Chapter 2130 Sai Gang: I'm just a passing God of Spacetime Destroyer

At the same time, in the armory, a duel between Oss Superman and Darkness is going on.

In the training ground.

Because of today's defeat, Yaohui has been training hard, hoping to improve himself and find a solution to Nelonga, at least to be able to transform.

The reason why he didn't transform today is because Zeta said that he has to reach the limit.

Moreover, Zeta also informed Yaohui of some current situations in the universe, making Yaohui realize that the earth is also threatened by danger. In order to protect the earth, he must become stronger.

Whether as a member of the armory or as an Ultra warrior.

"Let's practice." Shota Shota, who was wearing training clothes, invited Yaohui to wrestle.

"Oss!" (Oh!)

Yaohui let out an imposing Oh, then nodded, and made a gesture of preparation.

Shota Shekura couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth when he heard Yaohui's shout, but he still smiled gracefully. He is not an ordinary person, it can be seen from his appearance, because he has a dark face, he is the one who was negated by the light and abandoned the light - Juggulus Juggula.

However, Shota Sakura is an out-and-out earthling, with a complete childhood and youth experience, step by step to the position of the leader of the armory, the former classmates are real, and no one will ever doubt it he.

In the eyes of the armory team members, Shota Ukura is a good brother who is gentle, optimistic, friendly, and caring for his subordinates. However, occasionally, some special temperament will appear in him.

Yaohui himself is also a karate expert. He rushed to Shota Sakura first, but was easily thrown to the ground by Shota Sakura.

The gap in strength and experience seems so obvious.

However, Yaohui did not give up, but rushed to Shekang Xiangta again and again, was thrown down again and again, and finally lay on the ground panting.

Shota Shekura suddenly leaned over, leaned in front of Yaohui, and looked at Yaohui.

"Don't just believe what you can see with your eyes," Shota Ukura said, and he got up and left without breaking a sweat.

Shekura Xiangta left, but his words were imprinted in Yaohui's mind.

It seemed to be reminding him how to deal with Nelonga, and it seemed to be telling him something else.

This is the teaching of darkness.

"Thank you for training with me, you have worked hard." Yaohui hurriedly shouted his thanks.

From this day on, Yaohui began to train harder, with the purpose of pushing himself to the so-called limit of Zeta.

Yaohui didn't know what the limit Zeta wanted to say, but he could at least reach the physical limit.

"One hundred pull-ups, if you can't finish it, do two hundred squats! Oss!"


"Oss! Oss!"

While doing training, Yaohui yelled to cheer himself up.

Yoko Nakajima was a little speechless watching from the sidelines.

"What are you doing in Osos? Is something wrong?" Yoko Nakajima wanted to laugh at this point.

At this time, Shota Sakura came in, called several people from the armory, and started a combat meeting.

Since Nelonga appeared last time, power outages have occurred frequently in various places, and judging from the pattern of power outages, Nelonga is heading to the Infinity Power Station in Tsukuba City, yes, it is Bailiyuan and Caroline The one to invest in.

But let’s not talk about the economic loss. If Nelonga really attacks the infinite power station, it will have serious consequences, so Nelonga must be intercepted in advance.

Ota Yuka analyzed Nelonga's intelligence through the last battle with Nelonga, and then developed an electric field release bomb, which can crack Nelonga's stealth ability.

Once you have a plan, it's time to start implementing it.

Yoko drove Severnga and was responsible for intercepting Nelonga.

Yaohui and Yuka supported on the ground.

"The battle begins!"

Yoko: "Understood!"

Yuhua: "Understood!"

Yaohui: "Oss!"

Yaohui's "Oss" seemed extremely abrupt, but Yaohui didn't feel any different at all. Shekura Shota hesitated to speak, stopped to speak, and finally twisted his expression, then shook his hands and turned to leave.

Dark の awkward + dark の disgust.

The battle has begun.

in the city.

Appearance: "Severn is in place!"

Yaohui: "Yaohui is in place."

Yuhua: "Jiehua is in place."

Shota Snakura: "Everyone, come on!"

Yaohui: "Oss!"

Shota Ukura puts on a mask of pain.

Everything is ready, now it's time for Nelonga to cast himself into the trap.

Nelonga, who was advancing in stealth, didn't know what was ahead, but moved forward step by step.

"Hey, it's hell ahead." A voice sounded, making Nelong pause, and it felt that the words were addressed to itself.

Nelonga turned his head and saw a figure standing in the field.

The figure was Bailiyuan, and the hell he was talking about was not the people in the armory, but...

"The front is Lao Tzu's power station. If you dare to go there, believe it or not, I will turn your head off?"

Bailiyuan's eyes were shining with golden light, allowing him to see through Neilongga's invisibility. In fact, even without the pupil of God, Bailiyuan could know where Neilongga was. It's because a diamond egg hangs on Nelonga's body shining brightly.

I have to say that the system does not have much combat effectiveness, but relying solely on Easter eggs to refresh is definitely a nightmare for those enemies with stealth capabilities.

Nelonga heard Bailiyuan's voice. Although it didn't understand what Bailiyuan said, it seemed to know that Bailiyuan was provoking it.

Yo, mere ants dare to provoke yourself?

trample you to death!

Well, living people are not within the scope of Nelonga's recipes.

Nelonga raised his big foot.

Bailiyuan showed his dead fish eyes, and then raised his transformation device.

"If it hits you, it's better to use this."

A huge figure emerged from Bailiyuan's transformation device, knocking Nelonga over.

It looks like a combination of a shark and a crustacean on the surface, with a red-blue complexion as a whole, but if you look closely, you will find a golden ring pattern on its head.

This is—the god of destruction of time and space, Saigang!

Who isn't a Leonix yet.

"Sai Gang, straight ahead, the scissors burst!"

Sai Gang released a powerful electric current from the pliers and hit Nelonga's body.

The electric current belongs to Nelonga's food, and it doesn't do much harm to Neilongga, but it makes Neilongga appear.

The wild Nelonga appeared.

— What to do next —


"Okay, Sai Gang, aim at Nelonga, use the ray attack, don't kill it, just hit half dead, Lucia is waiting to receive the goods."


Nelonga fell to the ground, it had no room to resist.

Sorry, Sai Gang is at the colorful level.

— What to do next —

— capture —

Bailiyuan threw the monster ball.

A few minutes later, Yaohui and others received the message.

Shota Sakura: "All retreat, the battle is over."

Yaohui: "Huh?"

Yoko: "Captain, what's wrong?"

Yuhua: "Could it be that Nelonga sensed danger and changed direction?"

Shota Shekura: "No, Nelonga has been dealt with."

The trio was shocked.

"Who solved it?"

"Just a passing monster."

At this moment, the three of them felt that they, who were lying in ambush and came up with inventions, were like fools.

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