Chapter 2120 Dugu Bo: As long as you are happy

It's no use playing dumb.

But thinking that Dugu Bo was cheated by Prince Xue Xing, Bailiyuan just took away Dugu Bo's storage soul guide.

Titled Douluo's inventory is also abundant.

Dugu Bo cried.

As a lone ranger, he was used to carrying important things with him, and Baili Yuan stole the storage soul guide, and his loss was even greater.

Moreover, this matter was too embarrassing, so Dugu Bo simply continued to pretend to be dead.

"Senior, I want to chat with this Poison Douluo." Tang San said to Bailiyuan, he just heard someone around Dugu Bo calling Poison Douluo, which made him think of something.

"Well, go, after all, I made things difficult for you tonight."

"No, thank you senior for protecting me, I have gained a lot of experience."

After getting Baili Yuan's permission, Tang San picked up a branch and came to Dugu Bo's side.

Squat down and poke your face.

Dugu Bo closed his eyes tightly and remained motionless.

Tang San saw that Dugu Bo was still pretending to be dead, the corners of his mouth curled up, showing a smirk, and then said: "Senior, you must be poisoned!"

Hearing Tang San's words, Dugu Bo's eyelids trembled, but he still didn't speak.

"Senior, you don't have to deny it, I've already seen it."

As a disciple of the Tang Sect, everyone who used poison naturally easily analyzed the fact that Dugu Bo was deeply poisoned and died soon, and produced evidence.

Dugu Bo still had his eyes closed, but his heart was already in a turbulent state. He felt as if his underwear had been ripped off by someone. A murderous intent emerged in his heart, but because Baili Yuan was by his side, he didn't dare to move. If you want to move, you can only pretend to be dead, neither admitting nor denying it, just pretending that you didn't hear it.

But then, Tang San said something that made his heart fluctuate even more violently.

"Senior's poison, I can cure it!"

Hearing Tang San's words, Dugu Bo suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Tang San.


"50% sure, if senior can find suitable herbs, I will be even more sure, there is only one chance, it depends on whether senior wants to seize it or not."

Dugu Bo hesitated, he didn't believe it instinctively, as a Poison Douluo, he couldn't detoxify himself, so how could the kid in front of him be confident that he could detoxify himself?

Dugu Bo attaches great importance to detoxification, because his poison comes from his martial soul, and his descendants also inherited his martial soul, but without exception, they all died of poisoning. Now his only relative, his granddaughter also inherited his martial soul, and was also poisoned at a young age. If he wants to get rid of his fate and prevent his granddaughter from being tortured by the poison, he must Find a way to detoxify.

Not only for the present, but also for the future.

After hesitating for a while, Dugu Bo looked at Baili Yuan.

Is this what Bailiyuan means?

Or is the child in front of him equally special?

Seeing Dugu Bo's eyes, Baili Yuan shrugged, "I can cure your poison, but what do you think I'm doing? It's not me who wants to cure you." Then Baili Yuan ignored Dugu Bo , but called Shirakawa Junko to discuss something, and they laughed strangely from time to time, feeling as if someone was going to be unlucky.

After being silent for half a minute, Dugu Bo asked Tang San in a hoarse voice: "Can the old man trust you?"

"I came here with sincerity. Besides, senior has no choice. If you don't detoxify, you will die within ten years. If you detoxify, you still have a chance."

"What do you want?" Dugu Bo asked realistically, he hoped to judge Tang San's purpose from the audience, and whether what he said was true or false.

Hearing Dugu Bo's inquiry, Tang San knew that Dugu Bo's attitude had changed, so he said honestly: "My practice also includes the aspect of poison, so I want my senior's perception and experience in the way of poison as a reference. In addition Besides, I don't have a second soul ring yet, I need seniors to help me find a suitable second soul ring that can bring me poison-type soul skills."

After hearing Tang San's words, Dugu Bo was silent again.

