Chapter 2102 Darkness Falls

Bailiyuan broke the shield! ?

The crack gradually widened.

Hoddle seemed to be taken aback. He didn't even care that Olinson's milk bottle exploded in the hammer and he was drenched in milk.

"Hey, hey, this is not an ordinary shield."

This is a defense that can resist the dragon's breath, and it is full of dark power. The most effective means to deal with such a shield should be holy light.

But Bailiyuan seemed to simply press the pad on the shield, and even gave the impression that he didn't exert any force.

Hoddle hurriedly grabbed all the fragments of authority, and then stared at Bailiyuan. At this moment, Bailiyuan felt extremely dangerous to him.

He knew that this was not his illusion, but Baili Yuan at this moment, which looked like the darkness that was going to swallow everything...

"No, the dark power in the shield is being controlled by him!" The corner of Hoddle's eyes trembled.


The shield was completely shattered, and the dark power did not dissipate, but condensed behind Baili Yuan.

Bailiyuan tilted her head.

Using darkness in front of the ruler of darkness is like playing with an axe, Guan Gong's sword in front of Guan Gong's door, and Ace's body in front of Ace. It's so ridiculous.

"Little cat, let's have a discussion, how about you let me go?" Hoddle suddenly laughed.

Baili Yuan's answer was that the dark force behind him turned into a ferocious grimace.

It was also at this moment that Hoddle suddenly became violent, and his ferocious left hand grabbed Bailiyuan.

Hoddle didn't choose to run away, because he sensed that Bailiyuan's qi mechanism had already locked on him. As long as he showed timidity or retreated, he would definitely be greeted with a stormy attack from Bailiyuan.

So he chose to take the initiative to attack.

Although there is no powerful armor, Hoddle itself also possesses great strength.

"I'll help you!" Adolf didn't go to Angelina's side like the others, but kept an eye on Hodl's situation. When he saw Hodl being targeted by Baili Yuan, he immediately chose to make a move.

"No matter what, Hoddle, you must give me an explanation today!"

Adolf was entwined with golden grudge, and slammed into Hodl.

The emperor also noticed the change, "You go too, take down Hodr!"

The commander of the city guard and the captain of the palace guard exchanged glances, and then led people forward.

"Take down His Royal Highness Hoddle!"

It's just that Bailiyuan didn't want to let them intervene.

Because they can't cooperate with Bailiyuan.

The dark grimace rushed towards Hodr, collided with Hodr, blocked Hodr's attack, and then exploded suddenly, plunging the surroundings into darkness.

Darkness Control·Darkness Falls!

Sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch.

People who are shrouded in darkness lose all five senses, as if they were excluded from the world by the darkness and fell into a state of nothingness.

It was a fierce battlefield just now, but in a blink of an eye, he came to a pitch-black space and lost his five senses, which surprised Hoddle.

The other people who were shrouded in darkness couldn't help but stop, became vigilant, and chose to retreat immediately, but because they lost their five senses, their actions became uncoordinated.

Moreover, with the passage of time, not only the five senses, but also their other perceptions are also lost. The most important thing is that they are aware that they are beginning to lose their perception of their body and strength.

In front of the master of darkness, sink into the darkness completely.

This is not an attacking ability, but it is more dangerous than those attacking abilities.

The darkness is like a swamp, restricting everyone in place, and this restriction is due to the reaction of their own bodies.

The body weaves a cage for them, imprisoning them.

Others outside the darkness stared at the darkness, but did not dare to approach it easily.

It was quiet in the dark, and no sound came out.

"What kind of power is this?"

Orlinson, recovering from the loss of his hammer, noticed the darkness.

"Olinson, what is this? Do you understand?" Lafite came over and asked.

"I'm just a child." Olinson wiped his nose. In fact, his little head was full of great doubts.

Lord Michael actually used the moonlight incarnation of Lord Sariel today, and now he has used such a powerful dark power.

"My lord is amazing!"

No matter what, the angelic aura on Bailiyuan's body is unmistakable. Even if Bailiyuan is not Lord Michael or Lord Sariel, Bailiyuan who can draw on their strength must be worthy of respect and follow exist.

You can still respect Baili Yuan as you respect the two adults.

In the darkness, Hoddle realized the danger of the situation, and he had gradually lost control over the power in his body.

But... I haven't lost yet!

Hoddle concentrated his energy and forcibly controlled the power in his body.

Power flows in Hoddle's body, but because Hoddle gradually lost control over his own power, when he mobilized the power in his body, he inevitably caused damage to himself, causing his body to explode in many places, blood spurting, but he lost Sensational Hoddle feels no pain at all.

This is the scariest place.

Baili Yuan came to Hoddle, saw Hoddle covered in blood, and Hoddle's open eyes, those eyes had lost focus and brilliance, they didn't blink, as if they were blind.

"Meow meow meow~"

Baili Yuan didn't say much, just raised his paw, and grabbed a few fragments of authority into his paw.

Old iron, this is not fun.

Hoddle didn't know what Bailiyuan had done, but he finally achieved his goal with his own power.

The black chains restricting summoning appeared again, and then shattered one after another.

The restriction on summoning is lifted.

Bailiyuan naturally noticed this change, he couldn't help being taken aback, and hastily patted Hoddle's body with his paw, but then Bailiyuan's paw was bounced away.

A dark portal gradually emerged behind Hodur, on which were carved reliefs of countless demons and skeletons.

At the same time as the portal emerged, Hoddle seemed to have left the space he was in, arriving at an untouchable world.

Bailiyuan watched everything and did not take any action.

With his conscious body coming, he can't do anything about this situation.

"Is there anyone behind? That door... is it connected to the plane of hell? But the mark has been laid, you can't escape."

On Hoddle's right arm, a cat's paw imprint flickered, and then hid in Hoddle's body.

The portal opened a gap and sucked Hodur in, then the portal closed again and gradually disappeared.

Seeing Hoddle running away, Bailiyuan also dissipated the surrounding darkness.


Hell plane.

Hoddle's body fell into a hall, and then fell into a coma.

A mysterious figure sat above the main hall.

"Hoddle... eh? How did he get hurt so badly? Is this a joke? I just said that this plan won't work. That guy is obviously so stable, why are his descendants like this? They can obviously develop in secret. A behind-the-scenes BOSS, you have to end it yourself, for what? Just for fun?"

Although the figure kept complaining, she still got up and picked up Hoddle and took him to heal his injuries.

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