Chapter 2116 Violent loli?

The battle between Greedy Clone and Wen Renle took place on the big soul fighting stage in the center, because both of them are soul sages, so they are naturally worthy of fighting in the center, and the audience enjoyed watching it.

In the arena, the greedy avatar spread its fallen wings, floated in mid-air, and its soul power was circulating, forming a dark aura behind it. The aura has a strong dark atmosphere, giving people great pressure, and this kind of The oppressive force and the young appearance of the greedy avatar formed a strong contrast, and the greedy avatar set off was like a little devil, which made Wen Renle feel great mental pressure.

"What kind of monster is this?!"

Especially the 100,000-year soul ring of Greedy Clone, which made Wenren feel a little bit of kidney pain. Fortunately, this 100,000-year soul ring is the seventh soul ring of Greedy Clone. Wen Renle will not face the pressure of the 100,000-year-old soul ring when he opens the martial soul avatar.

In fact, even if the spirit avatar is not used, the greedy avatar will not activate the power of the seventh spirit ring.

The first six soul rings of Greedy Clone are the soul rings he condensed with his own strength, corresponding to the soul skills of six attributes, namely - spirit, space, time, wind, lightning, and darkness.

This is almost also the attribute of the Dark Devilgod Tiger.

And his seventh soul ring corresponds to the last attribute, which is also the strongest attribute - the ultimate evil attribute!

No matter what spirit beast the seventh spirit ring comes from and how old it is, it will be infected by the extremely evil attribute of the greedy avatar's own martial soul. That is to say, as long as the greedy avatar uses the power of the seventh spirit ring, it will be exposed. own extreme evil power.

Dark attribute soul masters can exist in this world, but evil attribute soul masters cannot exist.

Therefore, the greedy avatar will not use the seventh soul ring easily, unless there are no outsiders around, and because of this, the most evil domain attached to the top martial soul cannot be used. It can be said that the greedy avatar has drained a lot of water.

"Let's fight, let's fight!" Greedy clone raised his hands, "The sixth soul skill, Dark Demon Heaven!"

The terrifying dark giant appeared.

Wen Renle's hair stood on end, what kind of soul skill is this? He shouted directly, breaking through the fear: "The sixth soul skill, the spear is like a dragon!"

The Broken Star Spear in Wen Renle's hand turned into a long dragon with lightning, stabbing out obliquely.

The battle on the soul fighting stage became a fight between the dark giant and the thunder dragon.

At the same time, Xiao Wu and Tang San were also fighting their opponents on another two-person soul fighting arena. Their opponents were two twenty-seventh level attack system soul masters.

There is nothing to say about the battle here, what really interests the audience is the age of Xiao Wu and Tang San.

Tang San was already ready to make a move, but Xiao Wu showed a strength that didn't match her age.

Xiao Wu covered her face with one hand, her eyes looked out from the gap between her fingers, at the same time the second soul ring flickered, her eyes glowed pink.

"Second Soul Technique, Charm Illusion!"

Charm is a control-type soul skill. It emits a seductive pink light through the eyes to confuse the opponent and make the opponent's actions sluggish.

Charm is also an application of psychic power.

But this kind of application is a bit rough to Uchiha Shisui, they are all playing with the eyes, and the Uchiha clan can be said to be experts, so he also simply taught Xiao Wu a hand, so there is the charm illusion - using charm as the basis Basic, unfold other illusions.

Charm·Fox Mind Art.

Then Tang San saw that the two opponents seemed to be trapped in a maze, walking back and forth with blank eyes, and at the same time became defenseless.

This made Tang San click his tongue a little, "I don't know if my Purple Demon Eyes can see through this skill? But I have to say, I am worthy of being the child next to that senior."

Xiao Wu smiled, she was very satisfied. According to Master Uchiha Shisui's teaching, using the enchanting soul technique and imitating the fox's heart technique, the truly powerful effect is not only to produce a similar confusing ability, but also to develop the single-body skill of charm into a skill that can be used against multiple people. The group attack skill used by the target.

"The first soul skill, instant waist bow!"

bang bang!

The two opponents were kicked out of the soul fighting arena by Xiao Wu and won the soul fighting.

Xiao Wu walked back to Tang San's side, "How is it, is Miss Xiao Wu strong?"

"Strong!" Tang San smiled and gave a thumbs up.

"Go back and watch Sister Nicole's battle, Sister Nicole is stronger!"

Tang San nodded, he still knew what Xiao Wu said.

But at this time, the audience cheered, they shouted the combination of Xiao Wu and Tang San.

"Rabbits eat grass!"

"Rabbits eat grass!"

"Rabbits eat grass!"

Tang San blushed for a while, and hastily quickened his pace.


On the soul fighting stage, Nicole collided with the magic bull soul master.

Fist for fist!


Nicole actually caught the fist of the demon cow soul master!

All the audience is boiling.


"Isn't that really a monster in a lolita coat?"

"Violent loli? I love it."

Ning Fengzhi and Jian Douluo also clicked their tongues as they watched, and at the same time, they thought of their little princess Ning Rongrong raising her fist to fight against a strong man... I'm afraid she will die, and there is a sense of rhythm.

In fact, if analyzed from a human point of view, Nicole's situation is indeed surprising enough, but the crux of the problem is that Nicole is not a human being, she is an ice rock pillar, to be precise, a human-shaped ice rock pillar.

The body density and strength of the Ice Rock Pillar family far exceeds that of humans.

Although the small ice rock pillar of the Bailiyuan contract is positioned as a battlefield control unit, if it is a close combat, ordinary enemies cannot break through her defense at all.

But even so, Nicole would still fight with Xiao Wu every day, practicing the practice of being beaten.

Nicole's bright spine itself has the ability to protect herself, and now Nicole's body is covered with an invisible ice crystal armor, which is enough to help Nicole resist pressure.

Although Nicole's martial soul still has no soul ring attached, Nicole has already mastered many fighting abilities of the Bingyanzhu clan.

This is the advantage and strength of the descendants of the beast.

The demon bull soul master's eyes sank, and the first and second soul rings flickered one after another.

"Second Soul Skill, Bull Roar Enhancement, Moo—"

"The first soul skill, Mad Cow Fist!"

After the roar of the bull, the body of the demon cow soul master was covered with a layer of white light, and then countless fist shadows enveloped Nicole.

A phantom of an iceberg emerged, protecting Nicole in it.

This is exactly Nicole's martial soul, with a bright spine!

The mad cow fist of the magic cow soul master failed to break the defense of the bright spine.

Nicole kept a stern face and clasped her hands together.

"Shaping of Ice!"

Under Nicole's control, the ice gradually changed its shape.

The demon cow soul master was about to increase his strength, when he saw a wild boar made of ice rushing towards him, hitting his chest directly, knocking him flying, and pushing him to the bottom of the fighting spirit stage.

During this period, the demon cow soul master naturally wanted to resist, but the wild boar's strength was so great that it didn't make any sense when he pushed him off the soul fighting platform.

"Winner, the cutest ice pillar ever!" shouted the host.

Nicole raised her small fist in a victorious gesture.

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