The second condition is not a big deal, but the first condition is a bit too much. Asking for the poison perception and experience of a strong person whose root is poison is to take advantage of the other party's weakness in disguise, because this kind of thing is even a family member. Neither can be taught.

For Tang San's conditions, Dugu Bo instinctively wanted to refuse, but also because Tang San's lion opened his mouth, he inexplicably felt a sense of peace of mind.

"Your strength is only level 20? Why should I trust you?"

"Strength doesn't mean everything. There is no requirement for strength when using poison. I only need senior's poison experience for reference. Besides, I have only awakened my spirit for less than two months." Tang San also said. He doesn't know if his strength improvement is normal, but he thinks it should be considered fast, after all, Nicole and Xiao Wu's situation is even more special than his.

Dugu Bo's pupils shrank sharply, and some inexplicable meaning appeared in his eyes.

"The old man is willing to believe you. I happen to have a medicine garden. I hope you don't let the old man down. If you lie to the old man, the old man is not completely defenseless. If you can really cure the old man's poison, the old man owes you a day." Great favor."

However, the fact is that Dugu Bo really has no ability to resist Baili Yuan, but this does not prevent him from speaking harshly.

Now Dugu Bo is also betting that Tang San can really detoxify him.

Because he really has no choice, Bailiyuan is on the side, he is willing to trust Tang San for Bailiyuan's sake, and although Dugu Bo is rebellious, he also values ​​love and righteousness, otherwise he would not be willing to help Xue The Star Prince came out.

Hearing Dugu Bo's words, Tang San's smile became brighter, and he stood up and clasped his fists.

"Boy Tang San."

"Old man Dugu Bo."

Tang San looked at Dugu Bo, although he had a bright smile on his face, he didn't dare to be careless in his heart.

"Well, I'll contact my dad later. With my dad around, I can use a strong one if I can't do it softly."


The city guards rushed over, but Baili Yuan and the others had already left, and Ning Fengzhi and Jian Douluo couldn't talk to them again, so they had no choice but to leave.

Dugu Bo was taken away by Baili Yuan and others, and Prince Xue Xing was carried into the guest room by the people from the Great Soul Arena to receive treatment.

There were many things after that, even the people in Tiandou Palace were alarmed.

Qian Renxue, who had just finished taking a bath and was about to go to bed, was also summoned by someone from the palace. Qian Renxue was very surprised, but she quickly disguised herself and went to the palace.

In the palace, Qian Renxue saw Prince Xue Xing who had been beaten into panda eyes. Although she wanted to laugh, she held back.

She is professional, she can't laugh, and even asked with concern, "I don't know what happened to Uncle Huang?"

However, Prince Xue Xing turned his head away with a resentful expression, as if he was having a fight, which made Qian Renxue a little puzzled.

Only Qian Renxue and Prince Xue Xing were summoned, to be precise, Xue Qinghe and Prince Xue Xing.

Emperor Tiandou sat on the dragon chair, with a kind smile on his face, which made Qian Renxue a little strange.

From what happened to Prince Xue Xing, it can be seen that Prince Xue Xing must have been attacked and humiliated. This is a matter of royal face, but why is Emperor Tiandou so happy? It was your younger brother who was beaten.

Congratulations, brothers and sisters?

"See Father."

"Qinghe, you are here, how are you doing recently?"

The sudden concern made Qian Renxue a little flattered, but she hurriedly stabilized her mind and replied, "Return to father, Qinghe has been doing well recently, please trouble father to care."

Emperor Tian Dou nodded, and finally stated his purpose: "I heard that you have recently recruited two titled Douluo, and the seventh soul ring is a genius soul ring with a hundred thousand year soul ring?"

Qian Renxue: "?"

This... is what and what.

But Qian Renxue Bingxue was smart, she had already vaguely guessed what might happen, and at the same time roughly guessed who exactly Prince Xue Xing was beaten by.

She knew that it would be no good to let those people out!

However, she can only deal with it carefully now.

