I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 2133 new form, strong fight

Savinga held Gomora in his arms, and moved forward slowly, transporting Gomora, and the crowd followed far behind.

Editor Sawai was driving the car, carrying Baili Yuan to mix with the traffic.

Bailiyuan had also heard about Gomora's situation a long time ago, and Bailiyuan's choice was that if the armory could properly accommodate Gomora, then he didn't have to make a move.

Shekura Shota and Yuka are monitoring the situation of Gomora at any time from a distance.

Soon they entered the city, passed by the conference venue, and attracted the attention of everyone in the venue.

What they knew about Severngar before was all from the data in the report, and now they saw Severngar's battle for the first time with their own eyes.

However, no one expected that Gomora was also allergic to pollen.


Gomora sneezed, then recovered quickly, woke up, and opened his eyes.

"The teeth are so white~" Baili Yuan covered his eyes, then raised his head and said, "Zaijing."

"What's wrong? Teacher? Ah-choo~"



Editor Sawai didn't have doubts for too long, and then he understood.

Because the awakened Gomora was startled when he saw himself floating in the sky, he struggled frantically, and after breaking free from Severnga's embrace, he landed and began to destroy the surrounding buildings.

"Yaohui, stop Gomora!" Shota Shekura hurriedly shouted.


Sevengar fights against Gomorra.

But Gomora is Gomora after all. Although Severnga fought bravely, he still lost to Gomora, and Severnga's fighting time was exhausted.

Then, Gomora stared at the venue and rushed over.

Although Gomora didn't know who was in the venue, Yoko knew that if all the people in the venue died, then Japan's arsenal would almost be over.

Therefore, Yoko immediately picked up the weapon and stood on the roof to distract Gomora, buying time for the leaders to escape.

At the critical moment, a ray of light lit up, and Ultraman Zeta appeared!

Zeta activated the Alpha alliance to block the crazy Gomora, but also fell into a bitter fight.

At this moment, Zeta sensed the power of the Ultra Medal, and when he looked back, he found that the Ultra Medal was on Yoko's body.

After temporarily kicking Gomora away, Zeta ran to the side of the building, stretched out his hand, and kept gesticulating.

Is there, that, round, something...

This is probably what it meant, it was just a simple communication of gestures, and Yoko watched it for a long time before she realized that Zeta wanted the medal in her hand, and Zeta and Yaohui jumped their feet anxiously.

Bailiyuan, who had already escaped, came to the corner alone, turned on his Otto vision to see this scene, and was a little speechless.

Where's your Otto idea?

Otto's mind can transmit sound!

There is a limit to the momentum alone!

But Bailiyuan didn't continue to pay attention to these two fools, Zeta and Yaohui, but took out the transformation belt, tied it on his body, and then took out his transformation device, the card of light and three arcane special medal.

"Caroline has already analyzed the power of these three Medals of Ultra, and developed the application components to connect everything together. This time I just happened to experiment."

This time, Bailiyuan didn't take out the golden rhombus key and put it on his belt, but put his transformation device in the place where the key should have been prevented.

【EvolutionDrive】(Evolution Drive)

The electronic speaker sounded.

This time, the armor did not appear directly, but a light shrouded Bailiyuan.

Then Bailiyuan took out the card of light, to be precise, it should be called the card plug-in of light.

Just like the blue-eyed white dragon card, Caroline transformed the card of light into a plug-in similar to a game cassette.

The plug-in is inserted on the belt by Bailiyuan.

[Bailiyuan, access is allowed. 】

There are also some differences between the Light Card Insert and the Blue-Eyes White Dragon Insert, that is, there are three circular grooves on the Light Card Insert, which are used to place the Ultra Medal.

"Let me try it, what effect does the Medal of Ultra have?"

The three Ultra Medals were inserted one by one.




Baili Yuan opened his arms and smiled.


The power from the three Ultra Medals poured into Baili Yuan's body, and Baili Yuan directly turned on the transformation.

On the other side, Yoko still gave the badge to Zeta.

"Okay, we are going to open a new form."


Yaohui inserted three Ultra Medals into the sublimator.

Yoko brought—


Picked up before -

Ultraman Ace!

Ultraman Taro!

A cavity of blood, the power of courage!

Ultraman Zeta, Beta Shock!

New forms emerged.

While retaining the Z-shaped color timer unique to Zeta Ultraman and the dart-shaped crown on the top of the head, the characteristics of three Ultra fighters are added: Ultraman with Taro Ultraman on the chest and back A powerful form with a breastplate that can wreak havoc on enemies, with a crimson mask on its face and red and silver hues on its body.

It is full of power at first glance.

Zeta turned and rushed towards Gomorra, and the battle was imminent.

At this moment, Jiehua stared at the screen in her hand and exclaimed: "It's not good, there is a powerful energy response at high altitude."

Shota Ukura's face gradually became serious, and he let go of the arms he was holding.

As soon as Yuhua finished speaking, a ray of light fell from the sky and hit the ground with a bang, knocking Zeta and Gomora into the air. Countless soil was shaken up and then fell.

Zeta got up hurriedly, and Yaohui also looked at the front with a puzzled expression.

"What? Send what?"

"Yaohui, be careful." Zeta reminded.

Yoko on the roof was lying on the roof.

"What? What? What happened again?" In the venue, Chief Kuriyama and others were surprised.

A figure slowly got up from the dust.

The red and blue colors represent Altman Gauss' Luna and the burning of Mebius respectively. With silver-black armor, it has strong defensive power. At the same time, there are two cutting-knife-like weapons on both arms. This is the Nexus weapon. Likewise, the indicator light of Bailiyuan still maintains the prototype.

"This is... Ultraman?" Yaohui looked at this figure similar to Zeta and exclaimed.

"No, I don't know each other." Zeta said that he had never seen this Ultraman.

Shota Snake on the ground also frowned.

Ultra warrior?

A little familiar, yet strange.

But what happened to the strange Ultra fighters coming to the earth?

Baili Yuan felt the power.

"This is the power of the Otter Medal. I didn't expect Caroline to develop my own form."

"After all, the Otto Medal itself has some of the power I provided before, so it is naturally convenient for transformation, and the fusion of power is something you have been researching all these years."

"That's right, let's do a good job."

Bailiyuan raised his head, scanned the audience, and then hooked Zeta and Gomora at the same time.

I'm going to hit two!

Cough cough, no, this is a fight, as long as the two sides of the fight are put together, it will be a successful fight.

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