Chapter 2136 What kind of bad intentions can cooks have?

Although there were many people around, Yoko and Yaohui found a good place with ease, and they also saw the writer Yuka liked.

Beside the host, there are five people.

Four of them are representatives of a popular idol group recently. These four are representatives of an idol group, and they are four girls with great looks.

The remaining man was, of course, the one with cheese on two bread rolls. He is dressed in clean and tidy sportswear, but he can't hide his tall and straight figure. The most fascinating thing is his eyes, which seem to be able to talk, and are watching you, like stars in the sky, which are beyond reach.

Yoko: "So handsome!"

Yaohui: "So handsome!"

Zeta: "So handsome!"

Yoko thinks the real person looks better than the one on the TV screen.

Yao Hui has never seen such a handsome man. Although he is also a man, he still has to admit that the other party is really handsome.

But then Yaohui noticed that Zeta also made a sound, and he hurriedly asked: "Zeta, do you have the same aesthetics as people on Earth?"

"Ah, this, I don't know too well, but I just think the other party is very handsome."

"Is there still such a situation?" But Yao Hui didn't think much about it.

Yoko and Yaohui could also hear the conversation between the host and several people in the distance. When they listened carefully, they found that they seemed to be talking about the previous battle and were commenting on Zeta.

Yoko has already seen the real person, and although she still wants to watch it twice, she remembers that her task is to take Yaohui to relax, so she intends to take Yaohui away, but Yaohui refuses.

"Senior Yoko, I want to stay here for a while."

"Stay a little longer?" Yoko was a little strange, and then suddenly saw the four young and beautiful idols, and a meaningful smile appeared on his face.

She gets it.

Yaohui is still young.

But then Yoko frowned.

Because she suddenly realized that Yoko is not bad, there are several rows of men chasing her in the armory, why doesn't Yaohui look at her?

Baili Yuan smiled and chatted with the host beside him.

As a famous writer, it's normal to accept two variety show invitations.

"Teacher, the two giant cosmic beings that appeared recently were called Ultraman. I don't know if you have any impression." The host brought up the topic.

"Naturally, I have an impression, because that Ultraman Zeta seems to protect the city, whether it is a cosmic being or not, but if we can understand each other, we should treat each other as friends." Bailiyuan replied with a smile.

Hearing Bailiyuan's words, Yaohui smiled, and Zeta was also very happy.

The host suddenly showed a smirk: "Since the teacher has an impression, does the teacher have a sense of déjà vu?"

Bailiyuan looked at the host with a puzzled look.

The host smiled, he came prepared: "Yeah, it seems that Ultraman Zeta's ability is very similar to some descriptions in the teacher's book. It can emit light and has strong fighting ability. Last time Also demonstrated the ability to change form."

"I read the teacher's book last night. The protagonist in the teacher's book is also a cosmic being with the same ability, and the cosmic beings in the teacher's book also have races, and some individuals in the race are hostile to each other. The new cosmic man appeared, and that cosmic man was named Ultraman X by the armory, X means unknown, what a coincidence.”

The host spread his hands.

Some of the idols also echoed, "I am also a fan of the teacher's book. Let me put it this seems to be true. Ultraman X defeated Ultraman Zeta and finally took away the monster Gomora. He may be the enemy."

"Yes, Ultraman Zeta may have come to help us humans, and Ultraman X is the enemy of Ultraman Zeta."

"Yeah, he also took away the monster. I don't know what to do in the future. It's so scary."

"But Ultraman X seems to be stronger than Ultraman Zeta."

The other three idols also echoed.

Bailiyuan made a surprised expression, "There is such a thing?" Then he waved his hand, "Coincidence, it's all a coincidence, I'm just a book writer, what do I know about Ultraman?"

Seeing Bailiyuan's life-and-death refusal, the host didn't care, but he wouldn't just let Bailiyuan go, but asked again: "Then I don't know what the teacher thinks about Ultraman Zeta and Ultraman?" Does Terman X have any insights? Cosmic people and monsters often appear in teacher's books, presumably the teacher must have his own unique insights in this regard."

Bailiyuan shrugged this time, "I don't really understand, but I think that Gomora was sleeping soundly, but when he was woken up, he would naturally be prone to wake up, which is understandable, but if it is because of It would be too pitiful to lose your life in this matter. It is obviously inappropriate for Ultraman Zeta to fight as soon as he appears, why not communicate first?"

"When Gomora was taken away in the end, he obviously calmed down, which proves that Gomora was not violent in the first place, and there should be other ways to communicate with him."

Hearing Bailiyuan's words, Yaohui in the distance fell silent.

Are you really impulsive?

"But Gomora is a monster, an enemy." said an idol.

"Who said that monsters must be the enemy? Didn't the armory also do something to house monsters? The Gomora who was taken away may not necessarily become the enemy of mankind." Baili Yuan asked back.

"But there is a contradiction between the survival of human beings and the survival of monsters. Up to now, Armory has paid a lot to have the power to compete with monsters." The host said.

Bailiyuan sighed: "The earth does not belong to humans. Humans should find a way to survive together with monsters, and monsters also have impressive power. If humans can live with monsters in the future, then monsters will also be the ones to protect the earth." , an important force to protect mankind."

The host was a little surprised: " an interesting statement."

"I will not deny the contribution of the armory, nor will I deny the harm humans have suffered from monsters, but if there is a chance, I still hope that humans can blaze a bright path. Having a sword in your hand does not mean that you must If you want to draw out the sword and hold flowers in your hands, maybe you can get a different result."

After saying these words, Bailiyuan glanced at the direction where Yaohui and Yoko were. He had already spotted them. Yaohui was like a big light bulb, shining brightly when walking on the street.

Bailiyuan didn't expect to meet them by such a coincidence, so he chose to say a few more words. These words were exactly what Baili Yuan said to Yao Hui, and at the same time, they were also about Zeta.

Now that Zeta has come to the earth and shouldered the responsibility of protecting the earth, he is also obliged to take actions to guide mankind, and must pay attention to this matter. Otherwise, if something similar happens, it will have a huge impact on humans, monsters, Zeta and Yaohui, and it will be too late to make a temporary choice at that time.

This is the experience of Bailiyuan and the seniors.

Hope Zeta and Yaohui can learn something.

Otherwise, next time, we can only act again to let Zeta "recover a life".


Yaohui and Yoko watched Bailiyuan and others go away.

Yaohui was thinking about something, but he did come out of the previous crazy state.

"Zeta, sorry, I was too anxious before."

"It's okay, just relax and work hard later. If we can get back more badges, we can become stronger."

"Oss, I will work hard!"

Yaohui once again ignited his fighting spirit.

"Hey, I've recovered." Yoko patted Yaohui's shoulder, thinking that Yaohui was still looking at those idols.

"Senior Yoko, thank you very much for your help, I will work harder in the future!" Yaohui suddenly bowed to Yoko.

Yoko jumped, Mumu nodded, "Just open it up if you want."

Then Yoko muttered in her heart, "I have completed the task assigned by the captain, right?"


A few days later, the program aired.

Bailiyuan was also watching the show she participated in, and Caroline sorted out the comments on the Internet.

"Some people think that what you said makes sense, but more people think that what you said is complete nonsense, saying that you are the Holy Mother and let you live with monsters." Caroline said.

"Ah..." Baili Yuan rubbed his face, feeling a little helpless.

Our Lady?

Bailiyuan didn't even remember how many monsters and enemies he had killed.

As for living with monsters...

Bailiyuan glanced at Gomora who was cooking in the training ground.

"It seems to be true."

But what evil can a cook have?

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