Although the Heaven Dou Empire is one of the three major powers in the mainland, it is the weakest one, because there is no Title Douluo belonging to the Heaven Dou Empire, and they can only unite with the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School that has two Title Douluo. It can only be regarded as the guest minister of the Heaven Dou Empire.

If, as the crown prince, he really succeeded in attracting two Title Douluo and other geniuses, it would definitely increase the strength of the Heaven Dou Empire.

"However, it's not that there is nothing that can be exploited in this matter." Qian Renxue thought to herself, then raised her head, and said with distress: "Actually, it's not entirely right to say that it's a win-win, the emperor just got on with those few people." relationship, I want to wait until I have completely won them over before reporting to my father."

Sure enough, after hearing Qian Renxue's words, Emperor Tiandou was not only not disappointed, but surprise appeared in his eyes.

Because what Xue Xing reported before is true!

Seeing Emperor Tiandu's attitude, Qian Renxue knew that her crown prince's position and future becoming Emperor Tiandou had been secured, and those coquettish sluts who were staring at her position would never have a chance again.

As for Titled Douluo... don't say, she can really get two, after all, she is the saintess of the Wuhun Temple, there are many Titled Douluo hidden in the Wuhun Temple, and the outside world hardly knows the existence of these Titled Douluo .

Emperor Tian Dou and Qian Renxue chatted freely in the palace, and Prince Xue Xing found an opportunity to resign.

What happened tonight was really exciting, he has no mood or thoughts now, he just wants to go home and have a rest.

However, when Prince Xue Xing returned to his mansion, he was dumbfounded.

"Master, you are back, our house has been robbed, it's gone, it's gone!" the housekeeper cried.

In a short period of time, the Prince's Mansion seemed to have been cleaned, all valuables were gone, even the rice in the kitchen was gone, and only one person from the Prince's Mansion was left.

Prince Xue Xing thought of something, his expression changed, and he hurried to the places where he usually hid his treasures.

Sure enough, it was empty.

"No!!!! Pooh—"

Prince Xue Xing vomited blood and fell to the ground, and passed out again.

It was later heard that Prince Xue Xing had suffered a huge blow and was unable to do anything anymore. He honestly accepted the relief from the palace and became an ordinary rich man.

Prince Xue Beng, who was secretly supported by Prince Xue Xing, also lost his biggest supporter without knowing anything. Like other princes, he became an idle prince, and will become an idle prince in the future.

Qian Renxue had completely secured the position of prince this time, and she didn't have to worry about other princes competing with her at all. Therefore, Qian Renxue spared the lives of other princes, but only accepted the power of those princes.

As for Dugu Bo, he brought Tang San to his medicine garden in the Sunset Forest. Of course, he followed Tang Hao who was carrying a hammer in the dark.

Then Tang San seriously discovered that Dugu Bo's medicine garden turned out to be a treasure - the Eye of Ice and Fire!

The Eye of Ice and Fire Liangyi is a place where extreme cold and extreme heat converge, it is extremely rare, and there are many fairy grasses in it, but Dugu Bo guards the treasure land and does not know how precious the treasure is.

"With the medicinal herbs here and senior's poison experience, I'm 80% sure to cure senior, but I have to add one more condition."

"Boy, don't go too far!" Dugu Bo said with a cold face.

"I didn't ask for this condition for myself, but for that senior. That senior should be very interested in this place." Tang San said.

Dugu Bo stopped talking, and finally choked out a sentence, "It's as long as that senior is happy."

Tang San smiled.

In the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi, except for a few plants that can be used by himself and his father, the rest can be given to Bailiyuan, because Bailiyuan has helped him and his father so much, and gave them as a reward for himself. Nothing.

Even disciples of the Tang Sect know what the grace of a drop of water is, and they should repay it with a spring.

And Bailiyuan shouldn't be able to take this Binghuo Liangyi Eye with him, he can use it by himself.

Tang San could feel that the environment here was very suitable for his Blue Silver Grass Wuhun cultivation, and in the future he could also use the power of the Ice and Fire Yinyiyan to refine his body.

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