg cannot be returned.

Bailiyuan felt a wave of willpower coming to him, and scanned himself up and down, as if he had scanned everything in the system and space, which made Bailiyuan shudder.


Splashes popped out of the water in the wishing pool, something slowly floated up, and a message entered Baili Yuan's mind.

"Wishing Reward: Use precious diamonds to make a wish, level 4 wishing, and reward a gold-level item—'Ezreal Identity Card'."

Level 4 wishing?

Is wishing still graded?

Bailiyuan was a little dazed.

Could it be that the things I wish for with diamonds of different values ​​are also different?

I used one hundred thousand diamonds. If I used that kind of rhinestone to make a wish, would it be possible that I would give myself something of bronze or black iron level?

Is the current wishing pool so realistic?

When Bailiyuan was thinking wildly, another wave of information entered Bailiyuan's mind.

"Izreal Identity Card: Use this identity card to transform into the explorer Ezreal, but you cannot have its memory and power, and will not affect your own strength and ability. Note: Yes, it is an empty shell shape."


Bailiyuan knew why he got this card, it should be due to the skin card of "Future Soldier-Ezreal".

However, I only have the appearance of Izreal, but I don't have the power of Izreal. I don't know if I can use the skin after transforming into Izreal.

After putting away the skin card, Bailiyuan took out a diamond again.

With the previous successful experience, Bailiyuan chose the most expensive diamond this time.

Make up exam tomorrow, let's stop here today

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